Walter Cronkite: Trail Blazer of Bias

He signed off with "And that's the way it is." But that wasn't necessarily so

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The man who boosted WWII war production

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Own a gun in San Jose? Get ready to pay for it

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No One Went to Prison for the Valdez disaster, but John Pozsgai is an environmental criminal?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford


Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

When “journalists” are liars

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Era of Big Government Thrives at the IRS

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Tax reform must not hit real people at home

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FBI Mass Murder Of The Branch Davidians At Waco And The Establishment Collusion To Cover It Up

Major network TV specials claimed to tell us what happened. They instead told government lies most still believe.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

When the media defended Second Amendment rights

Chicago's St. Valentine’s Day massacre created demands for unconstitutional Second Amendment curtailments

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

The Uplifters Try It Again

Elitist schemes to eliminate or narrow constitutional rights are nothing new

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Waco Skepticism and Counterskepticism

Gifford Responds to Jeffreys

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds

New discoveries about the human mind show the limitations of reason. To wit: The vaunted human capacity for reason may have more to do with winning arguments than with thinking straight.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

You back the blue, so why doesn’t it back you?

Police leaders oppose all sorts of Second Amendment rights, yet both gun owners and the NRA continue to support police

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Why are professors writing crap that nobody reads?

Yet another Ivory Tower title from out of touch eggheads within seeking to influence politicians to make more bad law

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Twilight of the Fudds

Based on a specious reading of federal law, FUDDs claim the Second Amendment only protects sporting arms, not arms suitable for defense of self or the republic. Will the recent riots jolt FUDDerry into its sunset fade?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford


The beguiling power of Marxist Rhetoric

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The NRA’s Appeasement Path to Defeat

Stop Pulling Punches and Bloody Some Faces!

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From Petitio Principii To Lubrico Fastigio

The road to red flag hell is paved with fallacy

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Red coats to red flag laws to bloody red revolt

The past is prologue as ideology driven politicians and activists clear the path to national perdition

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Why do we have a National Firearm Act tax?

It was the doing of the most principled of US Attorney Generals

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Who Wants Roger Stone Dead?

A Man Who Knows Too Much

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

UFOs ‘were always there’ …

'secret spyware upgrade' exposed them

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

What Beto Said …

Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

When the Modern Gun Control Movement Started

Where were you when you heard?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

“We choose truth over facts!”

When presidential candidate Joe Biden said that, he nailed the core of anti Second Amendment activism.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Do Police Really fake Evidence and Lie?

The unfortunate answer is yes

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Social Disorder and the Lack of Religion

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

All for Guns and Guns for All

Dan Gifford finds ample support for private ownership of military-style weapons in the Second Amendment.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Resistance by Citizens

Is there a right of self defense against police?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Remembering Chairman Sam

"The Constitution should be taken like mountain whiskey: Undiluted and untaxed."

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Gun Control Doesn’t Equal Crime Control

It's a ruse to keep from talking about the real causes of crime and lunatic killers

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Conviction: This Decade’s Most Important Film

How many in prison were put there by police and prosecutorial perjury and false evidence?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Tommy and Nancy: Like Father, Like Daughter?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

How Reality TV Pollutes Our Minds

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Why Won’t the Media Cover the Black Panther Scandal?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Exclusive: James Cameron Talks Tough, Runs From Fight, Lets Flunkie Take Blame

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Exclusive: James Cameron’s Chickened Out of Global Warming Debates Before

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REVIEW: ‘The Kids Are All Right’ Tells Us We Don’t Need Fathers

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Franken’s Felony Vote News Blackout

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Film Review: In ‘Get Low’ Robert Duvall is Seamless

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Film Review: Anti-Capitalist Melodrama Grounds ‘The Flight of the Swan’

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

‘Animal Kingdom’ Review: Melbourne Confidential

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Bootstrap Christian Film Community Does it Without Hollywood

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‘100 Voices: A Journey Home’ Review

Important Record of a Culture Almost Lost

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

‘Winter’s Bone’ Review: Tells Compelling Story, Avoids Stereotypes

Terror in the Ozarks

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Watch for ‘Crazy Christian’ Sucker Punches in ‘Stone’

Hollywood Christians are almost always off balance

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Superheroes Reflect Their Times

Vicarious super powers help us deal with current reality

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Robbin Hood

Did he really rob the rich to give to the poor?

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Hollywood Receives Government Help — Why No Salary Caps?

Tinseltown big shots want caps on taxpayer supported Wall Street traders. Why not on taxpayer supported Hollywood machas?

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Michael Moore’s Audacious Lies

The spreader of outright lies and half truths to advance his politics make him millions

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Treasonous Teddy: Chappaquiddick Only the Beginning

He offered to help the Soviets for personal political gain

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Walter Cronkite: Trailblazer of Bias

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“Whatever Works” Doesn’t

Who says time travel isn’t possible

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"Fix CNBC" activists want it to be Wall Street's cop

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Stewart, Santelli And Sarcasm

Jon Stewart invokes hypocritical sophistry for a laugh

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The ‘America Is Arming Mexico’s Drug Gangs’ Lie

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

A Fabio Fourth of July

Fabio knows what the 4th of July is really about

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Loose Lips Get Snitched

It's a Twilight Zone world where our electronics spy on us.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

“Show Me the Man, and I’ll Find you the Crime”

That chilling boast by Stalin's secret police chief is almost literally true today for California gun owners. Will our new president change that?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Confiscation Nation

Political pressure is building for federal laws to empower police seizure of personal firearms as an alleged public safety measure. But will it stop there?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Rebranding the Gun Culture

How Does the NRA stop being "the gun lobby?"

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

The NRA Needs a New Face

The messenger matters. And Wayne LaPierre, Dana Loesch and gloating elephant hunters are the wrong messengers for today.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Yes, there is a Hollywood Blacklist

That’s the affirmative answer to “Is there a Hollywood Blacklist?” that's often asked

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Are Mass Killers Krazy?

About 20% are, say mental health professionals. But what about the rest?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Should Citizens Have Weapons of War?

Yes. Americans have always owned them because that was the intent of the Founders who wrote the Second Amendment

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Them Cultural Appropriation, Ebonics Etymology Sussex Blues

Sometimes, Things Ain't What they Seem

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?

Because they're paranoid, neurotic and racist!

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Hotel Mumbai lessons

Any gathering can attract a Hotel Mumbai style massacre, that's why Civilian Firearm Carry is a Must

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

July 4th could have been a German holiday

The British had disarmed its cititizens

Article in Quote to Note By pwsadmin

Should we pay slavery reparations?

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The Four who Prevented Nuclear Annihilation

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Is Hollywood a propaganda purveyor?

Yes. And it always has been

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Andrew Breitbart’s Death: Some Uncomfortable Reality

Article in Quote to Note By Dan Gifford

Cinema’s Civil War

Hollywood's version is not what those at the time say happened

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The Question Politicians Dare not ask in Baltimore

When public high schools had rifle teams and students carried their guns in public, why didn’t we have school shootings?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

My jury summons quandary

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Was Wild West Gun Control Stricter Than Today’s?

No. Laws against gun carry in Dodge City and Tombstone were about disarming political and crime rivals, not public safety

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

The Centers for Disease Control et Lysenkoism

It's the reason Congress banned CDC gun research

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

D-Day could have been a German Holiday

General Eisenhower had two press statements. One announced a successful allied invasion of Normandy. The other, its failure.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

More “Gun Control” Public Safety Laws in “Wild West” Than Today?

Nonsense. Laws against carrying weapons protected gangs that ran towns from rival gangs.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Will ABC Really Tell Us What Happened At Waco In 1993?

If ABC’s “Truth and Lies: Waco” documentary trailer is any indication, it will simply fortify the Waco lies.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Will ABC really tell us what happened at Waco in 1993?

If ABC’s ‘Truth and Lies: Waco’ documentary trailer is any indication, it will simply fortify the Waco lies.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Nancy Pelosi Und Power

The House Minority Leader is known for iron fisted party discipline and intimidation. Where did she learn to do that so effectively?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Dershowitz: A Man for All Seasons

Like Sir Thomas More, the emeritus Harvard law professor places conscience, principle and higher law above partisan politics.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

What’s the Main Source of Fake News?

It ain't loners blogging in their underwear. It's real reporters in real news rooms

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Conviction: This Decade’s Most Important Film

How many in prison were put there by police and prosecutorial perjury and false evidence?

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

It’s about confiscation

Eventual confiscation of privately owned firearms via a series of “reasonable” laws is the stated goal of gun control activists no matter what the Constitution allows

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Armenian Genocide Documentary Misleads

Armenians who kept their guns and fought back largeley survived

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford

Letter from Valley Forge, 1778 …

Captain William Gifford of the Third New Jersey Regiment to his best friend, Colonel Benjamin Holme of the New Jersey Militia.

Article in Uncategorized By Dan Gifford