
America’s future philosopher queen?

“What can be unburdened by what has been”

Story Roundup …

Representative Eli Crane Notes Report that Assassin Thomas Crook’s House was Scrubbed of Evidence Prior to Investigati
Black Lives Matter Turns on Democratic Party For‘Anointing’ Kamala Harris

Harris earns $231M in donations on first day of presidential campaign
Poll: Just 37% Say Kamala Harris Should Be Democrat Nominee

Murder Trump? One inch from civil war
The influence of social media on murder
What happens next after attempt to murder Trump ?

Left Join Entertainment Elites to Mock Trump’s Ear Bandage After Assassination Attempt

Assassination Attempt Was Inevitable

Trump picks J.D. Vance for his veep

CNN Et Media Make  Outrageous Remarks About Vance

Local Police Confronted Would-Be Trump Assassin on Roof But Then Retreated – Shooter Proceeded to Try to Kill Trump
“Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure

Senator Charles Schumer warning to Trump: “You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you,”

“Time to Put Trump in the Bullseye” Biden told Dem donors
Donald Trump Jr. Slams Media, Democrats for Trying to Blame ‘Both Sides’ for Assassination Attempt

‘Catastrophic Failure’: Secret Service Under Scrutiny After Trump Assassination Attempt
“Shooter was so close and visible that even some rally-goers spotted the shooter and took video as he was attempting to assassinate Trump”
“Multiple witnesses also claimed they tried to flag the shooter to the Secret Service and police”

Power-hungry first lady’s Kamala grudge so deep only thing worse than Joe stepping down is VP replacing him
  • 15 Lies Biden Told During His ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference
  • The Democrats who could replace Biden on the ticket
Abraham Lincoln was queer?
A dubious claim revived

Seen yesterday on streets of Left Coast
An old sticker or a new push?
And yes, I have heard him being talked up
Buttigieg talks with WHYY News about presidential election

Mainstream media’s cover-up of Biden’s decline

Who is really running the White House?

Bette Midler Suggests Biden Arrest Republicans

And …

Allow FBI to Use Deadly Force to Regain Democrat House Majority

The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden
  • Biden’s mental decline like a dark family secret for many elite supporters
  • Terrified Dems have dystopian theory about real reason for keeping Biden in power as shocking new claims about his decline emerge
  • Biden Tells Black-Owned Philly Radio Station He’s “Proud” to Be “The First Black Woman to Serve with a Black President” (AUDIO)

A Fabio Fourth of July!
Prez now above law …

Supremes: President Can Now legally Assassinate You if an “official act”

BBC presenter calls for Biden to have Trump murdered!!

Supreme Court: Trump has absolute immunity for core constitutional “official acts”
No  immunity for “unofficial actsCBS Poll: 72% voters say Biden should not be running
But USA Election Poll sez 55% Dem voters want Biden
Top aides shielded Biden, but couldn’t hide the debate
Jill Biden takes flak for urging Joe to carry o

Assassination of Donald Trump painting $20,000

Be careful, Donald
Trump is deeply hated by the Deep State, by many Democrats in politics, and by those with contacts in what passes in some pathetic circles for the media
The communist, globalist, and Islamist agendas, foreign and domestic, are in grave danger from Trump and his voters should he win

Black America Reacts To Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance

‘The Sopranos’ Star Drea de Matteo Says Hollywood Will ‘Take Me Out Into the Woods and Shoot Me for Not Endorsing Biden’

The 1966 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute rifle team
Its members and others like it around the country carried their rifles and ammunition on public transportation, on the street and in their school
And nobody shot anyone!

Now there’s a public safety health crisis because of guns sez U.S. Surgeon General
Calls for more gun control
What’s different now than then?
Isn’t this really a people problem?

Andrew Cuomo confesses
Bragg, James Cases Wouldn’t Have Been Brought Against Anyone Other than Trump!

Bill Maher Questions Media Constructed Pro Biden Polling
British Court Reveals Republican Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016 and He Hid This For Years! (VIDEO)

Map shows Chinese-owned farmland next to 19 US military bases in ‘alarming’ threat to national security

Why Do We Let China Buy So Much American Farmland?
Or do we?
No, China not buying up U.S. farmland sez Cornell study

NYC Residents Revolt Over Illegals After Brutal Assault of 13-Year-Old
But …
CBS, NBC OMIT Reporting On Illegal Alien Rapist Caught By Citizens In NYC
Meanwhile in Houston …

Family of Karate instructors saves Texas woman from sexual assault

Supreme Court reviewing case that could impact your individual liberty…
… And you probably haven’t heard about it
The Administrative State: A Tyranny of the Unelected
Same issue Supreme Court’s Bump Stock Ruling concerned
That case about ATF’s statutory authority, not the Second Amendment
Federal bureaucrats do not have authority to invent new crimes by rewriting the law

Be Prepared for Chaos By Left
‘Jihadist’ with terrifying trunk of weapons arrested in NYC
The Strange Finances of Biden’s Terror Ambassador
“Threat to American Democracy” – AOC Attacks First Amendment
How Left-wing Conspiracies Work

Supreme Court rejects federal ban on gun ‘bump stocks’ et “pistol braces”
“ATF Exceeded Its Statutory Authority”
Rules Unconstitutional
  • Upholds the Rule of Law by Rejecting Ban
  • Six justices agreed federal regulators misconstrued statutory definition of a machine gun
  • ” … a fresh blow to firearm-regulation efforts … attachments let a semiautomatic rifle fire at speeds rivaling a machine gun”
  • When the media defended Second Amendment rights

Phony ‘news’ portals surpass US newspaper sites, say researchers
  • Propaganda-spewing partisan websites leave millions without legitimate local coverage”
  • Russian disinformation sites linked to former Florida deputy sheriff
  • Massive Partisan Green Billionaire ‘Climate Emergency’ Funding in Mainstream Media
  • Independent Reporter Exposes False Reporting by CBS News’ Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims

Calling All Reluctant Trumpers
  • We must be clear eyed about situation we face
  • MSNBC analyst urges military to stop Trump’s election
  • Civil War if Trump Goes to Prison or elected?
  • The Swamp’s Rational Hatred for  Trump
  • Elites like celebrities, journalists, and politicians, used to love Trump –until he ran for President as a Republican
  • Hit parade of lies from the Left
  • Americans and western world in general  losing enthusiasm for government-centered solutions
Trump running as convicted felon: Badge of honor, or stumbling block?
Democrat Congressional Candidate Proposes RE-EDUCATION CAMPS for Trump Supporters

Illinois city that never had slaves sued for paying hundreds of Black residents $25,000 in slavery reparations

Roman slave auction
What about far more numerous enslaved whites?
Should we today pay for historical slavery

The look that tells the book

Joe Biden’s Daughter Ashley Admits Her Diary Entries Are Real In Court Letter
‘Showers With Dad’
She accused her father, Joe Biden, of inappropriate sexual behavior at a young age

Lady Justice redefined
A Pyrrhic Democrat win?
The Trump Verdict and the Collapse of the Rule of Law

Upside-Down Flags Become Symbol for Republicans Protesting Trump Verdict

Happy ‘Menstrual Hygiene Day’ !!!
Biden Administration Announces ‘Menstrual Hygiene Day’ for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld
5 Ways Employers Can Make Workplaces More Menstruation-Friendly
“To propagate the agenda of sustainable menstruation”

Biden Reminds West Point Grads of their Political Duty to Interfere in Elections if Dem’s Leftist Vision of Government Threatened
What did they fight and die for?
  • Emails Reveal John Kerry and Obama Admin. Blocked Arrest of Dangerous Terrorists at Least 8 Times
  • FBI Defends Deadly Force Authorization during Mar-a-Lago Raid
  • Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court: A trial that has nothing to do with law
  • FBI Mass Murder Of Branch Davidians At Waco And The Establishment Collusion To Cover It Up
  • Etc .

The internet is disappearing, study says
Almost 40% of webpages from 2013 no longer exist, research finds
Valuable history gone
New sites and info not making up for losse

Bernie Sanders Makes Scathing Rebuke of Israel

How does anyone explain liberal Jews?

FBI Staged Fake Photo of Classified Documents at Trump home for PR Purposes
Top Secret labeled folders brought by FBI and documents inserted in them by agents

Long history of FBI lies
FBI crime lab evidence fabrication
FBI Misled Congress on Steele Dossier
FBI scandals

Pro-Palestinian protesters backed by Biden’s biggest donors
From Soros to Rockefeller to Gates, how Biden’s donors indirectly fund campus protests with plausible deniability

DC National Guard whistleblower claims Trump effectively stripped of his commander-in-chief powers on January 6

Authority ignored by senior military leadership that day
Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, Matthews claims, was more than happy to lean into a concocted narrative and blame the entire ordeal on the then-president

American protestors being trained in violence und rhetorical manipulation
  • Georgetown Professor Dubs Black US Congressman ‘Race Traitor’ and ‘Uncle Tom’
  • Dem Candidate Sue Altman Partnered With Anti-Israel Group Behind Rutgers University Encampment
  • Columbia Law Review Demands Cancellation of Exams, Cite Trauma From Police on Campus
  • Houthi Terrorists Offer Education to Anti-Israel Protesters Suspended From Elite Universities
  • Harvard Commencement Speaker Likens Israel to Hitler

Elite Schools Muster Jew Screeners

Students Arrested May Now Face Criminal Cases
Student protest supporters cheer as arrestees released after processing

Elite schools install Jew detectors

Professional agitators like Lisa Fithian stoke violence at Columbia et other schools … Video shows her in action
Will it be1968 all over again?

Rooting for the hate camp protesters
“Because the protests are revealing the rot in American universities. The system that used to be the envy of the world has strangled under the stultifying, anti-intellectual yoke of DEI, wokeism, anti-merit, one-party rule that is delivered by greedy, wasteful, heavy-handed, over-numerous, group-thinking bureaucrats”
Bill Maher reverses course after previously bashing NY v Trump case: Alvin Bragg will be a ‘rising star’. HBO host had called indictment a ‘colossal mistake’
Alvin Bragg and The Art of Not Taking Law Too Seriously
A significant ruling
Federal Judge Rules Pelosi’s House of Representatives Acted Unconstitutionally in Passing $1.7 Trillion Federal Budget

Useful idiot
“I wish I was more educated”
New York University video shows many students protesting there have no idea why

Supreme Court Poised to Agree with Trump: Former Presidents Are Immune from Some Prosecutions

New Left thinks Hamas is good and Swastikas are woke
Are pogroms next?
  • Columbia Denies Campus Access to Jewish, Pro-Israel Professor …
  • Full-blown crisis as rabbi tells Jewish students to ‘return home’ for own safety
  • Have National Guard to protect Jewish college students say GOP Senators
  • Billionaire Patriots Owner Yanks Support From Columbia U, ‘No Longer an Institution I Recognize’
  • Double Speak: What Kathy Hochul, Chuck Schumer Are Saying About Columbia University’s Pro-Hamas Protests
Spreading …

NYU Asks Police Help to Control Anti-Semitic Protests on Campu

U.S. to sanction IDF infantry unit for human rights violations
Israel aghast
Netanyahu to reject any sanctions

12 jurors picked for Donald Trump’s trial. Selection of alternates ongoing
  • New Report Confirms Trump Won’t Receive Fair Trial
  • Dems want to send Trump to prison without Secret Service protection
  • Dershowitz: Why Trump has drawn ‘a bad jury‘ for his trial and what most likely outcome will

Are We Staring At World War III ?
  • World troubles are being escalated by political elites despite the fact the general public is opposed
  • A dangerous tendency in US diplomacy: Hawks are increasingly hijacking US’ foreign policy

All of Our Covid Policies Failed
New Report Details Horrifying Cost of Fauci’s Failures

‘I Cannot Call Evacuation a Success’
New Details of Afghanistan Chaos

Apple Developing Robot As “Next Big Thing” After Dumping Electric Car Project

An ISIS-K Attack in the US?
‘I Think This Is Inevitable‘ Sez Former Top General Frank McKenzi

Hamas commander kisses Associated Press photog
  • Associated Press now worldwide propagandist and protector for Hamas and other Islamic terrorists
  • Provides cover for Hamas military intelligence and rocket attacks

Legacy Media Unleashes Trump “Bloodbath Hoax”

Supreme Court Hears Arguments Biden Admin Censored Social Media Posts

Two lower courts found “coordinated campaign … orchestrated by federal officials that jeopardized a fundamental aspect of American life” and democracy

Biden follows Marxist professors Cloward-Piven’s strategy to run up the national debt to unsustainable levels, cause government collapse and replacement with communism

  • Unmasking the Radical Cloward-Piven Strategy: The Hidden Agenda Behind Mass Migration
  • What Happens When The Green Light Is Given To Millions Of Radicals To Cause Widespread Chaos All Over America?

US TikTok ban vote sparks anger among users, creators and politicians

Users flooding Congress with calls

The New Science on What Ultra-Processed Food Does to Your Brain

Studies find links between these foods and changes in the way we learn, remember and feel

No Borders? No America
  • State official demands answers on Biden executive order ‘attempting to register’ illegal aliens to vote
  • Senate Democrats Siding With Illegal Immigrants Over American Citizens on Voting Power
  • How Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies Mega-Corporations With Migrants To Exploit Cheap Labor

Will political protests disrupt the Academy Awards? The LAPD prepared to prevent
  • Obscene: What’s in the $178,000 Oscars Nominee Gift Bag?
  • When Hollywood actually was pumping out Soviet propaganda

The West’s Reckoning?
It has set itself on a path of collective suicide — both moral and economic

Biden Lied 30 Times During The State Of The Union

Post your reaction to any part of  Biden State of Union here

MSNBC Cuts Off Trump Victory Speech; Claims It’s “Irresponsible” To Broadcast
  • MSNBC Legal Analyst Calls For ‘Regulation’ Of Disinformation As Trust In Corporate Media Collapses
  • Possibly The Most Overtly Racist Segment Ever On MSNBC
  • Are Today’s Progressives Actually Totalitarians?

Los Angeles Hires And Arms Illegal Aliens To Police U.S. Citizens

Major Freedom of press issue
  • Journalist Catherine Herridge Fined $800 Per Day Until She Gives Up Confidential Source
  • Had reported  a 2017 series of stories about a Chinese American scientist who was investigated by the FBI but never charged
  • Scientist Yanping Chen is suing the federal government for leaking information collected on Chen during an FBI investigation into her ties to China
  • Same judge (an Obama appointee) blocked special counsel John Durham from entering evidence against Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann that would have detailed their plot to leak false Trump-Russia info to media
  • Judge Christopher Cooper married to Dem lawyer Amy Jeffress, who represented Lisa Page

After Years of Denial, Hunter Finally Admits Joe Biden Is “The Big Guy” Who Gets 10% of His Deals

Can we handle the truth?
  • “Americans Are Being Lied To By  Media About Ukraine”
  • Former NY Times Editor Blasts “Gray Lady” For Bias And Activism
  • Does CIA building 12 secret commando  bases on Ukraine border and waging “shadow warfare” with Russia for last decade still mean Putin’s attack was unprovoked?

Let them eat Flakes
  • Kellogg’s multimillionaire CEO Gary Pilnick: poor should eat ‘cereal for dinner’
  • Sez cereal for supper “trending”
Excoriated on internet, especially as cereal prices have risen 28% over the last four years
How the Economy Changed: No Bargains Left Anywhere

U.S. Airman Dies After Setting Self on Fire Outside Israeli Embassy to Protest War in Gaza
“Had apparent links to at least two anarchist groups, Burning River Anarchist Collective and Mutual Aid Street Solidarity – both based in Ohio”

CIA trained Ukraine commandos
CIA Built “12 Secret Spy Bases” In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, NYT Report Confirms

Acclaimed investigative reporter Catherine Herridge fired by CBS … files seized
  • An ‘unprecedented’ move
  • Was investigating Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal
  • Files contained sensitive confidential sources about government corruption
  • Judge ordered her to reveal sources
  • Sources likely at risk
  • CBS faces uproar
  • SAG-AFTRA Condemns Herridge Firing and file seizure
  • House Judiciary Committee launches probe into firing

Democrats are the Real Enemies of Democracy
  • Democrats ‘Defending Democracy’ With Threats to Burn Down the System
  • ‘America is being destroyed‘ by the Democratic Party
  • California Democrats Demand Insurance Companies Report How Many Firearms You Have In Your Home
  • It’s about confiscation

“They made the laws to criminalize our culture – black culture”
Celebrity attorney Ben Crump on MSNBC: Crime is simply black culture and should be legalized

FBI Director Christopher Wray (left), former CIA Director Gina Haspel (center), and former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats (right), testify at Senate Intelligence Committee on January 29, 2019
U.S. government hiding documents that incriminate intelligence community for illegal spying and election interference
Former CIA Director Gina Haspel blocked the release of “binder” with evidence that may identify her role in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax

Taylor Swift et Travis Kelce become richest power couple in entertainment …

Taylor Swift jumps for joy as Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl in nail-biter overtime game

‘Shame on the NFL’: Performance of ‘Black National Anthem’ Sparks Backlash

Everything you need to know about Sunday’s Super Bowl

Fact check: Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce and the Super Bowl

America’s state media: Blackout on Biden corruption truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’
  • What happened when NBC News tried to report on Hunter Biden emails
  • Why Is the Media Protecting Joe Biden?

Inside Biden’s obsession with “Morning Joe”

Sen. Marco Rubio: Ignore the Media. Here’s the Real Reason the Border ‘Deal’ Collapse

Why Joe Biden Wants Open Border Despite Terror Threat
  • Southern border a key issue in Washington and the presidential race
  •  Border deal’s forgotten problem: Progressives
  • Democrats risk progressive rebellion as Biden embraces border dea

Flashback: Richard Nixon Trashes ‘Media-Elitist Complex’
How Insidious, Particular U.S. Corporate Media Censorship Threatens Free Speech

It’s Groundhog Day!
Punxsutawney Phil Sees No Shadow, Predicts Early Spring

Ban gangsta rap videos?
Cop Killing Prompts Push to Ban ‘Gangsta’ Rap

Controversial “music” the sound of global youth
D.C. Attorney General Tells Fed-Up Residents He Will Not Prosecute Crimes

Soros Does It Anyway … Dumps Fortune Into Texas To Fund Left Wing Operatives
Cameras Catch Mysterious SUVs Delivering Immigrants Directly to Gap in Texas Border Fence
The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States

Feds Plan to Make Trucker Convoy Another Fake “Insurrection”
Lara Logan wrote on X that the truckers should be very concerned. “Be aware – numerous sources indicate the federal govt is planning to try make this another fake “insurrection” and go after people in the convoy the same way they targeted people for exercising their constitutional rights on January 6th.. They are already tracing and tracking people through their phones, iPads etc.”
What don’t we know?
Over 100 files deleted by Jan. 6 committee days before GOP took majority: Repor

Why the change?
In 2007 Biden was asked if he would allow sanctuary cities to exist. His answer was NO
He said that sanctuary cities turn into dumps and the only reason they exist is because the Federal government doesn’t enforce the law

But in 2020, against all evidence, Biden said Illegals make cities safer and the economy better, and ICE will be instructed to stop arresting illegals, no more deportations

‘They print the narrative. They don’t print truth’
Bill Maher nails the problem with media trustworthiness

In case after case, the US MSM skews facts or simply lies

When All The Media Narratives Collapse

Is the Electoral Fix Already In?
  • Biden administration and its surrogates have dropped hint after hint the plan for winning in 2024 — against Donald Trump or anyone else — might involve something other than voting
  • “The Country Has Been Invaded“: Ex-FBI Brass Pen ‘Sobering’ Letter Over “New And Imminent Danger” From Biden’s Open Border
  • Are Biden Boosters Manipulating The ‘PredictIt’ Market For The Election?
  • Is Biden Poison-Pilling Trump?
  • Google Sharpens Censorship Knives — Labels Trump Praise As ‘Dangerous’

Six people found burned and  riddled with bullets in California desert community

‘Pure fear’
Violent California crime rising  … up 21% in Oakland

Why Women Are Walking Around Without Pants This Winter

Fear ‘Society unraveling
Why many Americans stockpiling supplies ahead of 2024 election
Fears of civil war
Next US civil war already here – we just refuse to see it

Questions that urgently need answers
  • Why have Chinese scientists made COVID-19 strain that is 100% lethal to ‘humanized’ mice?
  • Why America stupidly allow China to buy US farmland near military bases?
  • Is China Sneaking Military Personnel into the U.S. Via Border?
  • How many Hamas and Hezbollah Sleeper Cells Are Here?

3 Gun Rights Cases Before the Supreme Court You Should Know About

Congressional woke DEI: Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) Wants To Remove Statue Of Liberty – reveals self to be complete moron

Shaman performs pagan ritual over World Economic Forum leaders at Davos Summit
  • Elites’ absurd Davos crusade: Destroy freedom to save humanity
  • Argentinian prez  scolds Davos elites with common sense
  • Skewers them for pushing socialist agenda ‘that creates poverty’

January 6th Shaman agrees

The coming war against “sniper rifles”
  • Just as “assault rifle” politically redefined “semi automatic,” demonizing political word-craft will redefine “deer rifle”
  • Why?
  • Assassination attempts on rise worldwide
  • Ergo, “sniper rifles” endanger political leaders and government stability
  • Ergo, “sniper rifles” should be registered and or civilians banned from owning them

Democrats Still Delusional About Trump
  • Trump derangement syndrome: “inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and… signs of psychic pathology” in oneself
  • Trump haters claim he will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’
  • Trump’s rhetoric increasingly mirroring Nazi talking points say Democrats

  • Trump scares Washington ‘deep state’
  • NBC News Admits ‘Deep State’ Exists And Wants To Save Itself From a Trump Return

Why Some Think Taylor Swift A Pentagon ‘Psy-Op’  … being used to encourage her gazillions of young, woke Democrat fans to vote?

Washington’s mixed Taiwan message
Biden: ‘We do not support independence’ for Taiwan’ … ‘The U.S. stands with you and will protect you’ sez Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas)
US aircraft carrier deployed close to Taiwan a warning to China?

US military strikes another Houthi-controlled site after warning ships to avoid parts of Red Sea

Would you support another “Operation Wetback” to expel illegal aliens from US?

More than 1.3 million people expelled in 1953 Eisenhower-era campaign called ‘Operation Wetback.’

Largest Mass Deportation in American History

Can you recognize an unlawful order?
Trump’s lead lawyer: Presidential immunity would cover the U.S. president ordering political rivals to be assassinated (murdered) by SEAL Team Six

Would presidential immunity apply if a prez had this guy murder a rival ?

Or one who knows too much?

Ray Epps Dodges Prison Sentence – Gets Probation During Secret Hearing For Telling J6ers To Go “Into The Capitol” while Many Who Did Nothing rot in solitary confinement
Does something not smell right?
Who is Ray Epps, really?

Our Incompetent Elite  Opening America to Attack
“We’re going to see a massive terrorist attack here in the United States”
Chinese Billionaire Second-Biggest Foreign Owner of US Land
Rise of the China-Mexican Cartel Alliance

… 342 years of history gone

Woke team Biden to remove City Founder William Penn’s statue in Philadelpha
Woke team Biden changes mind
Woke pressure for Pennsylvania to change state’s name

Not since 1860 has the nation faced a presidential election so consequential and so fraught with perils
Some Possible Events That Could Throw 2024 Into Turmoil

Futurists, political analysts and other prognosticators on the possible Black Swans of the presidential campaign

If it all goes wrong, with whom will police side?
All are chasing pensions, and all are used to going along to get along.
They know what happens to people who don’t

  • Is America at breaking point from flood of illegal immigrants ?
  • California Gov. Newsom to Offer Free Health Insurance to illegal immigrants in 2024
  • Marxist 1966 Cloward and Piven plan to collapse America
  • Modern America predicted 39 years ago by Soviet KGB defector … part of long – term plan

CBS Investigative Reporter Predicts ‘Black Swan’ Event in 2024: ‘Fertile Ground for Our Adversaries’

Catherine Herridge said she’s worried a “black swan event” will rock the nation in 2024 as foreign adversaries try to capitalize on the weakened, divided state of the nation

  • US Military May Get Pulled Into Direct Conflict With Russia
  • Dutch Commander-in-Chief calls on Netherlands to prepare for war with Russia

America a Heartbeat Away From a War It Could Lose
  • Pentagon Freaking Out About Potential War With China
  • Chinese Spies Infected Dozens of Networks With Malware
  • U.S. intelligence officials say Chinese spy balloon used U.S. internet provider to communicate
  • China’s Trojan Horse Confucius Institutes Persist on Campuses
  • US Spy Cyber Chief Warns TikTok China’s Main ‘Trojan Horse’
  • If the US went to war with China, who would win? It depends how it starts

Former Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva agrees to testify about deputy gangs
They’re everywhere …
List of LASD deputy gangs
New York City police gangs
Mollen Commission report on NYPD gang corruption for which I gathered information
Democrats’ Efforts To Regulate Supreme Court driven by desire to exert power over a court that hasn’t been ruling their way on key issues

The grifter defense
  • Bidens move to embrace influence peddling with a twist
  • One of Chicago’s longest-serving Democratic lawmakers convicted of racketeering, bribery and attempted extortion
  • Chicago Residents Erupt During City Council Meeting Over Migrant Crisis: ‘Trump, Come Clean This Up’

Here comes Feckless Joe
  • Mexicans know a stupid gringo when they see one
  •   Biden Begs, Threatens Mexico to Reduce Migrant  Flood Before 2024 Election

Pentagon Fraud
  • US Department of Defense has failed its sixth annual audit in a row, but taxpayer money will keep going down that drain
  • Pentagon admitted it couldn’t account for trillions of US taxpayer money
  • The apparent indifference of the American collective – government, media, and public – to how nearly $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars will be spent speaks volumes about the overall bankrupt nature of the American establishment

  • ‘Adults in Charge’: Top Nine Degenerate Democrat Scandals Under Joe Biden
  • We Are Well Beyond Hypocrisy
  • Truth Is the Biggest Threat to Democracy in DC
  • Tesla ‘Recall’ Is Nothing of the Sort
  • “Fake News,” Lies and Propaganda: How to Sort Fact from Fiction

American Jews face 199 swatting and bomb threats across 14 states in a SINGLE day – as 2023 sees 541% spike in threats against synagogues
Boston Mayor Wu’s Only “People of Color” Allowed Xmas Bash
  • What is a person of color?
  • Mayor did not qualify to attend own party
  • “School District Decides Asians Aren’t Students of Color” … they’re “white”
  • What would happen if a white mayor held a party for only white elected officials

  • Trump Now Leads Biden in All Seven Swing States
  • New York High Court Just Handed Democrats Control of the House
  • The Totalitarian Three-Step

Noam Chomsky
“Unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without the need for any official ban” — George Orwell

Conspiracy theory du jour
Are Dems using Taylor Swift as psyop to “interfere” in the 2024 election?

  • Plan: “Shill Taylor to the NFL audience by setting her up in a cringey relationship with a football player. Get everyone talking about her. Declare her Time Person of the Year for… no real reason. All this press for the next step: the political ‘Get Out The Vote’ move. Social engineering of the young generation.”
Crazy or …?

House Lawmakers Launch Formal Probe of ‘Rampant Antisemitism’ at Elite Universities
  • Why Ivy League universities are so blasé about genocide
  • 1 in 5 young Americans think Holocaust was a myth
  • The Antisemitic Campaign to Brand All Jews as Anarchists
  • How Were the Universities Lost?
  • The long march through the institutions

Dead man still walking?

“The Responsibility To Not Report”
Suppressing Stories For The Public Good?

Why Trump as Jesus Christ makes perfect sense to US evangelists
GOP braces for daily blasts from ‘orange Jesus’
Bolton: Biden Admin ‘Scared To Death Of Left Wing Extremists’
Israel Could Face ‘Strategic Defeat’ Warns Pentagon Chief
NATO chief on Ukraine war: ‘Be prepared for bad news’

Capital Crime and Cover-Up: Where Are J6 Committee Videos?

Depositions of J6 committee witnesses  missing

George Santos EXPELLED from Congress: Long Island Liar booted after Republicans join Democrats to kick him out

7 takeaways from Ron DeSantis’ debate with Gavin Newsom

Trump’s Twitter followers, likes targeted in search warrant by Special Counsel Jack Smith

Key facts about US diplomat and presidential adviser

Is America becoming a police state?
  • 7 Examples of a “Police State,” and How They Are Appearing in the U.S.
  • The growing censorship movement in America
  • Legalizing Ballot Fraud in Pennsylvania
  • Police in Maryland to continue enforcing ‘draconian’ handgun law ruled unconstitutional by court
  • California Gun Law Paves Way for Confiscation
Israel and Gun Control
Yes, Leftists Want to Take Your Guns
Why So Many Jews Embrace the Left
Curing Jews of Leftism

Banned Michael Ramirez cartoon
The Insidious Reason Why Hamas Is Releasing Hostages
There is the obvious reason that it gives Hamas days to recover and regroup, but the more insidious and dangerous reason is pure atrocity propaganda that hurts the world’s opinion of Israel

When the Modern Gun Control Movement Started
  • What We Know and Still Don’t Know About JFK’s Assassination
  • The Biggest Revelations in the Declassified JFK Assassination Files

Undeniable Evidence of Biden Corruption

This is how the left works: What The Latest Attacks On Musk Are Really All About

Turley: Don’t Count On A Trump Conviction – None Of These Cases Are Slam-Dunks

China using world’s largest known online disinformation operation to harass Americans and spread disinformation

China’s deepfake AI anchors spread disinformation on social media

AI Images of Chinese President Xi Jinping banned

Big Sister Is Watching What You Write For Your Own Good
  • New York Gov Hochul has ‘ramped up’ social media surveillance
  •  State Troopers will visit “hate speech” posters
  • DOJ, FBI and Congress team up for legal mischief
  • Hate Speech in Eye of the Beholder
  • Microsoft And Meta Detail Plans To Combat “Election Disinformation”
  • Disinformation Versus Freedom of Opinion and Expression
  • US government partnered with universities on election censorship
  • Homeland Security sued for Records Tied to Election Censorship Collusion
  • The ‘Twitter Files’ Is What It Claims to Expose

Media in Panic Mode Over Questions About Whether They Knew in Advance About Hamas Attack on Israel

Divided Aliegences
The Worrisome Decline of Patriotism in America

“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, political ideologies and religions”
“No Room in This Country for Hyphenated Americans
Theodore Roosevelt, 1915 speech

Bring back the draft? A divisive home-front battle will loom over any major war
  • Americans Don’t Want to Fight For Their Country Anymore
  • Could There Be A Military Draft 2024?
  • Why Bringing Back the Draft Could Stop America’s Forever Wars

‘Aliens,’ or foreign power? Pentagon UFO chief says someone in our backyard
  • First contact with aliens could easily end in genocide, scholars warn
  • Scientists Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact
  • Could contact unite Earth?

Spineless Washington Post Removes Hamas Cartoon After Backlash From Staff and Readers

NY Times, CNN, Reuters and AP Had Contract Reporters Embedded with Hamas Terrorists Taking Photos During Their Mass Slaughter of 1,400 unarmed Jews !
Biden Demands Gun Control for Jews!

“Guns in the right hands save lives!” says Israel’s minister for national security
  • Israel urgently asked US sell it thousands of M-16 rifles following the Hamas terror group’s Oct. 7 slaughter of more than 1,400 unarmed Israeli citizens
  • Biden won’t approve the sale until Israel guarantees the weapons won’t reach civilians
  • Civilian guns critical to Israel’s defense
  • White House Jew hatred?

Antisemitism is on the rise again. Here’s why : NPR

Trump’s Soviet Style Show Trial
When judge, jury and prosecutor are a stacked deck
Trump’s Testimony in Fraud Trial Will Not Be Televised

Why ‘Following the Money’ Isn’t Enough to Stop Organised Crime Anymore

Is the West ready for World War 3?

Even as geopolitical tensions rise, Western elites are still sabotaging our industries and energy security

‘Americans Have to Pay’ Sez Hezbollah Leader … Vows Revenge on U.S. for Supporting Israel … Turkey agrees
  • Turkey’s Erdogan wants to lead Muslim world against Israel et America
  • Open hatred of Jews now common
  • Suicide bombers volunteer
  • Expect domestic attacks sez FBI
  • “Trojan horse” terrorists  prepositiond in US due to open borders
  • Why Democrats will not close the border … How many voting migrants will it take to turn the country irrevocably blue?

The Proportioned Response, An Exercise In Idiocy

More idiocy …
Kamala Harris Heads ‘National Strategy To Counter Islamophobia’ As Deadly Islamic Encouraged Attacks on Jews Soar

 Kill “every Jew possible” sez Senior Hamas leader
  • Ghazi Hamad says Hamas will repeat October 7-like attacks until Israel and all its Jews are annihilated
  • Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology
  • Hamas Terrorist: We Shot Crying Children ‘Until We Didn’t Hear Noise Anymore’
  • New York Times Asks Why ‘Fiery’ Iran Hasn’t Killed All the Jews Yet

UC Berkeley Law School’s ‘Jew Free Zones’: the Latest Progressive Trend …

Naive/stupid college students for Pogroms in IsraeL

  • “Squad” comments on Hamas reignite Dems’ Israel tensions … refusal to condemn Hamas terror: ‘Complete disgrace’
  • Ex-New York Times writer Bari Weiss lashed out at former employer for citing pro-Palestinian experts who praised Hamas for the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 massacre
  • Israeli UN ambassador likens Hamas to Nazi SS death squads …  wears Nazi-era yellow star in protest, compares Hamas to SS death squad

  • George Soros gave over 15 million to groups backing Hamas attacks
  • Chicago mob beats black Hebrew Israelites
  • Violent mob storms Russian airport ‘looking for Jews’
  • Threats against Cornell’s Jewish students reported … told to avoid kosher dining hall after vicious threats
Media Blackout: Big News Stories Nets Chose Not to Tell You or selectively cover This Week
  • Cops visited Maine gunman’s home SIX WEEKS before massacre after worried soldier warned he was going to ‘snap and commit a mass shooting’
  • Biden family ‘cover-up’ executed by our own FBI and DOJ
  • New Jersey Democrats Face New Charges Over Election Fraud
  • Speaker Mike Johnson’s Christianity Sends Left Into Fits of Rage
  • Most US civilian firearms exports halted for 90 days
  • “The Exorcist” celebrates 50 years of man’s greatest fear
  • Why The Exorcist Still Haunts Us, 50 Years Later
  • The Haunting Real Story That Inspired The Exorcist

  • Mass shooting in Maine by Army firearms trainer who heard “voices” — said he wanted to kill — 18 dead, 13 injured

  • All-female Israeli ‘lionesses’ squad of 13 kill 100 Hamas terrorists in 14-hr gunfight
  • Israel plans to flood Hamas tunnels with nerve gas, source says
  • War with China?
Mike who!?
  • Meet Rep. Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the House
  • Key things to know about Rep. Mike Johnson, the new House speaker
Congress frozen since October 3

Miss Speaker Pelosi yet!?

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people”
Theodore Roosevelt
Report: Corruption in U.S. at Worst Levels in Almost a Decade
  • The ‘no evidence’ claim about Biden corruption is looking increasingly ridiculous
  • Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks of Hunter sending ‘threatening’ text to Chinese business partner demanding to close $10 million deal

  • Investigators say $200,000 DIRECT personal check from James Biden to Joe Biden evidence of Biden family’s influence peddling scheme
  • Meet Jim Biden: Nightclub Owner, International Business Mogul, Joe’s Bagman
  • Half Biden voters want government to violate First Amendment and regulate speech
  • Five White House Employees  Involved in Biden’s Stolen Classified Docs Case  – Biden Lied About Timeline!
  • Evidence Shows Federal Workers And Biden Insiders Covered Up Classified Docs For Over A Year
  • IRS consultant pleads guilty for leaking tax returns of Trump and nation’s ‘wealthiest individuals’ to media
  • Menendez accused of acting as foreign agent for Egypt while helming Senate Foreign Relations Committee
  • Supreme Court blocks lower court order that stopped Biden efforts to censor or erase “disinformation” on social media
  • Harvard’s Jacinda Ardean Calls on the United Nations to Crack Down on Free Speech as a Weapon of War
Who decides what’s “disinformation?”

No such thing as free will
  • Sez Stanford scientist Robert Sapolsky, after decades of study
  • Sez people not responsible for what they do … it’s all programmed by nature into their genes
  • This means accepting that a man who shoots into a crowd has no more control over his fate than the victims who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time
“The world is really screwed up and made much, much more unfair by the fact that we reward people and punish people for things they have no control over. We’ve got no free will. Stop attributing stuff to us that isn’t there.”
Who can ya trust?
Silicon Valley billionaire and Trump political funder Peter Thiel was FBI informant

Taylor Swift for President?
‘Only Presidential Candidate Who Can Unite Country’ Sez Canadian singer Et Musk Squeeze Grimes
Ex-Trump Staffer Says The Singer Could Win

There Is No Such Thing As ‘Palestinians’
Everything You Need to Know About the Israeli Occupation (That Is, Everything the Left Dominated Media Won’t Tell You)
After This, Why Would Anyone Jewish Still Vote Democrat?
Hamas Terrorist Orders: ‘Kill as Many People as Possible’
Documents found on dead terrorists in Israel indicate massacres were the objective
Arab leaders snub Biden
FBI warns of possible terror attacks in America as Hamas and Iran make threats …

Biden Shows Full-on Cluelessness During ’60 Minutes’ Interview About Israel

Scott Pelley Has to Help Him Finish Sentences, Says President ‘Tired’

Intersection Of Evil: Hamas, Antifa, BLM, Harvard And Barack Obama
  • Hamas Attack Shows Why Americans Have Right To “Weapons of War”
  • Why liberals are cheerleading for jihadism
  • Leftists Want Massacre to Happen in US
  • Hamas Knew Israel’s Military Secrets
  • Clever espionage, planning and guile
  • Hamas duped world that it was just governing Gaza
  • It could happen in America!
  • Retired general warns the U.S. military could back a coup after the 2024 election

Jordan clinches Speaker nomination in GOP’s second go at the gavel

The Left Goes Too Far

  • Tufts University students praise ‘creativity’ of Hamas terrorists using paragliders to ‘launch historic attack on colonizers’
  • Why the Left can’t think straight on Hamas
  • BLM (Black Lives Matter) Deletes Tweet Celebrating Hamas Rave Massacre, Then Doubles Down

‘Not A Single Jew Will Remain On This Land,’ Promises Gaza Cleric

Israel declares ‘state of war’
Hamas surprise attackers murder Jewish civilians in their homes and kidnap others …. gun battles all over
How did Hamas pierce vaunted Israeli defenses?
MOSAD failure
‘We are being slaughtered 

Hllary: Deprogram the Trump “cult!”
D.C. Scared Trump will Restore U.S. To A Constitutional Republic, End the Status Quo

POLICE STATE: FBI Quietly Created New Category of Extremism Ahead of 2024 Election to Include Trump-MAGA Supporters
  • FBI Mass Murder Of The Branch Davidians At Waco And The Establishment Collusion To Cover It Up
  • FBI Probes Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Faith Group
  • FBI suddenly dropped at least four criminal investigations into Hillary and Bill Clinton months before the 2016 presidential election
  • Visit Wrong Website, and FBI Could End Up in Your Computer
  • FBI Colluded With Twitter (now “X”) to Suppress Free Speech. Where Is the Outrage?
  • Is it even possible to shut down the FBI?

Jim Jordan and Scalise To Run For House Speaker
Recriminations and “raw nerves” simmer within House GOP after ouster of McCarthy

Liberals victimized by crime policies they advocated

McCarthy dumped as House Speaker
First ever to be ousted
Too stupid for job or dumb move by the “stupid party” ?

Major Supreme Court cases to watch in the new term

Former Kamala adviser Laphonza Butler named by CA gov Newsom to Feinstein Senate seat
“Will make history as first Black lesbian to openly serve as a U.S. Senator” sez Newsom
How many Kamala “word salad” speeches were written or influenced by Butler?

Biden Selling out the U.S.
Biden Releases Most Restrictive Offshore Oil And Gas Drilling Plan In US History

Democrat Senator Meghan Markle?
Markle’s name bandied about in Hollywood as replacement for Californian Senator Dianne Feinstein sez major Democrat donor close to California Governor Gavin Newsom, who is set to choose Feinstein’s replacement

Democrat Senator and “gun control” idealogue Diane Feinstein dead at 90 … But her false claims that guns cause crime live on
The truth
“It is commonly hypothesized that much criminal violence, especially homicide, occurs simply because firearms are readily at hand and, thus, that much homicide would not occur were firearms generally less available. There is no persuasive evidence that supports this view.”
Conclusion of Carter administration’s blue ribbon report on the relationship between firearms and violence.
Should Citizens Have Weapons of War?
Americans have always owned them because that was the intent — with good reason — of the Founders who wrote the Second Amendment

The Stupid Partyjustifies its labeL
Our Two-Party System: The Evil Party and the Stupid Party

  • The Bidens: “Stone Cold Crooked”
  • Menendez used Senate loophole to keep his ‘Cuban’ cash stash secret
  • Dershowitz: Menendez Indictment Does Not Prove Equal DOJ Justice … So Far It Looks Closer To Equal Injustice

Is the Liberal Left Happy They Got Their Wish?
Liberalism in the United States
Liberalism continues because its privileged creators believe “What I create for others, certainly will not apply to me.”

Tentative Tinseltown Agreement Reached To End Writers Strike
  • Many Reporters Think Kevin McCarthy Is a great big dummy
  • The House speaker has fully embraced the politics of stupid
  • Why Can’t Reporters Say So?
  • Washington’s last taboo: calling someone stupid

Harvard Fellow Et Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardeen Urges United Nations To ‘Crack Down On Free Speech As A Weapon Of War’

Limitions on free speech now claimed to be acts of free speech

  • Who is Seth Rich? Who Murdered Him? And Why is the FBI refusing to release the information on his laptop?
  • Is it because Rich is the key to understanding the Russian collusion narrative Democrats and Deep State used to such savage effect against Trump, up to and including the 2020 campaign, when operatives lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop?
  • Anyone questioning the official narrative was immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist and canceled.

What does “far-right” mean today?
Basically, it’s anything that contests the establishment media narrative of obedience

It isn’t ‘far right’ extremism we should worry about, It’s Media Stockholm Syndrome

Five Facts That Compel the House’s Biden Impeachment Inquiry

GOP Reps Release 22 Examples of Biden’s Corruption After Dems Claim There’s No Evidence
Albuquerque DA Refuses to Enforce Governor’s Suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights
  • Clearly Unconstitutionalno way we can enforce that order… ban does nothing to curb gun violence”
  • “… a compelling case for gun control cannot be made”
Carter administration 1981 report on the relationship between firearms and violence

When the Modern Gun Control Movement Started

Anti-cop Minnesota Democratic Party official left bloodied in violent carjacking — now calls for tougher crime laws

New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque … Albuquerque’s police Chief said he won’t enforce it

Georgia special grand jury recommended charges for Sens. Lindsey Graham, David Perdue, Kelly Loeffler … “jury went insane”

16 Times Democrats Tried To Prosecute Their Opponent

McConnell’s frozen moment renews questions about mental health of aged leaders

Has dementia put America Under Thumb of a Shadow President?

Exodus: burning man 202

Happy Labor Day !!!

“Black Lives Don’t Seem To Matter When Taken By Black Lives”: Maher et Rogan Slam Leftist Hypocrisy

UFO mania hits Hollywood: Seven celebrities who say they have encountered aliens – Miley Cyrus to Kurt Russell

The prominent politicians et big shots Jeffrey Epstein met with long after he was a registered sex offender and the favors he did for them

Vote fraud then: Corrupt officials who got Lyndon Johnson elected
Vote fraud now:
Michigan police memos raise concern about nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

Majority of Americans Say ‘Others’ Control Biden Agenda

The man in charge at the White House isn’t Joe Biden

Many believe Klaus Schwab controls Biden thru Obama  … Klaus Reveals Who He Really Is as He Introduces New ‘Role Model’ for Countries

It’s NOT racist or sexist to worry Kamala Harris a heartbeat from presidency

  • Why Twisting The 14th Amendment To Get Trump Won’t Hold Up In Court
  • Georgia indictment of Trump same flawed political product in different package
  • Fani Willis social media posts show the rabid partisan nature and hypocrisy of the Georgia prosecutor now trying to put former president behind bars
  • FBI and Michigan Attorney General Hid Piles of Fraudulent-Manufactured Ballot Registrations from the 2020 Election
Blacks for Trump: “Trump is being treated like a nigger”
‘Trump is a brother now’
Schwarzenegger was right. Many Republicans are ‘spineless’
  • GOP Begs for Donations after Trump’s 4th Arrest After They Said NOTHING to Defend Him
  • McCarthy pledges GOP won’t impeach Biden for ‘political purposes’ in face of Dem political prosecutions
Ramaswamy and the Rest

“No candidate was so eager to get in the mix on every issue, none so ready with quips, none so eager to land a blow on rivals, and none so likely to be the target of blows himself”

‘The Elephant Not in the Room’
Trump’s Tucker Carlson interview gets over 150 MILLION views and eclipses Republican debate: Ex-President calls sit down a ‘Blockbuster’ hit as he discusses threat of U.S. civil war and ‘savage animals’ trying to ‘kill’ him
Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump’s assassination
Tucker:’Are you worried that they are going to try to kill you?’

First 2024 Republican presidential debate
  • Republican presidential candidate Larry Elder sues Republican National Committee for disqualifying him from the first primary debate
  • Law Professor Jonathan Turley: Effort to Bar Trump From Ballot is ‘Single Most Dangerous Constitutional Theory’ Ever
  • Biden campaign is running meme-filled ads on Fox News’ homepage ahead of the debate

CNN Data Analyst: Polls Indicate Trump Now Stronger Politically Than At Any Point During 2020 Campaign

Angry Maui Fire Survivors Let Loose With Middle Fingers and F-Bombs at Joe Biden as Motorcade Passes (Video)

Colonel Douglas Macgregor Tells Tucker Carlson Why Ukraine War Must End Now
  • David Sacks: Ukraine Will Be Destroyed Before Washington Admits We Need A Diplomatic Solution

“The Continuity of America’s Federal Government is dangerous to liberty”
  • What the State Fears
  • UChicago Report Finds 30 Million Americans View Violence As Justified To Keep Trump From Power

Is America Becoming a Banana Republic?
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped.”
George Orwell, 1984

  • How China Is Winning the Narrative War, and Who’s Helping
  • How a fake network pushes pro-China propaganda
  • The Art Of Chinese Propagand
America’s deepest partisan divides getting deeper
  • US divided along party lines over Trump election cases
  • America Being Pulled Apart. Here’s How We Can Start to Heal

  • Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis Indicted in Fulton County … RICO charges
  • What is RICO? How Donald Trump finds himself facing criminal charge pioneered by Rudy Giuliani in 1980s NYC to smash the Mob
  • Trump’s momentum shows few signs of waning despite growing legal storm
  • Most dangerous threat to democracy’: Dershowitz slams new Trump indictmen

“The Magic Negro of the billionaire industrial complex
  • Cashill: What Biographer Garrow Missed in His Obama Takedown
  • Real Revelation of Durham Report: Obama is the REAL ‘Big Guy.’ Obama is the Criminal Mastermind. Obama Committed Treason
  • Americas emerging oligarchy cements its griP

Suppressing truth … Who Will Say No More to the Current Madness?
  • Kansas police raid newspaper …  seize computers, records and cellphones
  • Leftists Showed Their True Authoritarian Colors During COVID
  • Missouri v. Biden:  Censorship for others but not Biden
  • Ten ‘Crimes’ Dems Skated On, Then Charged Repubs With
  • It Was Pelosi: Former Capitol Police Chief Reveals ‘Set Up’ Behind January 6

  • Wind Energy: A Doomed Industry
  • Wind farms cause more environmental impact than previously thought

Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund described January 6 as a “cover-up” … “Could there possibly be actually… they wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that.”

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: For all Trump haters popping champagne over this dubious indictment, here’s EXACTLY why it may collapse

  • Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet: UFOs are story of century — wake up, America!
  • Claim: UFOs once took control of Russian ICBMs, nearly caused WW3
  • UFO whistleblower has history of mental issues

My cousin Hub Corn at his ranch where a UFO allegedly crashed in 1947

Mission accomplished
Now what?

CNN buries bad Biden news
Bidengate: Year 5 of Biden Crime Family Coverup

Get Trump: The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of La
  • All corruption roads lead to President Biden … Hunter just a bagman

Air Force maverick who warned of war with China sticks to his guns
What We Know—and Don’t Know—About UFOs After the Congressional Hearing

How the New York Times has published lies to serve a biased narrative

Lying NYT communist reporter Walter Durant 1936

  • How ‘The New York Times’ Helped Hide Stalin’s Mass Murders in Ukraine
  • NYT proves ‘disinformation’ just info Democrats dislike

  • “In conventional terms, the United States peaked around 1965”
    • Scientists Working on Merging AI With Human Brain Cells … what could go wrong?
    • Civil war in Israel?
    • Most US Women’s National Soccer Team players refuse sing American national anthem
    • Second US nuke sub now in South Korea amid tensions with North

    • Cato Institute survey: 62% Americans Afraid To Express their Political Views
    • “Strong liberals are the only political group who feel they can express themselves”

    Stanford Rocked by Scandals
    Stanford president resigns over falsified data et manipulated research
    • Marc Tessier-Lavigne will retract or issue lengthy corrections to five widely cited papers for “manipulation of research data”
    • How Stanford freshman brought down president of the university
    Where is Stanford’s moral compass?
    • “SHAME ON YOU!” – Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray Over Jan 6 – Catches Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases – BATTERS HIM ON RAY EPPS!
    • Two-Tiered ‘Justice’ Intended to Incite Rebellion
    • With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful

    Biden admin thinks it has divine right to nix conservatives’ free speech rights

4 In 5 Americans See Two-Tiered Justice System: Poll

  • Why 100+ million deranged Americans are dumb enough to trust Mark Zuckerberg
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s Trust Problem
  • “He’s F–king Destroyed This Town”: How Mark Zuckerberg Became the Most Reviled Man in Tech

Musk challenges Zuckerberg to ‘dick measuring contest’
Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada  is third Supreme Commander of the Taliban
Taliban leader endorses Musk’s Twitter, accuses Zuckerberg’s Threads of ‘intolerant’ policy on free speech

Putin Secretly Invited Prigozhin to the Kremlin 5 Days After Mutiny
  • Sudden Russian Death Syndrome
  • Russians Keep Mysteriously Falling from Windows to Their Deaths

  • Latest: Kristina Baikova — Glamorous Vice President of Russia’s Loko Bank
  • Full List of Russians to Fall Out of Windows Since Putin Invaded Ukraine

  • Secret Service: Cocaine Found in White House Possibly Dropped by Authorized Person
  • Americans  down on morality, family and country
  • The Bidens’ Existential Threats to American Rule of Law

Have a Fabio Fourth!

Financial scammer Charles Ponzi*
Social Security: The World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme
8 of the most notorious Ponzi schemes in US history
Biden DOJ Edited Video to Convict Innocent Jan. 6 “insurrectionists”

Another Hunter Biden WhatsApp Message to Chinese CEFC Associate – “The Biden’s Are the Best I Know at Doing What the Chairman Wants”
What Chairman Xi Jinping Wants

Patriot Front unmasked as FEDS pretending to be white supremacists, to help state crack down on (what they call) “the right”—the latest twist on Operation Gladio
Operation Gladio: The CIA’s Secret Army

Prigozhin calls off coup and Vlad lets him walk after vowing “brutal” measures
What comes next?
From Vlad to worse?

Many Russians greet Prigozhin and Wagner Mercenaries as hero liberators
  • Conservative Failure and the Administrative State
  • “Conservatives have failed to restrain the administrative state because they have accepted that it is a necessary governmental innovation required by the complexity of modern society”
  • Is that true?

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin
Putin’s Wagner attack dog turns on him in mini coup
Prigozhin ‘Exiled’ To Belarus In Exchange For Peace, Criminal Charges Dropped: What Was This All About?
  • Russia faces CIVIL WAR as fighting erupts between Putin’s troops & Wagner forces with convoys heading for Moscow
  • Vlad reportedly flees capital

  • Top secret military acoustic detection system likely first heard the Titan submersible implosion hours after the submersible began its voyage
  • NY Post Columnist: Why Biden Administration Held Off Announcing Titanic Sub Deaths
  • “Convenient smokescreen for House Ways & Means release of IRS whistleblower testimony of DOJ sabotage of the Hunter Biden investigation

IRS Whistleblowers Release New Bombshell Evidence Against Bidens, DOJ And AG Garland

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg agree to hold cage fight

Zuckerberg takes up MMA training: ‘This nerd is a silent killer’

Congressional cat fight!
Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Boebert a ‘Little Bitch’ on the House Floor

All the crimes that Hunter’s ridiculous plea deal missed

  • Blackout on Biden corruption truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’
  • Despite compelling evidence nine Biden family members received over $10 million from corrupt figures in Romania, China and other countries, The New Republic quickly ran a story headlined “Republicans Finally Admit They Have No Incriminating Evidence on Joe Biden.”
  • Hunter Biden gets sweetheart deal to plead guilty in tax, gun case

“Trump Needs to Be ‘Shot … stopped”
Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands)

Too old? Senile? Lost his marbles?
  • Biden blurts “God Save the Queen, Man” after speech
  • Announces goal: build railway from Pacific Ocean across the Indian Ocean
  • 71% of Americans and half of all Democrats say Biden, 80, is too old to be president and most voters say they are worse off since he took power

Gangsta Rap Producer Suge Knight: ‘Free My Nigga Trump’
“The people” get it
  • 30 Good Things Donald Trump Did as President You Might Have Missed
  • Washington Post helps those who are intimidating lawyers into not working for Trump
  • Our Broken System Needs Disruption, And Trump Is The Disruptor
  • Three things to watch as US intelligence prepares for Covid ‘lab leak’

  • Grand jury indicts Daniel Penny in chokehold death of subway lunatic Jordan Neely … “homicide” sez medical examiner
  • New York official slams woke Manhattan DA:  ‘It defies logic that he’s being prosecuted’

FBI Fears Informant Will Be Murdered If Unmasked Over Biden Family Bribery Scheme?

Stupid Party lives up to its name
20 Republicans Join With Democrats To Kill Schiff Censure

‘Degenerate’ Transgender Activists Strip at White House Pride Event With Kids Present

  • Was it a Setup? Trump 1st POTUS in 40 Years Who Feds Didn’t Help Archive Classified Docs, Attorneys Say
  • Tulsi Gabbard: Trump Indictment May Be ‘Final Nail’ in U.S. Democracy’s ‘Coffin

Trump enters courthouse

  • Trump Suggests FBI Planted Classified Material Into Evidence They Took During Raid
  • “US admits FBI falsified evidence to obtain convictions”
  • Given proven history of FBI perjury, lies and evidence fakery, could Trump be right?

Pentagon Freaks Out About Potential War With China Because It Now Realizes America Might Lose

  • Is FBI burying hard evidence of actual Joe Biden crimes?
  • Startling Revelations Surface in Ongoing Biden Crime Family Probe
  • Joe Biden allegedly paid $5M by Burisma executive as part of a bribery scheme, according to FBI document
  • Fears Biden Whistleblower Will Be ‘Killed’ If Unmasked, sez Representative Anna Luna (R-FL)
  • Deeply concerned about safety of whistleblower with sensitive information about Biden family
  • Reputed federal informant, whistleblower found dead in L.A. after he’s reported missing
Al Capone
I only killed rival mobsters

No women. No children

Another 52 shot, 10 murdered in Chicago this weekend

1929 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre investigation reenactment
Shoot-’em-Up Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago
  • ‘Your speech is violence’: the left’s new mantra to justify campus violence
  • A recent poll shows that 41 percent of college students now believe violence is justified to fight hate “speech”
At Cornell, a conservative speaker was shouted down, met with the common mantra that “your words are violence”


  • ‘Missing’ Biden family corruption probe witness Gal Luft speaks out, living as fugitive in undisclosed location
  • After Contempt Threat, FBI Director Wray Admits Oversight Whistleblower Report on Shady Biden $5 million Payment Does Exist
  • John Kirby Stammers Out  Denial after White House Reporter Details Joe Biden Bribe Allegations and Whistleblower Charges, Asks About Majority of Americans Believing Biden is Corrupt

Biden family under protection of nation’s top lawmen

FBI Director Ignoring Tuesday Deadline To Give Congress Secret Document on Biden ‘Bribery Scheme’
Senator Frank Church holds CIA heart attack causing  assassination gun during 1975 hearings into agency corruption
Church and State: How the Murder of a CIA Officer Was Used to Silence the Agency’s Greatest Critic

‘The Official Truth‘: The End of Free Speech That Will End America

To this WWII pic of my father taken after his 78th Lightning Division crossed the Roer River, I must add something this Memorial Day that indicates just how quickly history is forgotten and our culture has changed.
This photo sits in my living room. A great many of my “Boomer” generation had photos like it in theirs which everyone recognized as an American soldier holding a captured Nazi flag.
No more.
Many who have visited my home are outraged and demand to know why I have a Nazi flag in my house.
When I tell them it’s a photo of my father from WWII, a common response has been …
The reaction is all the more remarkable since I live in a Jewish neighborhood.
I then must explain the obvious.
And that indicates to me that we have conditioned ourselves to a knee jerk reaction on seeing a swastika and that we are now so far divorced from our military and history that an American soldier is no longer readily recognizable to more than might be believed.
Yes, those expressing such reactions are generally members of the Los Angeles creative or academic or elitist political chattering class here.
And yes, the reaction noted would probably not be the same in that part of the United States those mentioned elitists consider the brain dead void of “fly-over land” between the West and East coasts as depicted in this famous New Yorker magazine cover.
However, we are clearly not the same people who embraced a common history or belief system that pulled us through truly tough past times.
We had best find a way to fix that.

The scandal that’s hit America and will be bigger than Watergate
  • With clock ticking and writers on picket lines all over town, Directors Guild of America and studios are far from even framework of a deal
  • Does anyone outside of Hollywood care?
  • Customers should go on strike and boycott the trash that’s being distributed by Hollywood!

  • Matt Damon Explains Why Movies Suck Today

Trump led by a Zionist dog ?
Dennis Prager: Why Most Jews Aren’t Bothered by the Times’ Anti-Semitic Cartoon

Whack job
FBI refuses to provide subpoenaed document on alleged Biden ‘criminal scheme’

Former Deputy Nat’l Security Adviser: FBI, CIA & DOJ Will Rig 2024 Election
K.T. McFarland:  “… they’ve gotten away with it for two elections. They will surely try and get away with it in 2024″

FBI again refuses to comply with subpoena, declines to give House report on Biden bribery allegation

Durham reports shows Biden and Obama knew truth of Trump collusion hoax but kept silent … lifts veil on cesspool of corruption that has infected FBI for far too long
  • Deep State and media stabbed Trump in the back during the 2016 election Twitter files show
  • Trump’s Truth Social Media Firm Files $3.78 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against The Washington Post
Andrew Sullivan: The Queers Versus The Homosexuals
“To be queer is to be dedicated to subversion, to mock conventions, to deconstruct language, to dismantle the human body, to defy “nature” and, above all, to liberate humankind from the prison of gender. To be homosexual, in contrast, is merely to be attracted to the same sex”

  • Whistleblower Garret O’Boyle: FBI Has Created “Orwellian Atmosphere That Silences Opposition And Discussion”
  • Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers Before Congressional Testimony – But 51 Signatories of Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Still Have Theirs

Ray Epps

Dershowitz: Durham Report Shows ‘Americans Are Right’ to Distrust Government

Can we handle the Durham report truth?
… the FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the [Democrat] narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia

Eight Takeaways From the Durham Report
Sen. Josh Hawley Responds to Durham Report: Hillary Needs to be Prosecuted – FBI Needs to Be Disbanded

  • Biden calls white supremacy ‘most dangerous terrorist threat’ in speech at Howard …’most lethal‘ threat to America, Biden says
  • Suspicious ‘white supremacists’ conveniently show up after Biden’s demagogic speech
  • America’s state media: Blackout on Biden corruption truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’

Michael Reagan

‘That’s just not happening’
California lawmaker sparks furious backlash after warning black residents NOT to get their hopes up

“I just wanted to kill a white guy”
  • Two blacks murder random white man
  • Gunned down while repairing mailbox
  • Where is the outrage when black men commit racist killings against white or Asian people?
  • More of same on way?

Anderson Cooper says CNN viewers ‘have every right to never watch this network again’ after Trump town hall
“Many of you think CNN shouldn’t have given Trump any platform to speak.”
However, “the man you were so disturbed to see and hear from — that man is the front-runner for the Republican nomination for president.”

“According to polling, no other Republican is even close.”

But Trump is a ‘nonstop’ liar who destroyed E Jean Carroll’s reputation!
Journalists Who Were Caught Lying

Alan Dershowitz: Trump verdict should be reversed on appeal

California Gov. Newsom won’t back state’s reparations check

AI can bring Notorious B.I.G. — And others — back to life. Should it?

  • Biden would veto House GOP bill on border enforcement
  • Democrat Mayor Exposes Open Borders Scam

‘For the People Act’ allows Democrats to register illegal voters

  • California reparations panel approves payments of up to $1.2 million to every Black resident … Activists demand ‘$200 million’ per person
  • Reparations Could Cost State More Than $500 Billion
  • Where money come from? …  California Struggling to Pay Reparations After First Approving Them 2 Years Ago
  • Reparations would be unjust and tear our nation apart

‘I Can’t Believe I Fought For This Bullsh-t’
“China is going to destroy us”
Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Blasts Pentagon For Drag Queen Gimmick

  • Rob Schneider: Leftist Politics Are Ruining SNL
  • ‘Comedy is a powerful recruitment tool’: how the US rightwing use laughs for vast influence
  • Liberals Should Be Worried About the Conservative Comedy Scen
Is there a connection?

WATCH: NY Senator Charles Schumer Nukes Tucker Carlson in Stunning Senate Floor Tirade — Demands Fox ‘Order’ Him To Stop
Fox Fired Carlson

Sean Hannity’s Ratings Plunge After Carlson’s Fox News Exit

Dominion vs. ‘Russian Collusion’ and ‘Disinformation
Victor Davis Hanson: “The postelection dispute was over whether a news organization was responsible for all that its hundreds of guests and opinion hosts say that proved later to be not substantiated, false, or defamatory”
Kamala Harris skewered over latest ‘word salad’ gaffe: ‘Incapable of speaking normally’
Is Harris the ‘dumbest person’ ever to be elected Vice President ?
  • MAGA World Rages at ‘Cowardly Scumbag’ Brian Kilmeade for Hosting Tucker’s Show
  • “Good Riddance”: Military-Industrial Complex Celebrates Carlson’s Fox Exit
  • Carlson’s Speech After Final Fox News Show Goes Viral
  • Court Document Leak Reveals Driving Force Behind Fox News’ Decision to ‘Move On’ from Trump

  • Former House Speaker and present Fox board member Paul Ryan’s Rise at Fox News
  • Many believe Ryan instrumental in firing Tucker.
  • Predictions both Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro will be axed from Fox

Tucker Carlson And Don Lemon Hire Same Attorney After Both Were Fired

Scuttlebutt Sez This Speech Got Tucker Carlson Fired
5 Other Theories

“When you are in black skin … then you can disagree with me”
NYT:  Don Lemon Comment To GOP Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Got Him Canned
Rupert Murdoch personally made decision to fire Carlson sez report
Why were cable news hosts Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon ousted?

Why Aren’t Black Celebrities Talking About That?’
“Why aren’t there a hundred giant black celebrities who would have the respect of those people saying what are you doing to yourselves? Why are you killing each other?”
Bill Maher Asks Why Black People Are Killing Each Other In Cities Like Chicago

Why is Bill Maher the only one making sense?

FBI Mass Murder Of The Branch Davidians At Waco And The Establishment Collusion To Cover It Up
Waco 30 Years Later: It’s Not An Atrocity If The Feds Do It

Founder of Jewish Self-Defense Organization in Odessa
  • Antisemitism is on the rise again. Here’s why
  • America has an antisemitism problem and victims cannot be left to fight it alone, rabbi says
30th anniversary remembrance
FBI Mass Murder Of The Branch Davidians At Waco And The Establishment Collusion To Cover It Up
Major network TV specials claimed to tell us what happened. They instead told government lies most still believe

Is  Zelensky a crook?

  • Zelensky and His Generals Embezzled ‘At Least’ $400M from U.S. Aid Last Year to buy luxury cars and fund ostentatious lifestyles say sources
  • Joe Biden promoted kickback scheme conspiracy with Ukrainians sez former Obama stenographer Mike McCormick to FBI
  • Can We Find Out Where Rest Of Our Cash Went Before Sending More?
Lies to protect Washington?

Barbara Trent, director, 1992 Oscar winning documentary “The Panama deception”:
“This film is about one thing, our government lied to us”

  • Social Media Surveillance by the U.S. Government
  • Biden unveils push to send electric car sales into overdrive
  • U.S. intel agencies may change how they monitor social media after document leaks
  • DHS aims to track “narratives known to provoke violence” and platforms that have been linked to threats

Trump: ‘The Biggest Problem We Have Is ‘Nuclear Warming,’ Not Global Warming’
Ukraine war: Leak shows Western special forces on the ground
Can U.S. Special Forces Fight Putin Without Starting World War III ?
China sez it’s  ‘ready to fight’ U.S.

US Navy Challenges Beijing
China Navy ‘ready to fight’ Taiwan and U.S.

What war with China could look like

What Is Dyngus Day And How Should I Celebrate?
It’s a Polish-American holiday celebrated after Easter Sunday to mark the end of Lent. Celebrants consume large quantities of beer, vodka and Polish sausage.
“Dyngus Day is all about re-birth. It’s all about starting over “

The End of Hope: IRS Chief Reveals Hiring Plan For Armed Agent
Trump’s Real Crime Is Opposing Empire

FBI Mass Murder Of The Branch Davidians At Waco And The Establishment Collusion To Cover It Up

Dershowitz: Trump will be convicted if trial in NYC
  • Coulter: “Republicans: you’re being played!”
  • Hanson: Prosecutors Want Trump To Get Enough Empathy To Win Nomination And Then Gag or Jail Him

No One Is Above The Law? Give Me A Break
“Plenty of people are above the law.”
“James Clapper, who lied under oath to Congress about spying on the American people, is above the law. John Brennan, who lied about a domestic spying operation on Senate staffers, is above the law. Unlike Trump advisor Peter Navarro, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder was never going to be handcuffed and thrown in prison for ignoring a congressional subpoena. He is above the law.”
And so on …
Is that really all there is to the Trump indictment? How pathetic

Trump pleads not guilty to 34 felony counts
Who is pulling the puppet strings in Washington, DC?
  • Dershowitz: ‘This Is a Fixed Case if It’s Tried in Manhattan’
  • Rep. Jeff Van Drew: Democrats Afraid Donald Trump Will Take Out ‘Corruption’ if He Wins in 2024
  • Schweizer: ‘Dirty Business’ Behind the Battle over TikTok
  • Hanson: Indict One—And All?
  • Daughter of Judge Overseeing Trump’s Case Worked For ‘Kamala Harris Campaign’, Now President of Company With Biden-Harris Campaign As Client

The Left’s persecution of Trump shows what it has in store for all of us
Complete corruption of law …

NYC DA Bragg brings murder charges against man who shot thief who shot him first

  • Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation – Who Approved This?
  • Former AG Barr slams ‘pathetically weak‘ legal theory behind Trump indictment: ‘An abomination’
  • “First Year Law Students Could Get This Dismissed” – Alan Dershowitz

Trump Isn’t A Special Case, He’s A Test Case
  • Pelosi’s Tweet Reveals the Real Intentions Behind Trump’s Indictment
  • JUST IN: Trump Is Facing At Least 1 Felony Charge In NY Case
  • NY DA’s Office May Try to Silence Trump with Gag Order – – To Prevent Him from Campaigning (VIDEO)
  • “Donald Trump has not been indicted for giving hush money to a prostitute. He has been indicted for the crime of opposing the Leftist elites and challenging their control over the political system”

Donald Trump indicted; 1st former president to be charged with a crime

Bread and circuses: Or how world leaders keep the masses distracted

Major League Baseball Distraction Schedules

Is anybody happy?

“This is not the same country I came to in 1975!” sez Soviet emigrant
  • Americans Pull Back From Values That Once Defined U.S.
  • Patriotism, religion and hard work hold less importance
  • Woke Movement Assassinating MLK All Over Again

Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible … could be watching us with probes

Harvard Physicist Avi Loeb Racing to Prove This Meteorite an Alien Probe

Wassamatta at Stanford?
Scam U
Convicted Stanford Fraudster Elizabeth Holmes returns to court in bid to avoid prison

Stanford student Holmes convicted of defrauding investors outta billions. Her company board members largely drawn from Stanford community
  • Stanford Law School professors Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, integral parts of son’s estimated $32 billion scam
  • Sam Bankman-Fried cryptocurrency fraud destroyed lives of thousands.
  • Now awaiting trial at home on 250 million dollars bail

Whoopi Goldberg slams Stanford ‘snowflakes’ who shouted down judge invited to gave campus talk
Communist Front Group Organized Shout-Down of Conservative Judge at Stanford

  • Most underreported story: Evidence of the Biden family’s $ millions from China now documented with bank records
  • Potential Trump indictment a sideshow gift to the Biden family
  • Final Grand Jury Witness Says Michael Cohen “Far From Solid Evidence”
  • WATCH: Alan Dershowitz blasts possible Trump indictment as ‘100% political’
  • Case Against Trump ‘Legally Pathetic
  • Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party

Actress Sharon Stone Says She Lost “Half My Money to This Banking Thing,” Breaks Down in Tears During Speech

  • James Comer shows that the Biden family business is corruption
  • Hunter Biden Admits to Biden Family’s China Deals for $Millions After Years of Denial
  • Where the money went: The Bidens and Biden associates who received Chinese cash
  • CNN’s Burnett: New Biden Family Payment Evidence ‘Doesn’t Look Good’

China shipping weapons, body armor to Russia

There’s No Liar Like A Biden
‘Plausible deniability

Russian fighter jet forces down US drone over Black Sea … wimp US response
Everything we know about the US drone that crashed in the Black Sea

‘Rapidly deteriorating environment’ for US banks sez Moody’s
Credit Suisse problems as Saudis pull money
Stocks tumble

Liberal Democrat icon Naomi Wolf apologizes
Was Al Gore “alpha male” consultent

“Dear conservatives, I’m sorry I believed so many media lies … I owe you a full-throated apology” about January 6th

Numero Uno at Oscars
“Everything Everywhere” won six of the seven above the line awards
Everything Everywhere shouldn’t have been anywhere near Best Picture. But what else do you expect from oh-so-woke Oscars?

Oscars Analysis: How ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Became the Poster Child for the New Academy

  • Yellen: No SVB fed rescue!
  • Regulators close crypto-focused Signature Bank
  • Desperate customers line up outside First Republic Bank in West LA to take their money out
  • Can the chaos from Silicon Valley Bank’s fall be contained?
  • Tip of the proverbial banking iceberg?

Budget Director Unable to Answer Basic Question About US Banking System (VIDEO)
Why ‘The Slap’ still matters, one year later
  • Everything you need to know about this year’s Oscars
  • Can Oscars be saved? Academy members can’t agree on what it would take

‘Woke’ LA Times blames ‘white and affluent drivers’ for polluting air breathed by ‘LA’s people of color’
People of what color?
  • How the word ‘woke’ was hijacked to silence ‘people of color’
  • Is It Time To Say R.I.P. To ‘POC’?
  • Absurdity of woke posturing repelling decent-minded people from progessive causes
  • Putin: Woke Culture in U.S. Like Bolsheviks, ‘Dogmatism Bordering on Absurdity’
  • What does ‘woke’ mean and why are some conservatives using it?
Carlson shakes DC kahunas
  • Dares show tapes edited to appear Jan 6 a violent attack on Capital
  • Egregious denials of due process for Jan. 6 protesters
  • Egregious hypocrisy: Carlson a “threat to democracy. Pull him off the air” sez Senator Schumer
  • January 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson Denies Deceptively Editing Footag
  • “They’re All on the Same Side!” Tucker UNLOADS on Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer for Demanding He Be Stopped from Releasing J6 Tapes (VIDEO)
  • Late night comedians mock Tucker
  • Elon Musk Humiliates Chuck Schumer on Twitter Over Carlson’s J6 Footage
  • FBI Whistleblowers: Threat Tags Used to Target Conservatives

Reparation scam to bankrupt governments and sow racial strife spreads
  • San Fran debates giving 5 million to each black resident
  • Evanston, IL to give 25 thou to each black
  • Providence, RI to divide 10 million among unknown number

  • Emails show Dr. Fauci commissioned a February 2020 paper to disprove COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab – weeks before pretending the study had nothing to do with him at a White House press conference
  • 60 Minutes Attempts to Walk Back Doubts Over Covid Lab Leak Theory
  • Twitter discloses another possible government censorship effort

“Conspiracy theorists” right all along!

  • Wray: FBI ‘For Quite Some Time’ Determined Chinese Lab  ‘Most Likely’ Origin of COVID
  • Shock Report: FBI Agents Did Not Want to Raid Mar-a-Lago
“Conspiracy theorists” were  right  …

Woody Harrelson blows up ‘SNL’ with COVID, anti-vaxx conspiracy theory … Musk sez Woody is right

“We Are Looking to Kill Trump”: Iran’s Islamic Guard Commander Admits

  • Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey EpsteinMark Middleton found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around neck … no sign of weapon
  • Journalist Gary Webb Who Exposed CIA Cocaine Trafficking Allegedly ‘Shot Himself’ In The Head –Twice
  • Webb death ruled suicide … wrote series of stories linking CIA to Nicaraguan Contras and to crack cocaine sales … His reporting angered establishment powers that be
  • Los Angeles Times reporter who played leading role in ruining Gary Webb’s journalistic career on behalf of establishment publicly apologizes
  • ‘Twitter Files’ exposed the unholy alliance between Democrats, the FBI, Big Tech, and the media

Who Really Killed Seth Rich?

Unease Over Biden’s Proxy Quagmire in Ukraine Growing

Two Air Force vets testified they saw UFO objects TURN OFF ten nuclear warheads and blast test missiles out of the sky at US bases
  • Former officer Robert Salas told of his encounter with an orange flying disc that turned off 10 warheads at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana in 1967
  • Dr. Robert Jacobs has briefed the office on footage he shot for the Air Force in 1964 that allegedly caught a flying saucer shooting a test missile out of the sky
  • UFO believers think aliens will stop nuclear war
  • Former French intel officer: Are UFOs actually our forefathers from parallel universe?
  • Could alien life exist in parallel universes? … Possible E.T. calling from another universe, new paper argues

  • US estimates 200,000 military casualties on all sides in Ukraine war
  • Ukraine losing large number of troops as it boasts about Russian casualties
  • Rift Between Russian Military Und Wagner Group … Treason Sez Wagner Boss
  • Russia ‘aims to “absorb” Belarus by infiltration according to leaked document

Roald Dahl books rewritten to remove language now deemed offensive

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute … “
George Orwell, 1984

Battle of lasers and navies
  • China Blinds Philippine Coast Guard Crew With Military-Grade Laser
  • Has used lasers to blind rival militaries before

What are they?

UFO hovering over Lake Huron, Michigan
And why are they suddenly popping up all over the place?

Top US general not ruling out aliens after military shoots down 3 UFOs

Patrick Mahomes is the New Tom Brady
With a second Super Bowl win in four years, Mahomes cemented the Kansas City Chiefs as the singularly dominant force in the NFL—a role that had been vacated by the New England Patriots and Brady

  • Self-defense becoming illegal in many places
  • Self-defense cornerstone of all liberty
  • How Often Do People Use Guns In Self-Defense?

The Mess of an Address
  • Chinese spy balloon contained technology to monitor communication signals
  • Austin: Spy Balloon Forced Us to Limit Movement, Communications Across Country So ‘We Didn’t Expose’ Nuclear Capabilities

AOC serves up disinformation about Hunter Biden — and us

Seymour Hersh claims Biden ordered attack on the Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines … if true, that’s an act of war!

15 Whoppers Joe Biden Told During The State Of The Union Address
  • Republicans BOO Biden, call him a ‘liar’ and Kevin McCarthy shakes his head as President claims the GOP wants to get rid of Medicare and Social Security in the debt limit fight
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders Says Biden ‘Surrendered His Presidency’ to Woke Left in GOP State of the Union Response
  • Misleading Info About Chinese Spy Balloons During Trump Admin … Pentagon Won’t Name Official Who Divulged Misleading Info
  • Biden’s ‘provable’ race-based hiring of judges – only 5 out of 97 are white men

  • Biden Admin Ripped For Claiming Chinese Spy Balloon ‘Posed No Threat’
  • NORAD Pleads Incompetence Over Failure To Spot Trump-Era Chinese Spy Balloons
  • Pentagon Won’t Name Official Who Divulged Misleading Info About Chinese Spy Balloons During Trump Admin

Not Just Spy Balloons: The CCP’s Expansive Spy Campaign Against America
Biden’s State Of The Union Preview

Biden: “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man”
Adopts “see no conflict” Donilon Doctrine toward Chinese spying
Is Biden Part of Secret Plot to Destroy U.S.?
Russian oligarch info raises fresh concern about Biden access

  • Chinese spy balloon downed off South Carolina coast
  • China pissed … sez  “retains the right to respond”
  • US secures perimeter around balloon to stop China reaching it
  • Pentagon aware when balloon entered US air space … kept  quiet to preserve Chinese-American relations

Punxsutawney Phil sees shadow!

  • Fix is in: FBI bungling case against Biden over top-secret documents
  • National Archives blocked from revealing Biden classified docs find … news orgs silent
  • “Objectivity Has Got To Go”: News Leaders Call for the End of Objective Journalism

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky ordered all information on Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company destroyed the same day Russia invaded the country
  • Pentagon contractor Metabiota worked for Black & Veatch
  • That company is a Pentagon contractor with deep ties to US military intelligence agencies
  • Part of Black & Veatch specializes in pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons
  • Hunter Emails Show He Helped Fund bioweapons Lab … allies weigh legal-defense fund

Old school vote fraud
  • The corrupt men who “found” 202 additional votes in Box 13 that allowed ‘Landslide Lyndon’ Johnson to steal the Texas Senate race he’d lost in 1948 .
  • Some of the voters were dead or absent from the county on election day.
  • Yet  all “lined up” in alphabetical order at the last minute, signed in the same blue ink in the same handwriting and all cast their ballots for LBJ.
  • Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake sez she’s the victim of a similar “Old school” vote fraud

Who protects us from our protectors?
Tyre Nichols beaten to death by Memphis police

Are Mass Killers Krazy?
About 20% are, say mental health professionals. But what about the rest?

Monterey Park Shooting 33rd Mass Shooting of 2023

  • Police seek motive after 10 killed, 7 hospitalized in Monterey Park, California
  • Schumer, Schiff, other liberals blame shooting of Asians on ‘bigotry’ before facts come out shooter was 72 year old Asian man

War with China over Taiwan?
Wargame predicts costly US victory in imagined Chinese invasion of Taiwan
What war with China would mean
How bad could it get?
Russia and China Unveil a Pact Against America and the West

FBI searches Biden’s Wilmington home and finds more classified materials
  • Breaking News: DOJ finds SIX new classified documents at Biden’s Delaware mansion: 12-hour search was kept secret as president remains unremorseful and his chief of staff plans to quit
  • Is THIS where Joe Biden stashed his classified White House documents? Photo from Hunter’s laptop shows taped-up cardboard box labeled ‘Important Doc’s and Photos’ lying around his Delaware home
  • Classified docs scandal is unboxing the Biden family business
  • Biden and small team of advisers decided to keep docs a secret
  • Biden classified files were sent to ANOTHER D.C. location before they were stored at think tank – by team led by aide who’d been recommended by Hunter – sparking more questions about the documents debacle
  • Anita Dunn behind decision to keep the classified documents story from the press

More revelations about Biden’s mishandling of classified and top-secret documents

The New York Times Reported ‘the Mainstreaming of Marxism in US Colleges’ 30 Years Ago. Today, We See the Results
  • UCLA Professor Admits Conservatives’ Fears Were Justified About Leftist Academics In The Workforce
  • Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left
Bidens Selling Out American Workers To China

$54M payed by Chinese to U Penn, home of Biden Center, after it opens

Penn Biden Center where first classified papers were found
Did the Biden family help Chinese spies infiltrate the US government?
A Chinese espionage coup

‘That’s a penis!’ …‘Yo, that’s a big old dong, man’
10 Million Dollar ‘Woke’ MLK ‘Penis’ Statue Insults Blacks: Coretta Scott King Kin

More classified documents found at Biden’s home
  • Former Clinton Adviser David Gergen: Biden Risks Being ‘Creamed’ by Docs Case: ‘Very, Very Big Deal

FBI “agents provocateur” were heavily involved in instigating the events of January 6 — Captain Carneysha Mendoza, a tactical commander for U.S. Capitol Police
Video Of Mystery Man Goading Trump Supporters To ‘Enter Capitol’ Surfaces
  • FBI Informants Who Marched With Proud Boys on Jan. 6 Will Testify for Their Defense
  • 5 Outrageous Examples of FBI Intimidation and Entrapment
  • A Federal Jury Delivers a Rebuke of FBI Entrapment
A Chinese espionage coup?

Penn Biden Center where first classified papers were found

More found in Biden garage
Big money paid by Chinese thru Biden Center for special access to officials
Special counsel named to probe classified records found at Biden’s private home and office
University of Pennsylvania received more than $50 million from Chinese donors shortly after the Penn Biden Center opened. It functioned as an office for Joe Biden before he was elected president.
“The Penn Biden Center is a dark money, revolving door nightmare where foreign competitors like China donated millions of dollars to the university so that they could have access to future high ranking officials.”
Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams
What happens when we’re not moral or religious anymor
The moral conundrum in the coming ideological battle
  • House Republicans Set to Launch Probe into ‘Weaponization’ of FBI, Intel Agencies
  • Election Fraud Infrastructure: Your Government At Work!

Be careful what you want
McCarthy Finally becomes Speaker on 15th ballot … violence in

Republicans held back from attacking holdout Matt Gaetz

Makes Faustian bargains to get speakership

Missing: Investigations into vote suppression schemes of FBI, Twitter, Zuckerberg and others in the 2020 and 2022 Elections

West Point Begins Its Erasure of Robert E. Lee
Military to proceed changing names of bases honoring Confederate generals

Nancy Pelosi Und Power
The House Minority* Leader is known for iron fisted party discipline and intimidation. Where did she learn to do that so effectively?
*Article written when Pelosi was House Minority Leader
How much has the NFL changed?
Bills Damar Hamlin collapsed on field, was hospitalized in critical condition and the Bills-Bengals game was postponed

But when many thought my cousin,

Giant’s star halfback Frank Gifford,

had been killed by a vicious 1960 tackle, he was carted off the field and the Giants-Eagles game resumed

Remembering the 1942 Rose Bowl …
It was moved from Pasadena, California to Duke University Stadium in Durham, North Carolina, due to fears of a Jap attack on the U.S. West Coast following the Pearl Harbor bombing on December 7, 1941

Oregon State beat Duke 20 to 16

The political winners and losers of 2022
2022 Greatest Hits: The Most Popular Articles Of The Past Year And A Look Ahead
Some New Year questions:

Why hasn’t self admitted Jan 6 Capital break-in organizer/inciter Ray Epps been arrested and held in solitary like others  who did nothing?
“They Are Lying About Ray Epps!”

Why no mention Pelosi Staffers Secretly
DECREASED Security at US Capitol for Jan
6 – While Pelosi Was Organizing Film Crew that Day?

Why aren’t stalked women told by police and feminists to get a gun for self-defense?

Happy Kwanzaa! The Fabricated Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

January 6 Committee Withdraws Trump Subpoena

Capitol police would have carried out a bloodbath if the mostly white Jan 6 protesters were black, according to House sergeant at arms William Walker

James Cameron Cut Out 10 Minutes of ‘Avatar 2’ Gun Violence
‘I Don’t Want to Fetishize Guns’ Anymore

Anti-gun Hollywood Hypocrisy Turning off Americans

Joe Rogan Calls Out Elitist Hollywood Hypocrisy on Gun Violence: ‘They Promote Guns More Than Any Other Media’

How FBI Censorship Of Hunter Biden’s Laptop Story Helped Joe Biden Win
  • Facebook Hired Ex-CIA, FBI Agents to Censor Content That Deviates From Official Narrative
  • FBI paid Twitter to censor, spy on Americans
  • FBI Had Dedicated “Election Command Post” To Censor Stories
  • 63% Of Americans Want FBI ‘Censorship’ Of Twitter Investigated
  • Dismissing censorship won’t work, Apple CEO’s cowardice and more commentary
  • Lawsuit reveals vast censorship scheme by Big Tech and the federal government
  • FBI said a $3.5 million payment to Twitter was ‘reimbursement’
  • What Will the FBI Not Do?


Pelosi, Schumer Gloat ON CNN About Ambushing Trump

FBI Colluded With Twitter to Suppress Free Speech
  • “Were’s the outrage!?” asks former Ohio deputy AG
  • FBI won’t list other social media companies besides Twitter it paid to suppress stories
  • FBI efforts to bury Hunter Biden story similar to CIA ‘psychological operation,’ ‘Twitter Files’ journalist reveals
  • FBI Faces Calls to be Abolished Over Twitter Files Revelations

Congress OKs $1.7 trillion spending plan with Ukraine aid, TikTok ban. Here’s what we know
  • Twitter colluded with Pentagon to promote a series of fake accounts claiming to be people based in the Middle East
  • The most damning Twitter File just dropped, highlighting FBI wrongdoing
  • FBI and Twitter formed a censorship alliance and they can’t be allowed to get away with it
  • FBI Brass That Ran Interference on Hunter Biden Laptop Story Were Dem Donors
  • POLL: Most Americans Support Criminal Prosecution For Twitter Censors Who Colluded With Feds

FBI agent Strzok texted ‘we’ll stop’ Trump from becoming president

Ze’ev Jabotinsky
Antisemitism Rising at Colleges: Jewish Students Facing Growing Hostility

  • Latest ‘Twitter Files’ show FBI bullied executives over not reporting ‘state propaganda’ enough


  • Emails show even Twitter’s chief censor feared the FBI was breaking  law helping US intelligence engage in domestic operations

FBI Lied To Interfere In 2020 et 2022 Elections
Was Busy Censoring Conservatives Instead of Chasing Crooks
 FBI is the crook?
  • Accusations it broke law by pushing Twitter to remove accounts and hand over user location details, new trove reveals
  • Latest Twitter Files Reveal FBI Also Used Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Wikimedia And Reddit (Screenshots)
  • FBI REFUSES to reveal how many social media firms it is secretly influencing

Congressman Comer (R, KY): “The FBI needs to Be Dismantled”

How a Gun Exec Allegedly Conned Cops Into Funding His Swanky Lifestyle

Is he safe in prison? The man who knows too much
  • Bankman-Fried second-biggest Democrat donor after Soros … gave “tens of millions” stolen from clients to Democrats
  • Dems may have to give it back
  • The curious timing of ‘scammy’ Bankman-Fried’s crypto-bust
  • Sam Bankman-Fried Arrest Sparks Jeffrey Epstein “Suicide” scenarios
  • Scammer Bankman-Fried denied bail.  $300 million missing
  • Everything Bankman-Fried is accused of by the US government
  • Prosecution of Sam Bankman-Fried Could Rise or Fall on Intent
  • Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong slams media for treating Sam Bankman-Fried with ‘kid gloves’





With new Twitter files, Musk forces a free-speech reckoning for politicians and pundits

FBI Reveals It Has More Information on Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich
  • Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout Gives First Interview Since swap for basketball star Brittney Griner …
  • Russian media laughing they got Bout for Griner
  • Bout: “They’re Losing Their Christian Values. They’re Losing Their Families. It Is No Longer the America We Knew”
  • “Not religious” now a specific American identity—one that distinguishes secular, liberal whites from the conservative, evangelical right
  • Three Decades Ago, America Lost Its Religion. Why?

How hard left was Twitter’s censorship?
Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said those who don’t conform to activism in business will be shot

  • “On October 14, 2020, the New York Post published BIDEN SECRET EMAILS, an expose based on the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop … Twitter took extraordinary steps to suppress the story …
  • Twitter secretly erased conservative voices – and let terrorists tweet freely.
  • Twitter maintained a suite of tools to silence conservative viewpoints on the platform, placing talk show hosts, activists and even respected doctors on blacklists to limit the visibility of their accounts, newly released company documents show
  • Frenzied conversations:  Yoel Roth met WEEKLY with FBI – and agency flagged election-related content for moderation
  • Head Of Twitter’s Censorship Operation Was A Former FBI, CIA Operative

  • Musk proves Hunter Biden censorship came from collusion among Biden campaign, F.B.I, Face Book, elite media et Twitter
  • A perfect illustration how the elite media have given up doing their job
  • THE ART OF THE STEAL: How the Dems did it
  • Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI interfered in U.S. presidential election
  • YouTube Censored User After He Published Democrats’ 2016 ‘Stolen Election’ Claims
  • Dems Already Told Us They Stole the Election w/o Actually Telling Us
  • Media knew but said nothing — ‘Complete corruption of the journalistic function

  • 19 more unforgettable images from the Pearl Harbor attack 81 years ago
  • WATCH: World War II veteran, 102, revisits Pearl Harbor on anniversary of Japan’s attack
  • Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?
  • The American Who Undermined negotiations with Japan and Gave Us Pearl  harbor

How Corrupt Is our Corrupt Media?
“They have adopted a utilitarian view that noble progressive ends justify almost any unethical means to obtain them. The media is unapologetically fused with the Democratic Party, the bicoastal liberal elite, and the progressive agenda. The result is that the public cannot trust that the news it hears or reads is either accurate or true”
Can a Corrupt Media Be Checked?
  • How the government hid the truths behind Hunter Biden’s laptop that could have changed the election
  • What’s missing from Twitter files: The truth about the FBI role in suppressing negative Biden et Democrat news
  • Glenn Greenwald Slams MSM Journos For ‘Hive-Mind’ Censorship Hackery

Hunter Biden scandals explained: Ukraine, China, drug history and more
  • Twitter Staff to Be Grilled Before Congress for Censoring Hunter Biden Laptop Story before election
  • Twitter files reveal familiar name in Hunter Biden laptop scandal
  • CBS, NBC, CNN pivot their coverage of the Hunter Biden scandal
  • How Corrupt is a Corrupt Media?

Marauding Bands Of Organized Looters Steal Billions Worth Of Merchandise
Crime in the retail world makes for not so happy holiday shopping season

America Descends Into Lawlessness

Biden’s proposed military “assault weapon” ban has a serious constitutional problem
  • Should Citizens Have Military Weapons of War?
  • Yes. Americans have always owned them, including cannons,  because that fulfills the Second’s raisons d’être

5 Secret Service rental cars burst into flame at same time
DHS warns of domestic terror threats
Everyone a suspect


Chicago Woman Shoots Armed Carjacker In Head
  • More Americans legally carrying guns despite slowest increase in CCW permits on record
  • Los Angeles Sheriff bureucracy takes year to issue … favoratism under scrutiny
  • FBI undercounts number of times armed citizens have thwarted active shooting incidents
Mainstream media won’t report

Full List of People Named on Jeffrey Esptein’s Lolita Express
“The fact that the DOJ has kept the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell client list under wraps is pretty remarkable. But the media not showing an ounce of curiosity shows that the industry may be even more corrupt than could have been imagined”
Epstein Victims Sue Banks They Allege Were ‘Facilitating’ Sex Trafficking Operation

Mixed emotions (Illustration by Alexander Hunter for The Washington Times)

Bill Clinton Laughs Off His Relationship With Dead Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy points to murder sez pathologist
Who wanted Jeffrey Epstein dead?
“Jeffrey Epstein’s violent death in a Manhattan jail cell prevents a trial or a plea deal that threatened to expose business associates and political enablers who made use of the services provided by his alleged sex-trafficking activities, or who profited from this and other sordid operations of the multimillionaire money manager”
The Great Epstein Cover-up, Part I
The Great Epstein Cover-Up, Part 2

Corruption In DC Far Worse Than Americans Imagine

Confessions of  voter fraud: I was a master at fixing Democrat mail-in ballots
Other ways to fix an election
FBI: Federal Bureau of Intimidation
  • Zuckerberg: Facebook (and others) limited exposure of Hunter Biden story ahead of the 2020 election after FBI warning
  • The FBI: Campaign Arm of Democrat Party
  • FBI Voter Suppression Then, FBI Voter Suppression Now
  • Whistleblower Has Damning Details About FBI Suppressing Hunter Investigation before election
  • FBI und Facebook sued for suppressing Hunter Biden laptop story to protect president, Joe Biden
  • Jan 6th “insurrection” story falling apart after revelations about FBI entrapment

When the solution is obvious
A sucker born every minute!
  • Inside the $8bn FTX crypto scandal – and its real-world impact
  • Crypto-fraud firm FTX the brainchild of the second largest Democrat donor in the country.
  • So how can Forbes now claim it was a Republican conspiracy?

Playing with woke fire
  • Stanford Prof Joel Peterson: Leftists Splitting America Along ‘Identity and Tribal Lines’
  • Wokeism: The Cruel Destruction Of Society
  • Why Wokeism Will Rule the World
  • The Fatal Flaw At The Core Of Wokeism

Why Is Government Arming More Federal Bureaucrats Than US Marines?
Biden’s private army and the militarization of American politics

Why are more not livid about FBI lawbreaking?
The FBI Is Not What It Used to Be

U.S. election results 2022

  • Pelosi to step down from House leadership, stay in Congress House
  • Was Democratic leader for 20 years
  • Seismic shift

We are ALL talking about the elephant in the room

Republican Michelle Steel reelected to Southern California House seat giving GOP majority
  • Race defined by bitterness between the two Asian American candidates, with each accusing the other of nasty attacks
  • Bakersfield Congressman Kevin McCarthy wins GOP nomination for House Speaker
  • Nancy Pelosi: “He is such a moron”
  • Is McCarthy too stupid to be speaker? Or the dumbest smart man in Washington?

Trump’s gonna do it
Defies GOP establishment
Announces he’s running for US president again in 2024 bid

GOP civil war
Republicans blame Trump for midterm disappointments

Ron DeSantis Likened to Prophet Sent by God in New Ad

DeSantis sending ‘very dangerous sign’ to GOP voters — and Trump’s worried: religious scholar

  • Professor Sneers at GOP: Don’t Expect DeSantis to Save You!
  • GOP’s biggest problem:  It is led by unserious, inadequate individuals.
  • If Republicans cannot recognize and properly respond to this, voters will continue to abandon it
How Could John Fetterman Have Won?
American Voters Are Idiots

‘I’m not gonna change
Biden sez he’ll do ‘nothing’ differently after the midterm elections because he’s ‘confident these policies are working’

American Voters Are Idiots

This is not the country I fought for!
  • Violent Rhetoric Is Transforming Our Country Into a Very Dangerous Place
  • Whistleblowers say ‘FBI Leadership’ Is ‘Rotted to Its Core
  • Politics and media have critically corrupted the FBI
  • You Knew the FBI Was Corrupt, But Did You Know It Was THIS Bad?
  • The Purge of Political Dissidents
  • Deep State Is What Disables Democracy
  • Cornell’s Red Guards Shut Down Speaker
  • The normalization of random neighborhood assaults

GOP ready to move on without Donald Trump

How he sabotaged the Republican midterms
Ron DeSantis the new Republican Party leader
Now Favorite Over Donald Trump to Win 2024 Election say Bookmakers
Democrats skewered Republicans by funding these MAGA losers
Still percolating …
Candace Owens Disputes Paul Pelosi Attack Story as do others
Pelosi break-in caught on security cameras
Why can’t we see the tapes?

‘Yellowstone’ Creator Taylor Sheridan Walks Back Call  for Trump’s Impeachment: ‘I Don’t Recall That’

No Signs of Red Wave

Democrats, Not ‘Democracy,’ at Risk Today
What do liberal Democrats do, if, in a free and fair election, U.S. voters throw them out and replace them with people our elites routinely equate with fascists and Nazis? We may be about to find out.

  • Extremely Ominous Warning About China. Admiral Richard says “the big one” with with China is coming and the “ship is slowly sinking” in terms of U.S. deterrence.
  • “Sink two aircraft carriers”: Chinese Admiral’s recipe to win  … “We’ll see how frightened America is”

Democrats Unhinged

If GOP Wins ‘Our Children Will be Arrested and Conceivably Killed
“We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away.”
Beschloss mocked for insane comment but induced panic reigns

Why Is the Left Suddenly Worried About End of Democracy?

Why won’t San Fran DA release tapes of Pelosi break-in?
Mysteriously retracted NBC News report with new details adds to speculation

  • The Insoluble Problem of Free Speech
  • 17 Freedom of Speech Pros and Cons
  • Unfettered Free Speech Is A Threat To Democracy, Journalist Says
  • Real Fascism: DHS, FBI Work Directly With Social Media Companies To Censor, Suppress Information
  • Truth cops: Department of Homeland Security quietly curbing speech it considers dangerous
  • Why Musk worries Washington

  • NY Gov. Hochul Calls Rising Crime a ‘Conspiracy’ Pushed by Republicans
  • Washington D.C. to Legalize Public Urination and cut “the maximum penalties for offenses such as burglaries, carjackings and robberies.”
Political pressures divide, inflame response to Pelosi attack as lawmakers point fingers over who’s to blame
Biden and Democrats spin the attack on Paul Pelosi to smear “violent” rhetoric of Trump, MAGA backers

“Stupid Party” not smart enough to counter  Democrats’s violent rhetoric

Democrat Senator Schumer Used Violent Rhetoric To Sic A Mob On Two Supreme Court Justices
  • Top Democrats including Biden, Schumer and Pelosi have all encouraged violent leftists
  • Schumer, Pelosi and the Democrats’ incendiary rhetoric
  • Dems’ dangerous double standard on violent rhetoric
The bizarre timeline of David DePape’s alleged violent assault on Paul Pelosi
Stan Greene
Santa Monica Observer Staff Writer :
“David Depape is said to be a Castro Nudist”

“Castro Nudists are a group of really radical gay male prostitutes that parade around naked with cock rings
An official narrative that keeps changing

Megyn Kelly throws shade on Paul Pelosi investigation: ‘The SFPD has egg on its face’ … “I know enough to smell a rat,”
 Six new details from Monday’s affidavit on the Paul Pelosi attack: Cops weren’t monitoring cameras during break-in

Election Fraud Hypocrisy
  • Kari Lake Gives “Tutorial In How Fake, Bogus, Defamatory News Is Made”
  • The Main Source of Fake News … It’s not home bloggers in their underwear

  • Elon Musk Is Right That Twitter Should Follow the First Amendment
  • EU threatens Twitter over freedom of speech
  • Will Elon Musk’s Twitter become a beacon of free speech or a soap box for hate speech?


78-year-old woman arrested for feeding homeless in Bullhead City, AZ
Why is feeding homeless a crime?
According to Mohave Valley Daily News, Mrs Norma Thornton was arrested because  her city has a law against organising any events at a public park where prepared food is served or distributed for charitable purposes at no cost, or for a nominal charge, to any member of the public


“Where’s Nancy!?”
  • Maniac hunting Nancy Pelosi attacks her husband
  • Attacker’s neighbors: “What I know about the family is that they’re very radical activists” …  “They seem very left. They are all about the Black Lives Matter movement. Gay pride. But they’re very detached from reality.
  • Had hit list of other pols
  • Paul Pelosi undergoes surgery on skull after David DePape’s hammer attack at 2AM in Pelosi home
  • Attack Spurs Concern Over New Era Of Political Violence
  • 2020 FLASHBACK: Schumer Tells Kavanaugh “You Have Released The Whirlwind And You Will Pay The Price”
  • Man with a gun later arrested outside Kavanaugh’s home. There to murder Justice, police say

Stunning Reversal: Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat
Fetterman’s past gun incident rattles Black Democrats in Pa. Senate race
Voter interest at all-time high in NBC News poll. Check voter registration deadlines and laws in your state
Acclaimed ABC national security reporter James Gordon Meek missing since April FBI raid on his apartment
Former FBI Official To Testify Agency Inflating Domestic Terrorism Data to Gain Power
Should The FBI Be Abolished?
  • Agency has become dangerous to Americans and an existential threat to their democracy and rule of law
  • It has become a police state security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War
  • FBI cover-up: Joe Biden “may have been involved in “Hunter’s criminal conduct”, whistleblowers say … accuse bureau of  “pattern and practice of political decisions”
  • Award-winning journalist missing since heavily armed FBI ‘seized classified docs’ in home raid
  • FBI mass murdered 74 men, women and children
FBI Whistleblower Alleges Many Agents “Don’t Agree” With Bureau’s Direction

When will you stop taking it?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn knew how …

“What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?”

What If Putin Actually Uses Nukes on Ukraine?

Chicago Was Safer With Al Capone In Charge
Chicago During The Capone Era and Today

How the Left Lost Faith in SCOTUS and Learned to Love Packing the Court
  •  Climate, abortion, LGBTQ, and gun control groups want to expand the court—”before it is too late”
  • Left Wants to Pack the Supreme Court. Law Professor Shares His Plan to Reshape It

Bad idea sez Justice Breyer

A duplicitous Musk Twitter surprise?
  • Faulted Twitter for being too restrictive about speech
  • Now his appeasement of Putin and China stokes fears of new Twitter speech policies
  • Proposed solving Ukraine war by letting Russia keep territory
  • Won China praise for suggesting it take control of Taiwan
  • Pursuit of approval from two most powerful dictatorships especially unnerving
  • Both already use the platform to spread lies about opponents and whip up violence and mayhem
  • Paul Barrett New York University: “You could have provocations, whether engineered by Musk himself or by others, that could have global implications”
  • We’ve Never Been Closer To A Conflict Between Russia & NATO, Warns Top Czech General
California Democrats make it illegal for doctors to disagree with politicians
Joe Rogan & Dave Smith Break Down The Real Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine
  • “The most important priority in the history of humanity is that America and Russia do not go to war. There’s nothing more important than that”

Tulsi Gabbard Abandons “Elitist, Woke, Anti-White’ Democratic Party”
  • IRS Data Shows Democrats Now Party of the Wealthy Elite
  • The Democratic party of today presents itself as a champion for social justice, the defenders of the little guy, the champions of the downtrodden and oppressed.
  • The reality is Democrats are now the party of  limousine liberals who have pushed wokeness on the nation, knowing they will not suffer the consequences of their policies
  • The Madness of America’s Ruling Class

Most people believe that famous phrase came from the U.S. government. Many of  those believe it’s an immigration mandate
That’s all pure fiction

Orthodox Jews suing over NY gun carry restrictions for synagogues
“You are making them sitting ducks”… “Jewish houses of worship are targets for hate.”

Putin Taking Crimea Bridge Explosion Personally, Says UK Intelligence

Putin hunkered in secret bunker with nuke button … Russians worried about his state of mind

Biden Warns ‘Nuclear Armageddon’ Threat Back ‘For First Time Since Cuban Missile Crisis’
Sum of all fears

World War III Has Already Begun

  • This is combat without bombs or bullets. Our enemy is the SARS-Cov-2 virus … It has exactly one purpose: conquering your cells and turning them into factories to make more viruses
  • Col. Lawrence Sellin, PhD: Lab-created COVID-19 is part of China’s biowarfare program
  • Dr Li Meng-Yan: Covid is a BIOWEAPON that leaked from Wuhan lab during military ‘Frankenvirus’ tests
  • We are losing the war, badly

Democrats Redefine  Jim Crow

Kamala: Government Ian Hurricane relief will prioritize ‘communities of color’

Pastor Dishes New Dirt on Willie Brown/KamalaRelationship
  • Kamala Harris In High Stakes Gaffe At DMZ Hails Strong US “Alliance With Republic Of North Korea”
  • “The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea.”
  • How Stupid is Kamala Harris, Really?
  • Newt Gingrich Calls Kamala Harris ‘Dumbest‘ Vice President Ever
Liberal Berkeley Law Students Develop Jewish-Free Zones

Does road to Auschwitz now begin at Berkeley?
The Left’s Attack on the First Amendment
Speech regulation now an article of faith on  left
 Democrats Shift From Corporate Censorship via Facebook, Twitter and Others to Demands for Government Censorship “Before it’s too Late”

Is Lindsey Graham queer? MSNBC: “He’s never seen a vagina or seen a woman naked”
MSNBC allows Stephanie Ruhle and smart ass liberal panelists to characterize and mock Republican Lindsey Graham as a repressed homosexual for his anti abortion stance. Snarky speculati0n about his sexuality would never allowed by network against a Democrat
Same shit, different place …

America 1960s

Russia 2022

  • Fiona Hill, Former Russian specialist on National Security Council sez Putin would use nuclear weapons:  “Every time you think, ‘No, he wouldn’t, would he?’ Well, yes, he would
  • ‘Isolated’ Putin likely to be ‘killed’ by own generals if he tries to use nuclear weapon
Meanwhile in Ukraine …

Surrendered Russian lieutenant colonel wounded in butt,  gets  medical help from Ukrainian

Lieutenant Colonel Olga ‘Kursa’ Kachura ,who boasted how she enjoyed killing Ukrainians and whose troops fired on civilians,  killed in a missile strike

Biological weapons threat evolving
  • Bioweapons in development  that  kill only people of particular race, religion or political belief
Aspen Security Forum:

Border communities seethe as Democrats seek money for Martha’s Vineyard migrants

FDA lied and hundreds of thousands died
Yale Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology:
FDA hid evidence about effective treatment of Covid

Former GOP Senator Alan Simpson: “I belong to the Stupid Party”
Is Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sabotaging GOP chances to win back Senate?

Is Lindsey Graham also Trying to Throw the Midterm Elections to Democrats?… Is Mitch McConnell Behind It?

Stupid Party senator  lives up to GOP nickname

  • Ken Starr, Who Turned Blind Eye to Rape and Defended Sex Trafficker, Dead at 76
  • Pioneered guilt by inference argument to uphold conviction of man unjustly targeted by government

Remember the 2,977 who died

The Queen is Dead

Charles III
God Save the King

Pissed off yet?

What is the plan to deal with Biden’s Fourth Reich?
  • Biden speech denouncing Trump, ‘MAGA ideology’ sparks threats, calls for violence
  • A Dangerous Escalation“: Majority Of Americans Think Biden Speech Was “Designed To Incite Conflict”
  • Senior Biden counterterrorism official: “I fear he is lighting a fuse that is not going to go well” … this is not a united speech but a very divisive one”
  • Full dystopian dictator optics … Biden shocks viewers with ‘hellish red background’ for polarizing speech
  • ‘Satanic Ghoul’ … Biden Slammed Across Political Spectrum For Optics Of Divisive Speech
  • New York Democrats Make Times Square a Gun-Free Zone, Even for Concealed Carry Permit Holders
  • Federal judge allows law to go into effect, but warns it may be unconstitutional … calls underlying law ‘doomed
  • When Is a Constitutional Right Not a Right? When you need official approval to exercise it
  • That’s what New York’s pistol-permit law does

NYT Mourns ‘Death’ of ‘Defund the Police’ Movement, Warns Americans Will ‘Regret’ Rejecting It

FBI redactions
  • What Does the FBI Removal of agent Timothy Thibault Say About the Hunter Biden Investigation?
  • Claims Thibault shielded Hunter Biden from probe
  • Thibault Was FBI Agent in Charge of Investigating Voter Fraud, And Failed to Do So
  • Zuckerberg’s Admission Of FBI Meddling In 2020 Election Is Even Bigger Than It Seems
  • Top Republican claims Biden using government to protect Hunter and family after CIA chief of staff who dismissed laptop story as ‘Russian intelligence’ was appointed to White House intelligence advisory board
  • Agent Peter Strzok pummeled after claiming FBI had ‘no choice’ but to ‘reluctantly’ investigate Trump
  • Ticked-off Liberals Turn Against CNN, Launch Viral ‘#BoycottCNN’ Twitter Campaign
  • Lindsey Graham: There ‘will be riots in the streets’ if Trump indicted
  • Morning Joe slams Lindsey Graham for threatening ‘riots in the street’ to protect Trump from indictment

  • Judge Hands Trump a Win in Fight Against FBI, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Follows
  • What we still don’t know after release of redacted FBI Trump raid affidavit
  • Former Law Clerk for Justice Gorsuch Lays Out Why the Mar-a-Lago Raid Based on Today’s Affidavit Was “Unprecedented…Unnecessary, and…Unlawful”
  • The Raid on Mar-A-Lago: A Desperate Act by the Deep State
  • Alan Dershowitz says the DOJ has ‘enough evidence to indict’ former president, but wont because Hillary Clinton’s handling of State Department emails was worse
  • “Critical Factual Error” by FBI Raid Affiant Could Blow Up the DOJ’s Case Against Trump
  • America a Better Place When FBI Didn’t Rig Elections
China Weaponizing Chinese Worldwide

  • FBI brass warned agents off Hunter Biden laptop due to 2020 election: whistleblowers
  • FBI Keeps Interfering In Presidential Elections. Time To Disband It

  • Ex-FBI special agent claims Joe Biden’s Department of Justice pushed hard for Bureau to raid Mar-a-Lago and thinks top-brass will have tried to push back
  • Overclassification is an even bigger problem in an age of leak-hunting
  • Director of National Intelligence sez overclassification a National Security Threat During Senate Testimony

Gross incompetence tanked recall of Soros backed LA District Attorney …”This could not have been handled more like amateur hour … they have no one to blame but themselves for this disaster.”

McConnell tells GOP to curb its mid term election expectations … issues grim forecast

IRS agents practice for future home audits

  • Former National Intelligence Director: Trump Has ‘Ultimate Declassification Authority’
  • Former FBI Agent Says Mar-a-Lago Raid Was Government’s Attempt to ‘Embarrass’ Trump
  • Understanding the legal process behind the raid and where it’s headed

Nancy Pelosi considered a ‘rich and arrogant limousine liberal’ by her own party, a biography obtained exclusively by UK’s DailyMail reveals
Pelosi in Taiwan

The limousine liberal  view of economy
  • In Paul Krugman’s Upper West Side Bubble, All Is Well
  • If you ask people, ‘‘How’s your financial situation?’ it’s pretty favorable.”
  • “Really? What people?”

The Curse of the War on Cash
  • Israel’s War On Cash Gets More Drastic … Others Sure To Follow
  • “The goal is to reduce cash fluidity, mainly because crime organizations tend to rely on cash”
  • The war on cash is about much more than cash

Ministry of Truth: Wikipedia Editors Feverishly Change Article on Recessions to Match False Biden Talking Points
George Orwell
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

What war with China would mean

America Not Ready for War With China
  • Military Recruiting Numbers Lowest Since the Vietnam War
  • How World’s Greatest Military Has Been Eroded
“Something Needs to be Done!”

Former Dallas Fed Chair Says Pelosi “Appears to Have Taken illegal Advantage” of Insider Information

I Helped Investigate Watergate. The Secret Service Texts Are Like Nixon’s Lost Tapes

The FBI Analyst Who Made Up Decade’s Biggest Political Lies

Bioweapons in development  that  kill only people of particular race, religion or political belief
Aspen Security Forum:

Steve Bannon Found Guilty Of Contempt Of Congress For Defying J6 Subpoena

What Harvrd et elite hypocrites mean by ‘diversity
  • Its 82-to-1 faculty ratio of liberals to conservatives makes a mockery of the university’s avowed commitment to diversity. Everyone knows that Harvard has no desire to uphold “diversity in all forms”
  • Harvard’s largely socialist and atheist worldview shared by other Ivy League and elite institutions is pervasive, aggressive, and deeply intolerant
  • The most chilling examples of intolerance have come from campuses of higher education. Furthermore, the ultimate responsibility for the erosion of free speech values in our country […] rests with academics, journalists, and others who actively support actions taken against those with opposing views or stand silent

‘Cover Up’: Morning Joe Goes There Over Missing Secret Service Texts from January 6th Despite Subpoena … ‘Beyond outrageous’

Secret Service provides Jan. 6 committee single text exchange from that day

  • Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) : ‘Witness Continue to Come Forward’ — January 6 Probe May Add More Hearings
  • Steve Bannon dismisses January 6 committee hearings as a ‘show trial’
  • Taxpayer-funded liberal-bias NPR announcing its new disinformation reporting team is a joke
  • House GOP Conference Chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) Criticizes Jan. 6 Committee For Keeping Pelosi ‘Off-Limits’ From Probe
  • Stephen Colbert’s The Late Show staff  who were arrested for ‘unlawful entry’  into the Capitol last month will NOT be prosecuted
  • Just 30% Of Left-Leaning Journalists Say Every Side Deserves Equal Coverage

Nice Khashoggi “hit,” MBS!

  • Biden Lashes Out at Reporters over MBS-Fist-Bump Coverage: ‘Talk About Something That Matters’
  • Biden Claims He Condemned MBS over Khashoggi Murder … Saudi Officials Say He Did Not
  • Biden accuses Saudi officials of lying after claims they ‘didn’t hear’ him confront MBS over Khashoggi murder

Treason in Ukraine …
Zelensky FIRES security chief and state prosecutor after HUNDREDS of cases of treason and collaboration with Russia among officials were uncovered

  • Clarence Thomas and the racism of the woke elites

Left-wing pollster John Corbett calls Justice Thomas the N-word on Twitter

  • Don Lemon Demands Republicans Be Treated as ‘Danger to Society’
  • ‘We’re Not Doing Our Jobs‘ if Media is Fair to Republicans
  • Political journalism is irreversibly corrupt
  • Why the News Is Not the Truth
  • Time to Act Over the Corruption That is Killing Ethical Journalism

Biden Saudi visit is ‘presidential pardon for murder’

“Election officials are confronting a wave of threats and security challenges from inside the election system itself.”
Michigan Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson: “What’s clear is this is a nationally coordinated effort, It’s multi-year, multi-faceted … not just pressuring election officials, but pressuring local elected officials as well.”

  • 50 years after ‘American Pie,’ Don McLean fears ‘some kind of civil war’
  • US ‘closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe’ says expert in new book
  • Imagine Civil War in every state
  • This time we just don’t like each other
  • We just refuse to see it

When shills turn …
Mainstream media abandons Biden – the man they relentlessly shilled for and protected …

… as he hid in basement during much of 2020 election
And fell flat in office time after time
Why the media might be ‘turning’ on Biden
Biden’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, But Closer Look Shows Even Worse News

Democrats gleeful at the harassment of Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh … offer $250 for conservative justice location sightings
Why don’t conservatives attack et harass Democrats like Democrats attack et harass conservatives ?
  •  Kavanaugh Forced to Escape DC Restaurant Through Back Due to Democrat Mob
  • Alan Dershowitz: Kavanaugh Protesters Had ‘Right,’ but Were ‘Wrong’
  • Schumer: “You Have Released The Whirlwind, Kavanaugh, And You Will Pay The Price!”
  • Why won’t conservatives make Dems “pay the price?”

  • Homeland Security worker charged in Chinese spying scheme
  • DHS Agents Spied For China? Charged With Attempts To Suppress Critics Of CCP
War talk watch …
  • Xi Jinping orders China’s military to be ready for war ‘at any second’
  • What Is Xi Jinping Trying to Tell Us?
  • Washington Must Prepare for War With Both Russia and China
  • Russia’s Medvedev Warns US Trying To Punish A Nuclear Power ‘Risks Existence Of Humanity’
  • Putin’s aide threatens to ‘claim back’ Alaska in response to US sanctions

Biden’s response: Millions Of Barrels From US Emergency Oil Reserve Sent Abroad, Including To China

  • Gary Webb Was Right
  • Webb linked the CIA to America’s introduction to crack cocaine
  • His  reporting uncovered how tons of cocaine were shipped into San Francisco by supporters of the CIA
  • Freshly-released CIA documents show how the largest U.S. newspapers helped the agency cover-up its drug dealing
  • How a C.I.A. Coverup Targeted a Whistle-blower

100 Year-Old WWII Decorated Veteran: “This Is Not The Country We Fought For”

America’s Two Fundamentally Irreconcilable Constitutional Visions

A Fabio Fourth of July
Fabio knows what the 4th of July is really about

  • New York Et California Move to Nullify Supreme Court Decision Upholding Second Amendment Rights
  • Gorsuch vs. the Administrative State: Quotes from West Virginia vs. EPA
  • Russian Trial Of America-Hating Brittney Griner Begins… And Her Prospects Look Bleak

Trump grabbed steering wheel from Secret Service driver?

Hyped congressional  inquisition testimony just hearsay
Megyn Kelly: ‘A First Year Law Student Could Have Driven A Truck Through The Holes’


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s Incompetence So Obvious Even Her Allies Wince
Supreme’s Second Amendment decision outs ruling class racism
LA Times Op-Ed: I Don’t Know About All These Blacks Owning Guns

The photo that scared the bejabbers out of America

Is California ready for more Black people to legally carry guns in public?
The Racist Origins of US Gun Control
Gun ruling could right a racial wrong
Gun control’s Racist past finally making big headlines

The empire strikes back …
California AG endorses denial of  Gun carry licenses based applicant’s political or ideological views
Guns N’ Roeses Intersect
  • How can you be anti-abortion and not anti-gun?
  • California approved Texas-style lawsuits over illegal guns, mimicking the Lone Star State’s law aimed at deterring abortions and obliquely linking the two most controversial U.S. Supreme Court decisions from last week.
Keith Olbermann mouths elitist outrage in call for dissolution of  Court over ruling

  • Pro-abortionists explode in anger after Supreme Court overturns Roe … 2 Dozen States To Restrict Abortions

  • Cops brace as irate protesters gather across country
  • Protesters target Justice Thomas’ home after he said SCOTUS should now revisit gay marriage and contraception
  • Schumer: “You Have Released The Whirlwind And You Will Pay The Price”
  • Is that “price” murder?
  • Armed Man Went to Justice Kavanaugh’s Home to Kill Him

The late Civil rights activist attorney Don B. Kates — The man who first got respect for Second Amendment with his University of Michigan Law Review article
More …

Police state endorsement …
  • Court Says Federal Cops Cannot be Sued For Breaking Laws Or Violating Civil Rights
  • To the Police State, We’re All Criminals
  • Court Again Upholds Double Prosecution and Punishment for Same Crime


The Impact Of Soros-Funded District Attorneys

First Pictures Of Uvalde Shooting Emerge As City Hires Lawyers To Block Evidence

1970s Style Gas Shortages Loom After Latest Idiocy From Biden

“The price is rising because someone somewhere from a keyboard has decided so” … Biden’s idea or was that on his instruction card?
Science fiction becomes science fact: Google’s AI experiment becomes sentient … hires lawyer …programmer says could “escape and do bad things”
Does China Own Joe Biden? Mounting evidence sez yes…
The Judas goats among us …

  • Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Monica Crowley charged that President Joe Biden’s administration and Democrats, in general, have been carrying out a plot to upend the country
  • “…it is tough for most Americans to understand that their President and a whole major political party in the U.S. is intentionally destroying and crippling the United States, Crowley said.”

  • China will ‘not hesitate to start war‘ over Taiwan, Beijing tells US
  • Xi Jinping raises fear of ‘special military operation’ in Taiwan …Vows To Fire on US Troops That Aid Taiwan
  • ‘Sink two aircraft carriers’: Chinese Admiral’s chilling recipe to dominate the South China Sea
  • War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable
  • What war with China could look like

Lustful look tells the book?
Ashley Biden wrote in diary she showered at young age with Father Joe and that may have contributed to her drug and sex addictions.
UK orders extradition of Julian Assange to United States
‘Dark Day For Press Freedom’ And UK: WikiLeaks … Decision Shows Why US/UK Freedom Lectures A Farce
The truth about Congress’ January 6th hearings…

  • Why Fox Didn’t Air the J6 Show Trial (and Why CNN and MSNBC Had To)
  • Rachel Maddow Isn’t Drinking the J6 Committee’s Kool-Aid
  • Committee Attacks Trump For Not Accepting 2020 Election Results
  • A Long List of Prominent Democrats Refusing to Accept Election Results
  • Committee members claim they have enough evidence for DOJ to begin investigating criminal indictment for Trump

FBI knew RussiaGate was a lie — but hid truth
  • Soros Prosecutors Run Half of America’s Largest Jurisdictions
  • Soros’ “Progressive” Prosecutors Sabotage Rule of Law, Raise Crime Rates, and Ignore Victims
  • Soros’ Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World
Dems say no to Joe for ’24 … “no longer useful to ruling class”
  • Did New York Times Admit Joe Biden Is Corrupt So Democrats Can Get Rid Of Him?
  • Hunter Biden’s closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the White House
  • Is Biden family corrupt? Jim Biden: “The Biden clan survives thanks to ‘plausible deniability’. “
  • Hunter Biden e-mail coverup is the clearest evidence yet of media corruption
  • The Hunter Biden Story Was Always About Joe’s Corruption

Inflation hits fresh 40-year high in May with consumer prices surging 8.6%


Uvalde cop scandal: Mom Says She Was Handcuffed While Trying to Save Kids — that Authorities Threatened Her to Not Tell

Actor Matthew McConaughey gets heavy backlash after endorsing more gun control laws
  • The Fatal Flaw In Matthew McConaughey’s ‘Common Sense’ Gun Plan
  • Why Uvalde Doesn’t Justify Gun Control: We already have background checks. Waiting periods don’t work. ‘Red flag law’ is code for ‘remove due process.’ And the average mass killers age is 33
  • Canadian Panic Buying After Trudeau’s Announced Plan To Ban Handgun Sales

We have two political parties in this country, the Stupid Party and the Evil Party. I belong to the Stupid Party.
— Alan Simpson, retired GOP Senator
  • Key results from primaries in seven states
  • GOP has become the stupid party — and proud of it
  • How ‘The Stupid Party’ Earned Its Name
  • BOBBY JINDAL: The GOP ‘Must Stop Being The Stupid Party’
Former Illinois “Evil Party” Dem Congressman Bill Foster: “The Constitution means nothing”
  • Democrats wage war against Constitution
  • Democrats Abandon Constitution
  • Laws Held Unconstitutional in Whole or in Part by the Supreme Court
  • Red Flag Gun Laws Set Stage For Selective Conservative Disarmament and Rights Denial
  • Dershowitz: Former presidential advisor Navarro’s Arrest ‘Dangerous to Democracy’
  • Dems May Be Ensuring Their Own Destruction

It’s about confiscation

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose
What Proof Does a D.C. Jury Need to Convict Someone Who Worked for Hillary Clinton?

Media lie after lie after lie …..

When the media defended Second Amendment rights

The next war?
  • China conducting military drills on Russian border while Putin focussed on Ukraine
  • Will China try to reclaim Vladivostok from Russia?

  • Supreme Court leak investigation heats up
  • Decisions due soon on abortion, guns, religion and climate change
  • Chinese state media propaganda found in 88% of Google, Bing news searches
  • China’s Propaganda: Ludicrous, Malicious, Extremely Effective
  • How China uses news media as a propaganda weapon
  • How China Is Winning the Propaganda War
  • A final victory for China’s propaganda chiefs

MI6: Vladimir Putin may be dead with body double secretly taking his place


Top Russian Military Brass Caught Venting: ‘You’re Fucked, Putin—Motherfucker!’


Old school: Ukrainian Fighters With WWI Guns Channel 16th-Century Ancestors

Cossack with head of a Tatar, 1786

“Every Ukrainian is a Cossack!”

Biden bites into “the palladium of freedoms of a republic” many fought and died to protect … “no rational basis” for 9mm pistols sez Joe

Dump Second Amendment?
A need for remedial education among eggheads
Why good people should be armed:
Woman with pistol killed man shooting at crowd of people in Charleston, WV
  • House Democrats Prepare Gun Control Bills
  • Beto O’Rourke: AR-15 Owners Should Not Be Able to Keep Them
  • New York To Raise Age Limit For Semi-Automatic Rifle Buys, Ban Body Armor
  • Gun Control Narrative Omits Cases Where Guns Save Lives
  • Why are so many Americans against stricter gun laws? A teen tries to explain

Uvalde massacre stories keep changing
  • Cops face growing criticism over response to Texas school shooting as parents speak out … stood outside because they ‘believed no children at risk’? … or feared being shot?

Reporters Demand Answers on Police Response: ‘Why Don’t You Clear Up’ All The ‘Bad Info’?
The question not being asked:

When machine guns could be ordered from comic book ads, public high schools across the country had rifle teams and students carried their guns and ammo in public as well as in schools, why didn’t we have school shootings?

The 1966 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute high school rifle team

Julian Assange should not be extradited to US to face espionage charges, Council of Europe tells UK Home Secretary Priti Patel
  • Human rights expert urges Home Secretary not to extradite Julian Assange
  • Daniel Ellsberg: “Whatever Julian Assange is guilty of, I’m guilty of” … Beginning of End For Press Freedom?
  • Gov claim: Why Assange arrest not a 1st Amendment issue … Why WikiLeaks Unlike Pentagon Papers
  • Reporters Without Borders urges UK not to extradite Assange
  • Extraditing Julian Assange would be a gift to secretive, oppressive regimes

FBI Spied On Millions of  Americans Without Warrant, GOP Demands Answers

‘Let’s rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything’
  • Videos show parents begging cops to stop Texas school shooting
  • Woman pinned down by police for screaming at them to get inside the school
  • Witnesses: Police Refused to Enter School as Shooter Rampaged, Subdued Parents Begging Them to Act
  • ‘Horrifying’ conspiracy theories swirl around Texas shooting

Hillary Did It
Her 2016 campaign manager says she personally approved plan to plant false Russia collusion claims against Donald Trump with reporters

  • Obama et other top officials knew collusion story  in oft cited  Steele dossier was a lie
  • FBI Lawyer Admits Knowing Clinton Was Behind Trump Allegations Would Have Changed Things
  • Reporters the main source of intentional misinformation et fake news against conservatives because almost all are Democrat partisans

Carl Cameron: “Maybe It’s Time To Start Putting People In Jail For Misinformation
“The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation”: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace. Nobody Spreads False Washington Garbage More Relentlessly

The Washington Swamp Must Be Drained!
  • How the National Security State Manipulates the News Media
  • Microsoft censors searches for politically sensitive Chinese personalities
  • What Did the “Russia Hoax” Cost America?
  • Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working at CNN, NPR et al  (and still are)?
  • “CNN has Always Fiercely Guarded Its Pentagon (and CIA ) Access. No One But A Fool Would Ever Believe that a News Medium as Important as CNN Would Not be the Accomplice of US Government Policy and Propaganda”
  • Frank Wisner, head of the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination: “I am capable of playing any propaganda tune desired” through bought reporters. “You can get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) admitted Friday to colluding with Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate parents speaking at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists.”

Julian Assange should not be extradited to US to face espionage charges, Council of Europe tells UK Home Secretary Priti Patel
  • Assange Espionage Indictment: Classified Hypocrisy and a Prosecutorial Trojan Horse
  • Julian Assange case shows the hypocrisy of the US and UK over war crimes
  • Former UK Ambassador Peter Ford: “The latest twist in the tale highlights the hypocrisy of a British government which sanctimoniously denounces Russia for suppression of free speech and war crimes while itself persecuting a journalist for revealing war crimes committed by a UK ally”

Unsettling Army recruitment video a master class in psychological warfare
“Everything is a weapon. Even this video.”

Buffalo mass murderer Payton Gendron
  • Buffalo shooter told us who he was and what he wanted to do – why didn’t police stop him?
  • Threatened to attack his high school last year … Questioned after threat
  • A real terrorist or another FBI/police set-up?
  • “Since 9/11 just one organization—the FBI—has been responsible for hatching and financing more terrorist plots in the United States than any other”
  • Gendron’s Alleged Manifesto Says He Chose Buffalo, NY Because of its Strict Gun Control Laws
  • Parents Catch FBI In Plot To Force Mentally Ill Son To Be A Right Wing Terrorist
  • NY Governor Hochul to introduce gun control law package after Buffalo massacre

  • Biggest crooks in Special Counsel Durham’s investigation may be at FBI
  • Federal jury delivers a rebuke of FBI entrapment
  • FBI opened multiple investigations into protesting parents
  • A Short History Of How The FBI Is Treasonous And Corrupt

FBI crime lab director Dr. Frederic Whitehurst exposed Bureau evidence fakery to convict innocents

How Iconic Movie Star And Activist Jean Seberg Was Driven To Suicide By A Covert FBI Program

Attorney General Janet Reno ‘very troubled’ over FBI’s Waco lies … What Really Happened At Waco And The FBI Collusion to Cover Up Its Mass Murder of Davidians

Randy Weaver. Gone but not forgotten
Three decades ago, he was entrapped by an ATF agent. FBI agents subsequently killed his son and wife

Why Does Putin Keep Saying that Ukrainians Are Nazis?

Can Ukraine have a ‘Nazi problem’ with a Jewish president?
Truth or Fake
Photos of Nazi symbols in Ukraine either distortions of reality or completely fictional
Is China planning a “Pearl Harbor” attack?
Hawaii linked to Taiwan-China tensions
Japanese official warns US of potential surprise attack on Hawaii — from Russia and China

Practice  Naval Targets Noticed In Chinese Desert
America Should Be Prepared for a Surprise Attack from China
The unthinkable gets closer …
U.S. faces China-Russia threats, decade after ditching 2-front war plans
 1984 creeps closer too …

Lefty Biden Disinformation Czar Demands Power To Edit Other People’s Tweets. “So verified people can edit Twitter the same sort of way Wikipedia is” … Compared Free Speech To “Fairy Dust”

THESE 20 STATES Threaten Legal Action Over Ministry of Truth Disinformation Czar’s plans

Leftists Hate Free Speech Because They Fear Dissent, Not “Disinformation”

FDA Chief Claims “Misinformation” is Leading Cause of Death in the United States

In the seat of power …
  • DHS disinformation ‘czar’ Jankowicz pushed false Trump-Russia collusion claims at center of Durham case
  • Biden’s New Press Secretary a big fan of election fraud Conspiracy Theories — but not the 2020 one
  • Congress to Hold First Open Hearing About UFOs in 50 Years
  • Biden DOJ Threatening Jan. 6 Defendants With Life in Prison
  • FBI lied to cover up its spying on Donald Trump during 2016 campaign. DOJ notes show FBI Panic After Trump Tweeted He Knew He Was Being Spied On

Putin’s Victory Day message: ‘as in 1945,’ Ukraine will be liberated from ‘Nazi filth’
Who’s the Nazi filth?
Why, the NAZI mercenary monsters Putin hired to rob, rape, murder, and terrorize Ukranian civilians

Putin’s neo-Nazi, white supremacist  Wagner Group mercenaries who cut off Ukranian’s ears for souvenirs

Wagner’s Kommandant und Anführer — Nazi tattoos and all
Putin’s ‘fascism and tyranny’ equal to Nazis


  • Pro-choice left attacks legitimacy of Supreme Court
  • Chief Justice Roberts slams Schumer for ‘threatening’ comments
  • Reports Indicate Justice Alito and Family Moved to  Secure Location
  • As Roe Threatened,  NY Times Dumps ‘Pregnant People’ and Rediscovers ‘Women’
  • NPR’s infamously wrong Nina Totenberg: It ‘makes sense’ Supreme Court leaker a ‘conservative clerk’

Actual Washington rumored prime leak suspect is liberal Justice Sotomayor law clerk Amit Jain

Tech Giants Censoring, Blacklisting and Banning Posts on “2000 Mules” Ballot Trafficking Fraud Documentary Across Social Media Platforms

Putin warning: Nuke may be used on Ukraine TODAY: ‘Only way to change war’

  • Will sane Russians prevent W.W. III again?
  • What To Do About China? It’s ‘Carefully’ Studying Ukraine War As It Eyes Taiwan
  • Japanese official warns of potential surprise attack on Hawaii — from China
  • Can Roe v. Wade get us off the glidepath to World War III by becoming the new “Current Thing?”

  • What if there is no majority to overturn Roe v. Wade, and the leak under the false premise that Alito represents the majority was to create a political firestorm under false pretenses?
  • White House Won’t Condemn Protesters Descending on Supreme Court Justices’ Homes
  • Report: White House “panicked” at lack of tools to keep abortion legal

  • Why did federal police square off with abortion rights protesters in L.A. streets?
Of special note:
Putin to Send ‘Doomsday’ Warning to West at Russia’s WW2 Victory Parade

Stupid CIA tricks: Helping Ukrainians kill Russian generals … and then bragging about it!
  • Russia’s Admiral Makarov warship hit by Ukrainian missiles and burst into flames, according to Ukrainian officials
  • Amnesty International says compelling evidence Russian troops committed war crimes, including extrajudicial executions of civilians plus rapes and tortures when they occupied an area outside Ukraine‘s capital in February and March
  • Russian generals ‘turning on themselves’ over ‘disaster’ war amid fears of purge

  • Putin practicing NUCLEAR missile strikes and chemical attack in war games on NATO border
  • US Ramps Up Training of Ukrainian Troops
  • US Intelligence Has Helped Kill Multiple Russian Generals In Ukraine
  • CIA Trying To Contact Russians Against Ukraine War Via Dark Web
Today Is Cinco de Mayo … What is it Y Why Do We Celebrate It?

  • Democrats skeptical SCOTUS will save them in November
  • Justice Sotomayor: SCOTUS Would Not ‘Survive The Stench’ If Upheld Mississippi Abortion Law
  • After Roe: 9 legal experts on what rights the Supreme Court might target next

Top Generals Warn Chances Of War “Increasing, Not Decreasing”
World closer to nuclear war than Cuban Missile Crisis, Russian academic says
Pelosi Talk of Ukraine “Victory” Unnerves Some Allies 
Is China preparing to invade Taiwan?
  • What to do with ‘every single’ SCOTUS clerk to find the leaker
  • Will FBI going raid house of Politico reporter who published the Alito opinion? Or is that just reserved for reporters who get Ashley Biden’s diary?
  • Timing Was Intentional: Roe v Wade Leak Was Left’s Answer to “2000 Mules” Documentary Release Today that Proves 2020 Election Was Stolen
  • Biden urges voters to protect abortion rights
  • Flashback: In 1982 Joe Biden Voted for Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Roe v Wade and Make It a State Issue
  • The Irrational, Misguided Discourse Surrounding Supreme Court Controversies Such as Roe v. Wade
  • Leaked opinion on Roe fuels renewed call on left to pack Supreme Court

Dershowitz: ‘There’s Never Been a Leak Like This’

Unprecedented leak of Supreme Court majority draft opinion to undo Roe v. Wade roils Washington!
The ‘Gravest, Most Unforgivable Sin’

Connecting dots  … Prime leak suspect is Justice Sotomayor law clerk Amit Jain
  • As student, Jain blasted Yale for supporting Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination
  • Jain quoted in a 2017 Politico piece by Josh Gerstein
  • Document, first obtained by Politico
  • Today, Gerstein published the draft SCOTUS opinion
  • Why Politico’s decision to publish an unprecedented draft court opinion? Lingering ethics questions
  • Leak likely the product of an ideologically leftist law clerk seeking either to halt a nixing of the abortion ban or to engender support for court-packing says Dershowitz

How Russia-Ukraine  war linked to religion

A civilizational battle among Christians
  • Time Columnist Denounces Free Speech as a White Man’s “Obsession”
  • The People Behind DHS’s Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board”Panicked

Israel Erupts: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Claims NAZIs In Ukraine, Hitler Had Jewish Blood And Worst Anti-Semites are Jews
NY Case Against Trump Implodes As Grand Jury Ends With No Charges

Biden Announces “Disinformation Governance Board” to silence anything deemed “misinformation”

More warrantless FBI Searches of Americans’ to follow for “thought crime“?

  • Iran’s attempts to kill current and past U.S. officials are real and ongoing
  • Secret Service agents in Biden detail part of bribery scheme
  • Impersonators Compromised Secret Service at White House and vice president’s home

The terrible unintended consequences of the Biden presidency (unless they were intended)
Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele: The USA “Can’t Be Destroyed So Quickly Unless the Enemy Is From Within”
  • Inflation at 40-year highs and spiking energy prices
  • Out of control illegal immigration, being encouraged by Democrats to bolster liberal voting rolls
  • Weakened military, with an inexplicable emphasis on woke social issues instead of combat readiness
  • Crime running rampant, with many big-city DA’s refusing to prosecute the offenders
  • Woke policies and wildly disproportionate attention on gender and diversity issues eroding the once-dependable foundation of American society
  • Was the 2020 election fixed?
“I feel very confident that Joe Biden will be elected President on Tuesday. Whatever the end count is on the election that occurs on Tuesday, he will be elected, on January 20th he will be inaugurated President.”
Nancy Pelosi, Twitter , October 29, 2020


  • Rigged: Documentary details Zuckerberg’s $400 million vote juicing for Biden
  • 2000 Mules: Film Claims It Has Video of “Mules” Stuffing Ballot Boxes in 2020 Election
  • Zuckerberg’s election spending was ‘carefully orchestrated’ to influence 2020 vote
  • The election Mark Zuckerberg bought

Nuclear-capable missiles being  loaded  onto Russian submarines bound for Ukraine



Twitter accepts Musk’s $44 billion deal

Donald Trump reminded all today about the tweet he shared on Jan 6 that Twitter took down five minutes after it was shared.  In it, he asked his followers to go home peacefully

  • FBI chief says espionage threat posed by China ‘unprecedented in history’
  • China has already infiltrated America’s institutions
  • It’s Past Time To Take China’s U.S. Subversion Operations Seriously
  • Have Chinese Spies Infiltrated American Campuses?

Beijing’s South China Sea claims ‘gravely undermine’ rule of law

  • Would killing Putin end the war?
  • Assassination of heads of state is prohibited under the 1973 New York Convention, which covers “internationally protected persons”, and is outlawed under the laws of war, first established in the 19th century
  • But is it morally right for U.S. or allies to kill Putin?
  • There is a grey area about killing a ruler who rules illegitimately, oppressively, and/or acts aggressively at home or abroad.
  • Putin appears to meet this definition

Russian General Rustam Minnekaev Lets Slip Secret Plan to Invade Moldova

Moldova to be ‘second stage’ to Seize Ukraine’s Entire Coastline … Putin wants an empire from Vladivostok to Portugal’

  • Putin mouthpiece Vladimir Solovyov: “Ukrainians alone are no longer enough
  •  “We’re starting to wage war against NATO countries. We’ll be grinding up NATO’s war machine as well as citizens of NATO countries”
  • “And there will be no mercy in war ‘against Europe and world’.  Not only Ukraine will have been denazified, the war against Europe and the world is developing a more specific outline which means we’ll have to act differently and to act much more harshly”
  • China too: “War Without Rules: Inside China’s Playbook for Global Domination”
  • “Experts” say threats are ‘nonsensical’ ?
Obama and Hillary Push for Government Speech Censorship and Restrictions to “Bolster World Democracy”

  • To the FBI mass murder of the Branch Davidians, add these examples of the FBI faking evidence
  • The plot to kidnap and murder Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was written, funded, and largely populated by FBI agents and informants
  • At every point, the FBI literally drove the conspirators and controlled their actions
  • In the end, a majority of the “conspirators” were actually FBI agents or informants
About those weapons we send to Ukraine: Where are they and who’s really using them? White House sez it has ‘Almost Zero’ Ability to know

  • Putin purges his inner circle to prevent palace coup
  • Kremlin insiders fear Putin WILL use nukes to ‘defeat Ukraine & stop palace coup’Fearful Elite Worry About Escape From Russia
  • Fearful Elite Worry About Escape From Russia
  • Russian spies ‘have infiltrated US intelligence at time when need to anticipate Putin’s next move is greater than ever’

What Really Happened At Waco And The Establishment Collusion to Cover It Up

Russia Intensifies Operations In Donbas. Putin Wants ‘Key Victory’ By Early May
Zelensky: “They literally want to finish off and destroy the Donbas”

CIA director warns Putin’s ‘desperation’ could lead him to use nukes
Russian ambassador to US admits he hasn’t talked to Putin since 2017
If Putin Used Nuclear Weapons, What Would Follow?
Is World War Three underway? UK says ‘all options on  table’ if reports of Russian chemical attack’s are true
Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) wants to send U.S. troops to fight Russia
Happy Dyngus Day!

Get drunk responsibly!!

Easter bunny’s origins – eggs tradition explained
Putin Has Black Sea Admiral Arrested

Worry sunken Russian warship was carrying nukes

Vulkan” Anti-Ship Missiles can have nuclear warheads and were carried by Moskva

Zelensky says world should prepare for Russia to use nuclear weapons

How likely is the use of nuclear weapons by Russia?

In George Orwell’s “1984,” war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. To these Orwellian inversions, Robert Reich would add another: Censorship is free speech

‘Censorship is free speech’ is the establishment’s Orwellian line on Elon Musk’s [free speech] Twitter crusade

Robert Reich: Elon Musk’s vision for the internet is dangerous nonsense
The Only Carry Permit Anyone Should Need
Georgia Gov. Kemp Signs ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill Into Law
Kemp: Law allows Georgians “to protect themselves without having to have permission from your state government”
“Constitutional Carry” spreading …
Indiana Gov. Holcomb signs bill eliminating permit requirement to carry handguns in State
Half states eliminate permits; elites and media oppose
When elite media defended Second Amendment rights

Substantial evidence indicates FBI clearly fabricated plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Americans “In Charge” Of Ukraine War And Russians Know it?
So Says French Journalist Just Returned From Ukraine
  • Beijing Studies Global Reaction to Ukraine Invasion: What mean for China’s Taiwan plans?
  • Pentagon Convenes ‘Classified’ Meeting Of Top US Arms Makers As They Reap Ukraine Windfall
  • Kremlin Again Warns US-NATO Weapons Transports Into Ukraine Will Be Attacked
  • Sweden To Apply For NATO Membership – Finland To Decide “Within Weeks”
  • Paranoid Putin ‘bracing for military coup’ after purging 150 SPIES over Ukraine invasion failure

Is Biden’s Immigration Policy ‘Completely Impeachable’?
What is Title 42? And why does Biden plan to end it? Your questions, answered

Republicans, Democrats Continue To Clash Over ‘Title 42’ Policy

Do we need Title 42 to protect public health?
The Crimes and Consequences of Illegal Immigration: Operation Wetback, 1943 to 1954
The Largest Mass Deportation in American History:
Is new “Operation Wetback” needed?

Why no conservative political satire shows that impact broad popular culture?

Rightwing comedians not funny enough for BBC shows, says insider
Why Aren’t Conservatives Funny Enough?
A unified theory of why political satire is biased toward, and talk radio biased against, liberals
Liberals Love to Laugh—Conservatives, Not So Much
*New research helps explain why the right has yet to produce a Jon Stewart or John Oliver
*”Satire consists of concepts that are rather alien to conservatives. Firstly it contains irony, which requires to see things from a perspective that is not your own, which right wingers routinely struggle with. And secondly satire is meant to challenge the mighty and criticize the status quo. And conservatives usually do the exact opposite.”
Putin’s newest general has history of brutality and sees civilians as fair game

Russian War Crimes Confirmed
Russian troops tortured and raped woman before burning Swastika onto her corpse

Russians arrest  baby rapist after vile selfie of his act goes viral — video spread after sent to fellow soldiers
Now even Democrats call for Hillary Clinton to be investigated
America still paying the price for Hillary Clinton’s treachery
Hillary Clinton’s dirty politics
The long list of who Hillary Clinton blames
The Clintons have done enough damage

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Shrewd Tactic to Win Conservative Praise
How Ketanji Brown Jackson Could Change The Supreme Court
Back on street?
Sacramento Mass Shooting Suspect Already Out On Bail, Another Had Just Been Released Early From Prison For Violent Assault
Shooting was gang gunfight

What Obama’s Third Term Will Look Like
Dems laud Obama during visit and cold shoulder Biden
Mocks  Biden As “Vice President”

Susan Rice the ‘shadow president’ ?
The enemy within … Secret Service infiltrated by fake federal agents
No Convictions For FBI-Directed ‘White Supremacists’: Whitmer Kidnapping Suspects Acquitted, Jury Deadlocked In Political Prosecution

Jackson Confirmed to Supreme Court; Pedophiles et Progressives Rejoice
Repubs Murkowski, Romney et Collins backed Jackson

In Bucha, the scope of Russian barbarity comes into focus

Russian talk of indiscriminate killings in Ukraine Intercepted
ANOTHER mutiny as ‘60 elite paratroopers refuse to fight in Ukraine after comrades were wiped out’
Kremlin troops ‘evaporate’ in Kyiv but genocide fears grow in east
Putin ‘wants to build pro-Russia empire from Vladivostok to Portugal’

‘We Will Kill You’
How Putin Silenced Russia’s Antiwar Movement
Russians hold anti-war rallies amid ominous Putin threats

Brutal Arrests and Torture, Ill-Treatment of Anti-War Protesters
Germany arrests Briton on suspicion of spying for Russia
Russian Disinformation: All Bot But No Bite?
Russians find Cossack warrior spirit of freedom still rules in Ukraine
Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks
Ukrainian Cossaks compose profane response to Ottoman Sultan’s demand they accept Turkish rule
Sultan Mehmed IV to the Zaporozhian Cossacks:
As the Sultan; son of Muhammad; brother of the sun and moon; grandson and viceroy of God; ruler of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, Upper and Lower Egypt; emperor of emperors; sovereign of sovereigns; extraordinary knight, never defeated; steadfast guardian of the tomb of Jesus Christ; trustee chosen by God Himself; the hope and comfort of Muslims; confounder and great defender of Christians – I command you, the Zaporogian Cossacks, to submit to me voluntarily and without any resistance, and to desist from troubling me with your attacks.
— Turkish Sultan Mehmed IV
Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil’s kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight art thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with thy naked arse? The devil shits, and thy army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons. We have no fear of thy army; by land and by sea we will battle with thee. Fuck thy mother.
Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig’s snout, mare’s arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow. Screw thy own mother!
So the Zaporozhians declare, thou lowlife. Thou wouldst not even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we’ll conclude, for we don’t know the date and don’t own a calendar; the moon’s in the sky, the year with the Lord. The day’s the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
— Koshovyi otaman Ivan Sirko, with the whole Zaporozhian Host
Why Are Cossacks Key to Understanding Ukrainian Fighting Spirit?
Seven Worst-Case Scenarios From War in Ukraine

  • Russia faces growing outrage amid new evidence of atrocities
  • Ukrainian Army Liberates Territory From Russian Invaders and Discovers Murdered Civilians
  • Streets of Kyiv suburb ‘littered’ with bodies, 280 buried in mass grave
  • Russian atrocities, including rape and civilian corpses left on streets with hands tied behind back abound
  • Killed in cold blood: Ukrainian civilian ‘is shot dead by Russian soldiers after holding up his hands in surrender’

  • “Russian soldiers loot, rape and kill — 10 (year old) girls with vaginal and rectal tears — Raped women with swastika shaped burns”
  • “Russian Men did this. And Russian mothers raised them. A nation of immoral criminals.”
  • Zelensky says Putin committing ‘genocide’ and warns of Ukraine being ‘exterminated’
  • Gruesome evidence points to war crimes. Calls for new Nuremberg trials
  • Russian businessman puts $1 million BOUNTY on Putin’s head, calling for military officers to arrest him

  • If you think Biden is bad, imagine Harris as president — a problem for Biden and the Democrats
  • Harris Contradicts Biden’s Putin Remarks: “We Are Not Into Regime Change”

  • The many ways news is faked
  • Hunter Biden Coverup Rips Joe Biden of Moral Grandstanding and Permanently Stains Media, Big Tech
  • White House can’t just wash away the stink of Hunter Biden’s laptop

  • FBI cyber chief admits to not knowing what the agency has done with Hunter Biden’s seized laptop – as Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz whips out a copy of the hard drive
  • Bank records show Hunter Biden received $100,000 in 2017 from Chinese firm
  • The FBI Is in Crisis. It’s Worse Than You Think
  • Evidence faked, innocents entrapped



  • Putin and cronies ‘flee to secret bunkers‘ in alarming sign war might turn nuclear
  • Kremlin Warns Biden’s ‘Emotional’ Rhetoric Could Lead To “Something Irreparable & Dangerous” For Whole World
  • ‘Dirty bomb’ ingredients missing from Russian-occupied Chernobyl lab

  • Ukrainian Military Intelligence Chief Threatens Total “Guerrilla” Warfare
  • Peace negotiators poisoned
  • Google billionaire Eric Schmidt  has PAID the salaries of staff inside Biden’s science office
  • Former News Exec. Reveals Government ‘Warning’ to Networks to Air Covid Propaganda

Dr. Carol Swain: Biden admin ‘most anti-American, pro-Communist administration’ in US history




Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says Will Smith ‘perpetuated stereotypes about the Black community’ by slapping Chris Rock at Oscars

  • WSJ: Biden should keep his mouth shut in public!
  • Biden’s Reckless Words Underscore the Dangers of the U.S.’s Use of Ukraine As a Proxy War
  • Putin’s purge of ‘traitors’ arrests pensioners, foodies and peaceniks
  • Republicans are backing Ukraine in the war. So why is there support for Russia on America’s far right?
  • Will Smith Oscars Slap Sparks Concerns for Comedians’ Safety During Shows
  •  Unscripted Slap Of Chris Rock Turns Stumbling Show Into Stunning Spectacle
  • Academy to disqualify movies sans enough black, queer and disabled actors
  • Sinking ratings, shrinking movie stars, boring broadcasts: Are the Oscars Over?

Oscars in crisis
Oscar winners almost seven times more likely to suffer from mental health and addiction issues than other people, shows analysis

  • Prez Doofus Tells U.S. Troops “What You’re gonna See When You Get to Ukraine”!
  • What they’ll see when they get to Ukraine?
  • So U.S. intends to invade and start WWIII?

Senator Joe to vote yea on Jackson for Supreme Court

But what will Senator Sinema say?

  • Gun-Control Groups Back Biden Supreme Court Pick
  • Ketanji Brown Jackson Only Has 1 Other Obstacle After Manchin Backing
  • A simple majority of all 50 Democrats can confirm Jackson without GOP support, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking any tie – and with Friday’s announcement from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) that he’ll support Jackson, it only leaves Sen. Kyrsten Sinema as the other potential roadblock

Can Ketanji Brown Jackson Uphold Constitution She Thinks Is Racist?
‘Disqualifying’ words from Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

  • ‘It’s a Sh*tshow’: Russian Troops Now Turning on Each Other
  • Putin sends ‘execution squads’ to kill deserters
  • Russian soldier reportedly runs over commander with tank in protest
  • As Russia Stalls in Ukraine, Dissent Brews Over Putin’s Leadership
  • Russian warship destroyed
  • Up to 40,000 Russian soldiers killed, wounded, captured or MIA in Ukraine, NATO estimates
  • Close Putin ally warns of nuclear dystopia
  • Putin Misunderstands History. So, Unfortunately, Does the U.S.
  • Russia Says NATO Peacekeepers Inside Ukraine Will Ensure “Direct Clash”
  • US formally declares Russian military has committed war crimes in Ukraine

Joe Biden Shows up at NATO Grinning Like a Cheshire Cat — But Does He Even Know Where He Is?

What George W. Bush saw in Putin’s eyes
“I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy … I was able to get a sense of his soul …”
  • Why Putin Plays Our Presidents for Fools
  • The Seduction of George W. Bush
  • No Matter Who’s President, Putin Always Seems to Get Away With It

The Coming Dethronement of Joe Biden et Kamala: Those who actually run things have had enough
Meanwhile in Moscow …

Putin quotes Jesus to justify invasion of Ukraine
‘Russian elite’ plan to POISON Putin, claim spooks
Is there a case to kill tyrants?

“Some Fuckery Is Afoot”

Joe Rogan Slams “Outright Crazy” Media Coverage Of Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Trump probably did win: Retains most favorable approval rating

16% of Biden voters would have voted differently if Hunter Biden laptop story was not suppressed by media, big tech … establishment media not retracted false claim Hunter’s “laptop from hell” was “Russian disinformation.”
Fraud by media-big tech collusion skewed election
“They love a narrative, and they’re willing to ignore facts to push that narrative. That’s what scares me” : Rogan

New York Times published lies to serve elitist narrative
  • Hunter Biden’s Emails Suppressed for a Reason
  • Media helped hide real Joe Biden by censoring Hunter stories
  • Bill Barr: suppressing Hunter Biden laptop story ‘definitely made an impact on the election’
  • Yes, they lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop. So what are they lying about now?
  • Media’s pre-election burial of Hunter Biden story proves news reportage corruption

‘The cover-up may be an even bigger crime than the contents of Hunter’s laptop’
What happened during the 2020 election must be investigated and discussed

Former CIA and State Department Analyst: CIA “Continued the Effort to Try to Destroy Trump and They Realized the Only Way They Could Do It Was They Had to Steal the Election

… 2020 Election not stolen, it was bought by Mark Zuckerberg

Russian lawmaker wants Alaska back  

  • Nine Russian aircraft shot down over Ukraine — Pilots plead they were “following (superior) orders”
  • Are “Superior Orders” a Legitimate Defense Against War Crimes?
  • War crimes and how Putin could be prosecuted

  • Putin takes American hostage
  • Olympic Gold Medal basketball star Brittney Griner held on “drug charge” as she tries to leave Russia
  • US Tells All Americans To Leave Russia “Immediately” After Putin Dials Up Threats

  • MAD VLAD: Five clues ‘bloated and unhinged’ Putin could be seriously ill
  • Questions about Russian leader’s mental state after alleged COVID  infection plus rumours of cancer and Parkinson’s disease
  • Putin: “Sanctions against us are like declaring war on Russia.”
  • Sez  violence ‘will get worse’ and plans to take over all of Ukraine … Crazy or crazy like a Fox?
  • Sez Will Declare War On Any Country Creating A No-Fly Zone “That Very Second”
  • NATO: Will Not Fight for Ukraine — Rejects No-Fly Zone … Repub Matt Gaetz  joins House Dems to Block Keystone XL Pipeline and Promote ‘American Energy Independence From Russia’
  • Russian troops accused of raping ‘numerous’ Ukraine women
  • Putin plans public executions in Ukraine

  • Russian secret police ready to carry out summary murders and ruthlessly suppress public protests
  • Twitter and Facebook blocked … Law Enacted To Seize Assets If Foreigners ‘Harm’ Russians
  •  Zelensky “survives 3 Putin assassination  plots”

Ukraine Learns The Value Of An Armed Citizenry, But Far Too

On way: Martial law, razed cities and genocide
Would world know or care?

‘The New York Times’ Helped Hide Stalin’s Mass Murder of 15 Million in Ukraine

How many for Putin?
First Major Ukrainian City Falls To Russian Forces As Warships Eye Odessa

Because Biden examining “legal issues” of providing arms

Russia kills 2,000 Ukraine civilians, including 14 children
Evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine gathered
Pro-Putin Chechen general (left) who led ‘gay purge’ killed in Ukraine … responsible for torture and murder of LGBTQ+ individuals
Russian missile hit site of Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial
How Russia will bypass western economic warfare
Media disinformation: Texas man with Russian Soldiers a communist activist, not a “Right-Wing GOP Trumper” as Media Claim
Why Is The Left Ignoring Ukrainian Gun Rights?
Armed Ukraine Citizens Capture Russian Military Vehicles
Should civilians have “weapons of war?”
Biden State of Union blather errors on guns, EV, etc … key takeaways
Zuckerbucks declared election ‘bribery’ by special counsel in Wisconsin
‘Mama, I’m in Ukraine.
There is a real war raging here. I’m afraid.
We are bombing all of the cities, even
targeting civilians’ – Russian soldier text
Russians May Be Starting to Think Putin Insane
Russia’s oligarchs powerless to oppose Putin
War crimes investigation starts
Would Putin actually use nuclear weapons?

‘Yes, He Would’
Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes … Trump didn’t understand Putin’s subtle warning
Biden: Americans should not fear nuclear war with Russia
Hill: Putin Has U.S. Right Where He Wants It
  • Putin ‘moves family members to Siberian ‘underground city’ designed to survive a nuclear war’, says Russian professor who also claimed Vladimir is suffering from secret illness
  • “Putin’s chief propagandist” TV Host Threatens Nuclear “Destruction” of America
  • Putin orders nukes readied. Officers refused to launch in past. Would they refuse again if ordered?
  • Russia: Western Countries Supplying Weapons To Ukraine Will “Bear Responsibility” if used
  • Putin sends 400 private militia murderers to kill Ukrainian President Zelensky and his government’
  • Did Putin  paint himself into a corner?
  • Did the U.S. push Putin into a corner, forcing him to invade Ukraine?
  • Russia’s resentful leader, takes the world to war
  • Putin’s Attack on Ukraine an Attempt to Delay His Own Inevitable Demise
Propaganda War Spreads
Ukraine media says 13 soldiers killed after refusing to surrender to Russians while Russian media says 82 Ukrainians voluntarily surrendered to Russians
Which is true?
Russia, Ukraine agree to talks; Putin puts nuclear forces on alert
Ukranian civilians fight Russian invaders

  • An Armed Populace Is Hard To Subdue: One of three reasons for America’s “Right to Keep and Bear Arms”
  • Russian soldier” ‘We don’t know who to shoot, they all look like us
  • Russian soldiers in Ukraine becoming disoriented, US official says

  • China warns of military conflict with US over Taiwan
  • Will Russian Invasion of Ukraine Embolden China?
  • Bowing to China, Shipping Carriers Refuse to Transport U.S. and California Goods
  • China-Russia Alliance An “Alarm Bell For The World”: Australian Defence Minister
  • Russia and China Aren’t the Natural Allies Many Assume Them to Be
Horror in Ukraine: Tank squashes occupied car

  • Republican Senator Josh Hawley: Biden ’emboldened’ Putin to do ‘whatever he wants’ by ‘shutting down’ American energy production and says he is ‘unfit’ to be in office.’
  • Why the West’s Diplomacy With Russia Keeps Failing
  • Will Russian Invasion of Ukraine Embolden China?

  • Putin Launches “Special Military Operation” In Ukraine, Kiev Calls It “Full-Scale Invasion”
  • Putin issues chilling warning to Biden and NATO that if anyone ‘interferes’ they ‘will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history’
  • Will Putin Get His World War III?
  • Generation Z has simple message regarding World War III: Please don’t draft me
  • To keep in mind: “The first casualty when war comes is truth
Of Treason und Tyranny …

  • Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Lawrence Tribe Says Tucker Carlson Could Be Guilty of “Treason” For Criticizing Biden Over Russia
  • Russia Evacuates Diplomats From Ukraine In Ominous Sign

  • Canada Extends Trudeau’s Emergency Powers… After The Protest Has Ended
  • Canadian Lawmaker Claims Single Mom Had Bank Account Frozen After Legally Donating $50 To Freedom Convoy
  • When Boring People Turn Dangerous: Canada’s Insane Power Grab and Nazi Delusions

  • Canadian Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks claims ‘Honk Honk’ catchphrase used by Freedom Convoy protesters after horn honking was banned is actually a secret code for ‘Heil Hitler’
  • Activist who has advocated secession by western provinces becomes the public face of the Canada protest
Biden Extends Covid ‘National Emergency’ Ahead of Freedom Convoy Heading Towards Washington D.C.
Ignores Pentagon Panic:
Biden Brought Unvetted Afghans to U.S., Many Flagged with ‘Security Concerns’
Now Cannot Be Located

Waiting for the Russians in Ukraine
The Two Visions at War for Ukraine’s Future
Russian plans ‘overwhelming intensity of fire’ on Ukraine
Russia has ‘kill list’ of Ukrainian dissidents, U.S. says
O Canada …

When did this…
Become this?
The Naked Face Of New Normal Fascism

Did Canadian mounted police trample an invalid woman?
Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent
Ottawa Freedom Convoy Protest A Perfect Example Why We Should Ban Cars And Trucks From Cities?
Decorated Canadian Veteran And Pastor: Trudeau Has Declared War On His Own People

Bill Maher Attacks John Cena, LeBron James, Tom Cruise, Eileen Gu For Siding With Totalitarian China

Olympics Closing Ceremony Reverberates Themes of 2022 Opening Ceremony
Xi Jinping: “One World, One Dream (under China)”
When China Rules the World
The World According to China
China’s Vision for a New World Order

  • Dictators on parade …
  • The Trudeau family’s love of tyrants
  • Trudeau now a Banana Republic dictator With Crappy Weather
  • Police horses trample demonstrators at Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa
  • Heavily-Armed Ottawa Police Arrest At Least 70 ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protesters
  • US should watch what Canadian government is doing to protesters: ‘No one is safe’
Putin Planning Post-Invasion Arrest and Assassination Campaign in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky an obvious target
  • Russia Expels Senior U.S. Diplomat over Ukraine
  • Biden Makes Big Announcement on Ukraine: More Questions About His Competency
  • How Much Will Biden’s Ukraine Policy Cost Americans?

  • Beijing Could Run Russia’s Playbook on Taiwan
  • Will Xi Jinping’s ‘End of Days’ Plunge China and the World into War?

  • U.S. says war appears imminent after shelling on Ukraine front line
  • Ukraine, Russia-backed rebels trade accusations of shelling across front
  • White House: Russia ‘Privately Mobilizing for War’ While Claiming to Withdraw Troops

Joe Rogan‘s censorship free  Spotify deal reportedly for $200 million – double what was previously thought sez New York Times

Democrats want change in White House
Minimal accomplishments
New top staffers surrounding Biden

Hillary Clinton Responds To Trump Spying Scandal
“Hillary Clinton’s lawyer  criminally indicted by the Durham probe for lying to FBI about Russiagate/Alfa Bank.

Visualizing The World At War

Mexico’s never ending war against organized crime, crooked politicians y corrupt cops

Russian units near Ukraine moved into “attack positions,” U.S. official says

Confusion: According to CNN, Ukraine presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak said President Zelensky was not being literal when he said the Russian attack would be on Wednesday. He was being ironic.


  • Special Counsel John Durham says Clinton campaign funded surveillance of Trump Tower and White House
  • Paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower and White House servers to create false Trump – Russia collusion evidence
  • Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told John Durham on more than one occasion there was evidence to support indictments of “multiple people” in his Trump-Russia probe
  • Hillary Clinton tweets days before the 2016 election show her pushing false information that Donald Trump was using a “covert sever” linking him to Russia
  • “One of the most diabolical, successful misinformation campaigns ever concocted”
  • Trump accuses Hillary campaign of TREASON … blasts ‘LameStream’ media for ignoring Clinton spying claims
  • Andrew McCarthy: Where Durham’s case is likely headed

Biden: Putin could invade  Ukraine any day

Pelosi says if Putin doesn’t invade, it proves the brilliance of Biden’s leadership … US Repeats Claim  Russia May Conduct ‘False Flag’ to Justify Ukraine Invasion
  • Biden warns Putin of ‘swift and severe’ economic and political costs
  • Russian ambassador to Sweden: ‘Putin ‘doesn’t give a s**t about Western sanctions’
  • Biden not gonna send US troops
  • “That’s a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another. We’re in a very different world than we’ve ever been.”
  • “We’re dealing with one of the largest armies in the world. It’s a very different situation and things could go crazy quickly.”

Putin could cross the Ukranian Rubicon and invade any day, US warns
Misinformation conspiracy theory or real world reality?

Jon Stewart: “Who Gets To Decide What’s ‘Misinformation’?”
  • CIA secret program collects “bulk” data on Americans say two Senators
  • ‘Deep Dive’ program collecting Americans’ personal information for YEARS without congressional approval, Democratic Senators say
  • WikiLeaks: CIA turns everyday devices into high-tech spy weapons
  • The CIA generally barred from investigating Americans or U.S. businesses
  • Why Was the CIA Spying on American Citizens?

Eileen Gu, star in China, traitor in the US

  • American born and raised skier Eileen Gu ditches Team USA to compete for communist China in Olympics
  • Eileen Gu’s brutal dig after historic Olympics feat:
    “If people don’t like me, that’s their loss, they’ll never win the Olympics …”
  • Did she renounce American citizenship?
  • Will/Should Stanford still accept her this Fall?
  • Gold medal-winning American cites heritage in decision

Oscars: Full List of Nominations
Oscars Snubs & Surprises: Lady Gaga, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ruth Negga & ‘Sing 2’ Rebuffed By Academy Voters

  • How American Elites Like the Bidens, Pelosi, and McConnell Got Rich by Strengthening China, Weakening the USA
  • Pelosi was a China critic – until her husband, son started raking in big bucks from them
  • NBC won’t air ad criticizing companies funding Olympics
  • Chinese Concentration Camp Survivor: NBC ‘Supports Genocide’ by Airing Olympics

  • Nancy Pelosi warns US Olympic athletes: “Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless”
  • China accused of ignoring hockey player’s human rights
  • TV reporter dragged off during live Olympics broadcast by Chinese police
  • Where Nancy learned about ruthless

       We aren’t cops, eh !
  • Canadian Military tells Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers after Ottawa police consider military intervention to end ‘unlawful’ truck blockade
  • Authorities warned bringing in the military carried ‘massive risk’ as they believe the protesters are armed
  • Canadian liberals try to censor  internet again
  • After Enabling Violent, Far-Left Extremists; GoFundMe ‘Steals’ Millions From Freedom Convoy Fundraisers

  • Col. Lawrence Sellin Identifies Chinese Science Mole at the Highest Level of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • “U.S. medical research programs are massively infiltrated by Chinese Communist Party and People’s Liberation Army scientists, who immigrated to the United States over the last 30 years and now are in positions of responsibility in every major American university and U.S. government laboratories, including those of the Department of Defense”
  • How China Infiltrated U.S. Classrooms
When it sucks to be a Zuck …

Schadenfreude of the Zucks
  • Zuckerberg haters ecstatic as his personal wealth takes $29BN hit as Facebook loses users for the first time EVER
  • Zucker’s hypocrisy and CNN: The fish rots from the head: You are the company you keep — and the sleaze you defend

  • Canadian Convoy Has Stolen the Hearts of the People and the Media Is Not Taking It Well
  • Trudeau had called the truckers headed for the city a ‘small fringe minority’ before the convoy of hundreds of vehicles grew up to 45 miles long

  • Pressure Campaign on Spotify to Remove Joe Rogan Reveals Religion of Liberals: Censorship
  • For Democratic Party’s liberal adherents, silencing their adversaries has become their primary project

Canadian ‘Freedom convoy’ protests Ottawa vaccine mandates. Canadian Broadcasting Company: “…there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows… perhaps even instigating it…”

  • Americans Demand Transcript of Biden’s “Zelensky Call” After Disturbing CNN Report is Wiped Off Internet
  • “Most trusted name in news” again shows it’s untrustworthy
  • Story also raised questions about what Biden knows about Russia’s moves behind the scenes.
  • Human Events editor Jack Posobiec: “We may have just caught a CNN reporter deleting a war report that exposed the truth about the White House and Ukraine And it now looks like the White House pressured them to pull it The American people deserve the truth.”

Senate Judiciary Committee member Lindsay Graham issues reality check
“If all Democrats hang together–which I expect they will—they have the power to replace Justice Breyer in 2022 without one Republican vote in support”

  • Kamala Harris Rumored to Be Biden’s Top SCOTUS Pick, Hillary Clinton Waiting in the Wings
  • Supreme Court confirmation battle could shift focus in midterms

  • Are we living in a computer simulation?
  • Much discussed among technologists and philosophers, that the world around us could be a digital figment, something like the simulated world of a video game
  • Simulation hypothesis
  • Religion and the Simulation Hypothesis: Is God an AI?
  • Should That Worry Us?
  • As Putin continues to stoke fears he will invade, the U.S. may have to ready its cache of arms in Europe, including 40 warships, 175 aircraft and 90 tanks
  • Military officials have presented Biden with plan to deploy up to 50,000 troops if the security situation deteriorates and Russia launches an invasion into Ukraine
  • There are 64,000 troops who could be called upon throughout Europe, mostly in Germany, Italy and the UK  
  • Meanwhile the Biden administration is ordering 8,500 U.S.-based troops to stand ready to deploy to Eastern Europe, the Pentagon announced on Monday
  • How Biden is trying to clean up his “minor incursion” comments about Russia and Ukraine
  • Biden Puts 8,500 Troops On “Prepare To Deploy” Orders Over Ukraine Crisis

Sum of all fears …

  • Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard:  “Let’s be real about what we’re dealing with – open conflict between two nuclear armed powers. The only place this conflict can end is the destruction of the world and life as we know it. This is what’s at stake.”
  • US Intelligence Warns of Russian False Flag to Provoke Invasion of Ukraine
  • Russia moves more troops westward amid Ukraine tensions
  • Russia Planning “Lightning War” To Take Out Ukraine’s Capital: UK’s Johnson In Dramatic Claim
  • The Four Who Have Prevented Nuclear War So Far

LAWRENCE SELLIN: China’s Scientific Spies Operating in the U.S. Have Chinese State Security Code Names – Why is US Allowing This?

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard slams DC war with Russia talk

  • “Unfortunately, in this White House, we have warmongers and people like Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken, who had a very strong hand in being the architects of regime change wars in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria and they’re the ones who are influencing the decisions being made by this White House”

Joe Doofus Angers Everybody

  • CNN Scrambles to Explain Away Joe Saying 2022 Midterms Could Be “Illegitimate” … Dana Bash: ‘Jarring to Hear’
  • Furious Ukraine officials slam Biden after he said Russia could get away with a ‘minor incursion’
  • When Joe Biden speaks, sane people are horrified
  • No Apologies’ about Afghanistan Withdrawal
January 20, 2022

The election Mark Zuckerberg bought

  • The 2020 election wasn’t stolen — it was bought by one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful men pouring his money through legal loopholes
  • Zuckerberg spent $419M on nonprofits ahead of 2020 election to increase  the Democrat vote
  • Zuck bucks funded a targeted, private takeover of government election operations by activist Democrats who claimed to be non-partisan
  • Zuck bucks significantly increased Joe Biden’s vote margin in key swing states
  • This was not Democrats outspending Republicans. It was a private funding ruse to gain control of election administrations
  • “This was a carefully orchestrated attempt to convert official government election offices into get-out-the-vote operations for one political party and to insert political operatives into election offices in order to influence and manipulate the outcome of the election”  — Hans von Spakovsky, former Federal Election Commission member
  • Wisconsin Judge Rules Ballot Drop Boxes Used in 2020 Election Were Illega

The Oath Keepers: What The Indictment Says (And Does Not Say) About ‘Jan 6’
  • It does not offer proof of an insurrection to fulfill the narrative of many commentators and politicians.
  • It does not support prior allegations of a coordination or collusion with the Trump campaign
  • It does reveal how groups used protest as an opportunity and hoped that it might trigger greater unrest
  • There Was No Insurrection But There Was A Coup
  • Washington Post Torches House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for refusing to cooperate with Jan 6 congressional investigation
  • We Are All Domestic Terrorists No

A civil war of wordsfor now
  • NY Post: “In a disgraceful performance Tuesday, President Joe Biden went down to Georgia to offer a disgraceful pack of lies about the filibuster and Democrats’ so-called “voting rights” bills”
  • Peggy Noonan: “The president’s Tuesday speech in Atlanta, on voting rights, was a disaster for him”
  • “The speech itself was aggressive, intemperate, not only offensive but meant to offend”
  • “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s answering speech … was stinging, indignant to the point of seething … The plainness of his language was ferocious”
  • “When national Democrats talk to the country they always seem to be talking to themselves.
  • They are of the left, as is their constituency, which wins the popular vote in presidential elections; the mainstream media through which they send their messages is of the left; the academics, historians and professionals they consult are of the left”
  • They have no idea how they sound to the non-left, so they have no idea when they are damaging themselves”

  • COLONEL LAWRENCE SELLIN: New Pentagon Papers Show COVID Is Bioweapon Made in China Paid for and Developed by US Scientists Who Then Covered It Up While Pushing Flawed Public Health Policies
  • Project Veritas Docs Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID But Hid That Info
  • “We Failed”: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them
  • Germany’s top newspaper apologized for its fear-driven Covid coverage
  • Will other news sources follow those leads?
  • Would CNN’s ratings be down 90% from last year if it had owned up to its complicity in spewing government propaganda?

  • AMA: CDC quarantine and isolation guidance is confusing, counterproductive
  • How the latest CDC guidance on COVID-19 is creating unnecessary confusion
  • Fauci discusses confusion over CDC’s new mask guidance
  • Fauci Emails Suggest Concealed Knowledge Of Chinese Lab Leak
  • Col. Lawrence Sellin: U.S. University Labs  Open Doors to China’s Military … No One in the U.S. Government Challenging It … Georgia State University now a de facto research outpost for China’s military
  • Project Vertias: Never before seen military documents regarding origins of Covid-19, gain-of-function research, vaccines, potential treatments and the government’s effort to conceal everything

  • In 1973, ‘Soylent Green’ envisioned the world in 2022. It got a lot right
  • Film predicted impossible Meat Substitutes now being considered
  • Scientist suggests eating human flesh to fight climate change
  • Cannibalism: It’s ‘Perfectly Natural,’ New Scientific History Argues
  • Live Science: Could Cannibalism Solve a Future Food Shortage?
  • Scientific America: Will we all be cannibals In the future?

  • Ready for Reparations Medicine?
  • Prominent “woke” medical organizations and Biden administration push to move “disadvantaged non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity” populations to the front of the line for scarce medical resources
  • Wrong race? Push for “health-care ‘equity” could kill you
  • NYC: COVID-19 testing kits prioritized to “disadvantaged” neighborhoods. White neighborhoods got none
  • North Carolina: 40% of daily vaccination appointments reserved for historically marginalized population

“Who Controls the Past Controls the Future”
Rice University history prof  Douglas Brinkley sez Jan 6 Capital riot was equivalent to Holocaust,  Pearl Harbor and September 11 attacks
  • Pelosi: “It is essential that we preserve the [insurrection] narrative of January 6th”
  • Buchanan: Why the Left Cannot Let Go of Jan. 6
  • Turley: “Preserve The Narrative”: Public Rejects The “Insurrection” Claim In New Polling
  • Ted Cruz Apologises For Calling Jan 6th A ‘Terrorist Attack’; It Was “Sloppy” And “Dumb”
  • Memory hole: 4 historic attacks at the U.S. Capitol

  • Biden bloviation blames Trump for everything
  • Trump lashes back
  • Division reigns
  • AG Garland vows DOJ Capitol riot probe not done after 725 arrests
  • What Happened to Prosecution of Donald Trump for Incitement Democrats want?
  • Ex-Marine accused of being ‘FBI plant to incite January Capitol riot’ refuses to talk
  • Feds won’t say why armed Capitol rioters disappeared from FBI’s most wanted list
  • Could they be … agent provocateur feds?
  • Disgraced FBI Agents Under Scrutiny in Governor Whitmer Kidnapping Case
  • Untold Jan 6th horror stories
  • Seattle cops invent Proud Boy white supremacist threat
  • AP Sez Mistreatment Of Jan 6th Prisoners A ‘Conspiracy Theory’

  • Newsweek et al: Secret Federal Police Commandos with Shoot-to-Kill Authority Were at Capitol on Donald Trump’s Orders
  • Combined federal force formed around FBI same type that mass murdered more than 70 Branch Davidian men, women and children at Waco, Texas in 1993
  • Corporate Media’s Jan. 6 Anniversary Coverage About Silencing Republicans
  • MSNBC’s Joy Reid Tells Blatant Lie About the Death of Officer Brian Sicknick

  • Ghislaine gagged by “coincidence”?
  • Coincidence or not, dropping criminal charges against Epstein’s prison guards who allowed him to be killed while in their custody sends a message to Ghislaine Maxwell the day after her conviction
  • So, Ghislaine ‘will not name names of Epstein’s rich, powerful, pedophile buddies to cut her sex abuse sentence’, brother claims
  • The Epstein mystery: Six experts on the most intriguing and dangerous unanswered questions
  • Behind the Mask of Corruption
  • ‘The CDC Now Recommends’ Is the Joke We All Needed in 2021
  • Top liberal version news stories of 2021
  • Top elitist New Yorker Stories of 2021
  • Top normal person version 2021 news stories
  • 10 major controversies the media avoided covering or downplayed in 2021
  • Hate crime hoaxes of 2021
  • Fall Of The Mainstream Media And The Biggest Lies They Told In 2021
  • The 10 Most Ridiculous Stories From The Past Year
  • Maxwell’s conviction for sex trafficking under age girls for Jeffrey Epstein and his big shot buddies raises glaring questions about the lack of big shot prosecutions
  • Why have none of the big shot men listed on flights of Epstein’s “Lolita Express” or on the guest lists of his parties been prosecuted?
  • That list includes Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Gates and an assortment of other billionaires.
  • Maxwell’s attorneys unsuccesfully tried to push 30-year friendship with Donald Trump into spotlight
  • It’s not clear if these men committed criminal acts but it is clear they have never even been questioned under oath about their activities or activity observations

Ghislaine guilty!

  • “A sophisticated sex predator” of underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein and powerful pals
  • Speculation grows she may try to cut deal for reduced sentence
  • Big shots  scared what she may say
  • Prince Andrew’s lawyers ‘in emergency talks’ amid fears Ghislaine could ‘name names’
  •  Would it matter?
  • Cold reality: In the world of politically protected wealth and privilege, most rich  are “beyond the reach of criminal law”
  • Maxwell’s Conviction Leaves Glaring Questions Over The Lack Of Prosecutions

  • How Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Facilitated China’s Colonization of U.S. Research Programs
  • Clinton Administration Invited the Chinese Army into Sensitive U.S. Military Biodefense Centers

Human rights groups in crosshairs

  • Save the Children confirms its staff plus numbers of men, women and children massacred by Myanmar junta troops
  • Tortured to death: Myanmar mass killings revealed
  • Russian Supreme Court shuts down Memorial, a human rights group that highlighted political repression in the former Soviet Union
  • So You’re Celebrating The Kim Potter Verdict?
  • When the law is an ass
  • What is criminal about an officer shooting a felon with outstanding warrants for violence against women who is resisting arrest while trying to drive away and escape?
  • The dangerous trend behind Officer Kim Potter’s conviction

USS Milwaukee: Covid outbreak takes another Navy ship offline
  • China’s bioweapon warfare strategy
  • “To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”  Sun Tzu , Ancient Chinese General, The Art of War
  • “The Long Game: China’s Grand Strategy to Displace American Order”

Fauci says Christmas and New Year’s restrictions will be necessary
The fissures of constitutional belief …
  • A call for Gen Z to rewrite the Constitution
  • How To Rewrite It?
  • Constitutional convention could shred document
  • Are Liberals to Blame for loss of Faith in Government?

Senator Joe says “NO!”
  • Sen. Joe Manchin Won’t Vote for ‘Build Back Better’ Bill in Blow to President Biden
  • Sez Biden Staff Did ‘Inexcusable’ Things
  • “My Democratic colleagues in Washington are determined to dramatically reshape our society in a way that leaves our country even more vulnerable to the threats we face

Orwell was Right:

  • Control the Language, Control the Masses
  • Control the Language, Control the World
  • The Left’s Manipulative Use of Language reinterpretation
  • Bill Foster (D), Illinois Congressman: “What does ‘reinterpretation mean?’ It means you take the same words in the Constitution, and apply a different meaning to them. If you can do that, the Constitution only means what you want it to mean.”
  • Facebook admits truth: ‘Fact checks’ really just (Democrat/lefty) opinion’
  • Inside the hypocrisy of media manipulators, censors who claim to fight misinformation

Mask protests today vs 1918 flu epidemic

  • Research reveals why people refuse to wear face masks
  • CNBC’s Cramer: “Government Has A Right To Force You To Obey”
  • The Year of the New Normal Fascist

The Left’s New Big Lie …

  • Lie: January 6 was practice. Trump’s GOP much better positioned to subvert next election.
  • Fact: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated” … No grand scheme to storm the Capitol and take hostages”
  • Liberal Glenn Greenwald rips mainstream media for spreading ‘false propaganda’

Will Rachel Maddow face reckoning over her false Trump-Russia coverage?

Russiagate lie biggest scandal in American history

  • “Nothing comes close in size, scope or harm to the republic than the years-long effort to cripple Donald Trump’s presidency by claiming he conspired with an enemy state to steal the 2016 election and then do its bidding as commander-in-chief”

Chinese Trojan Horse-style plan to launch surprise attack ANYWHERE in world

China building long-range cruise missiles launched from ship containers
China’s container industry monopoly  complete after Maersk deal

Why didn’t America see Pearl Harbor coming? Neglect in schools and woke revisionism at odds with truth
  • 3 decades of warnings ignored
  • General Patton warned of Pearl Harbor attack
  • Billy Mitchell predicted Pearl Harbor attack
  • Navy Intelligence Officer Foresaw Jap Plans, but Navy ignored
  • Mountbatten Predicted Pearl Harbor
  • Declassified Memo Hinted of 1941 Hawaii Attack
  • Coded Japanese “Winds” messages point to official cover up

Who wants Roger Stone dead and Rod Blagojevich muzzled?
Two men who know too much …

Democrats in Illinois Afraid What Former Governor Blagojevich “Knows” and What He Will “Soon Say”
Calling out Democrat vote theft and other corruption in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta and Nevada

  • The DOT’s Twitter Meme Doesn’t Just Offend Comedy — It May Also Be Illegal
  • The Hatch Act specifically prohibits agencies and government employees from lobbying in favor of legislation that is before Congress or using their “official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election.”
  • Jen Psaki: ‘I’ve learned my lesson’ after Hatch Act complaint

  • Sophomoronic outrage …
  • Student groups want ‘mass shooter’ Kyle Rittenhouse kicked out of Arizona State University
  • ASU: He is not enrolled at ASU!

Ready for President “Butt”?

Buttigieg presidential buzz has hit the White House
Salvation Army Goes “Woke”

From Rittenhouse to Arbery, self-defense rules on trial in America
Arbery Jury Convicts All 3 Defendants Of Murder In Racially Charged Case

So why the hate against Kyle?

CNN published a front page op-ed in the aftermath of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict titled, “There’s Nothing More Frightening Today Than an Angry White Man” despite fact Rittenhouse  is white as are all he righteously shot and despite the fact  a black career criminal just ploughed through a Christmas parade in Wisconsin, killing at least five and injuring dozens more, some of them children.
  • Acquittal Reaffirms Right of Self Defense
  • Lies about Rittenhouse debunked
  • Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO): ‘The judge. The jury. The defendant. It’s white supremacy in action!
  • Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) Calls for Federal Review of  Verdict
  • New York Times held report on Kenosha arson, looting until after 2020 election sez former Times reported

  • Kyle Rittenhouse defense team sought  mistrial, claiming prosecutorial misconduct
  • Why prosecutors get away with misconduct
  • New York Times Held Back Kenosha Riot Damage Story Until After 2020 Election
  • MSNBC Banned From Rittenhouse Trial After Employee Follows Jury Bus
The Judas goats among us …
Professor Di Dongsheng: “In plain and simple language, China has managed to influence American policies for decades through a special undercover network of ‘old friends’ who were at the highest levels of the U.S. government and financial institutions.”
Translation: American elites, driven by greed and ideology, are leading America to a Chinese slaughterhouse.

Brit Marines kick butt of Yank Marines

  • US military gone “woke”?
  • Pentagon sez it ain’t gone ‘woke’
  • Why doesn’t U.S. win wars anymore?
  • Why United States Can’t Win Wars
  • US Marines Training Taiwanese Troops
Pat Buchanan: Virginia Secedes From Biden’s Party
Tulsi Gabbard: McAuliffe Loss ‘Resounding Rejection‘ Of ‘Arrogant Leaders’ Efforts To Divide Us By Race
Repubs win Virginia, but does it really matter?

Is this a great country, or what?

Like him or not, he gets it: “Wokeness Is Dismantling The West: Cancel Culture First Happened In Russia During Bolsheviks!”

Washington invokes  Zersetzung*

  • * STACI/KGB methods of abusive control and psychological manipulation to undermine und prevent “anti-government” activities
  • Virginia woman says FBI staked out school board meeting
  • Shares photo of feds outside school board meeting after AG told FBI to crack down on parents

The yellow brick road to hell …
  • White AT&T employees told they are racist, to confess their ‘white privilege’, to acknowledge ‘systemic racism,’ and attend re-education or be penalized in their performance reviews.
  • Ideas with the best of intentions, have been hijacked by leftists and bureaucrats, and then took on a life beyond their intended end point. As they have grown beyond their original charter, they have done immeasurable damage to our culture, our economy, and our self-governance.
  • Will Governments Survive the Coming Peasant Revolt?
  • Let’s go, Brandon!

    Biggest balls in Hollywood !!!
  • Dave Chappelle called out for ‘hostile transphobia and homophobia’ in Netflix special
  • Simply said gender is a fact
  • Doubles Down on Jokes and Cancel Culture
  • Bottom line: Chapelle ain’t backin’ down!

New York City Hall To take Down “Racist” Statue of Thomas Jefferson
  • Statue commissioned in 1834 because of Jefferson’s support for religious freedom in the U.S. military; it was paid for by Navy officer Uriah Phillips Levy, a New Yorker who was one of the first Jewish officers in the service.
  • “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
George Orwell, 1984

The China Threat

Semantics Zuck: What’s difference between a bought election and a stolen one?

  • White House not stolen, but bought with Zuckerberg’s money
  • Mollie Hemingway Exposes Zuckerberg For Buying The 2020 Election
  • How Zuckerberg’s Bucks “Saved” 2020 Election For Democrats

PSYOPS on steroids

“The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century”

  • Western NATO governments and others developing tactics of “cognitive warfare” to “make everyone a weapon”
  • Warnings of “an embedded fifth column, where everyone, unbeknownst to him or her, is behaving according to the plans of one of our competitors.”
  • Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians
  • “The nature of warfare has changed”
  • Contemporary warfare has reached a dystopian stage, once imaginable only in science fiction

  • The Hypocrisy of America’s Ruling Class
  • Whistleblowers and the hypocrisy of the ruling class
  • J.D. Vance: “Ruling class hypocrisy is going to destroy this country. Is it really so hard for our leaders to follow their own rules?”
  • Sen. Marco Rubio Shreds Ruling Class Hypocrisy: ‘Why Would People Trust You?’

Woke Left have destroyed California
  • State a warning: What happens sans credible challenge to unrestrained ‘progressive’ agenda
  • New law: California mandates gender-neutral toy aisles … traditional blue and pink toys und toothbrushes banned

Corruption or mere conflict of interest?
  • AG Garland sics FBI on parents who object to forced Critical Race Theory indoctrination while his daughter and son in law get rich selling teaching materials to schools that promote Critical Race Theory
  • Florida Gov. DeSantis Promises To Defend Parents At School Board Meetings Against DOJ … “Attorney General Garland is weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to pursue concerned parents and silence them through intimidation,” DeSantis wrote.
  • Police State’s Reign Of Terror Continues… With Help From Supreme Court

  • New Court session angst …
  • Media frighten public with warnings  abortions could be outlawed and people could carry a firearm for self-defense outside the home.
  • How will they rule?

  • Academia Establishing Permanent Surveillance Bureaucracy That Will Soon Govern Rest Of Country
  • By the time people leave college, they will be so used to being watched they won’t mind at all when the government continues to do so.
  • It’s for your own safety!

Screw the little guys …

131 Federal Judges Broke Law by Hearing Cases Where They Had a Financial Interest

Ron Paul: Biggest Federal Reserve Scandal

Hackers and leakers beware …

“The entire thing is bullshit”sez photographer Paul Ratje who took virel pics. Told KTSM “it never happened”
More jackass …
  • Journalist stimulus subsidy tucked away in infrastructure bill. A step towards state dictated news?
  • Soros-funded petition to Federal Communications Commission: “How come we have racist horseshit like FOX and the other ultraconservative outlets and Christians owning most of our media … Are we going to have to shoot Republican[s] to reclaim our democracy?”
  • Arizona Election Audit Finds Biden Won State

Chinese whistleblower claims first Covid outbreak ‘intentional’
  • Wuhan documents show Fauci ‘untruthful’ about gain-of-function research
  • “New era of genetic weapons” test … would cause the “enemy’s medical system to collapse”
  • Technology of Genetic Engineering Applied to Biowarfare and Bioterrorism
  • US Air Force colonel Michael J. Ainscough: Predicted World War III may be fought with bioweapons
  • Biden Wants Dishonourable Discharges, Court Martials For Troops Who Refuse Vaccines

Who is Controlling the Biden quockerwodger?

Canada’s Justin Trudeau remains world’s “wokest” Prime Minister

Living in a blizzard of lies
  • A handful of woke billionaires and favored activists now tell us what reality is.
  • It is they who determine the agreed upon facts of official narratives even if untrue
  • Google now puts warnings on things that are factually accurate because they do not think it is in society’s interest for people to be seeing it.
  • It is clever control
  • Niccolò Machiavelli: “Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.”
  • Noam Chomsky: “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum….”
How did 15,000 Haitians suddenly get to Texas?

Answer: Mexico is punishing Biden for reneging on promises he made by releasing migrants it had corralled in southern Mexico!
And that ain’t all
Der Arnold to anti-maskers and vaccination refusers who say compliance violates their freedom

On California’s governor recall vote:
  • Sez voters were right to retain Newsom, calls GOP field ‘disastrous’
  • Sez recall debacle has sunk California GOP from box office flop to ‘direct-to-video’
Naive conservatives please take note!

Glimmer of accountability?
  • Hillary Clinton-Linked Lawyer Indicted In Russiagate Probe
  • Lawyer Michael Sussmann accused of making false statements to FBI and media to slander then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016

  • CNN and WaPo Write Devastating Articles Outlining General Mark Milley as Leader of Military Coup Against President Trump
  • New book by Bob Woodword and Robert Costa claims Gen Milley Secretly Sabotaged Trump, Called China, Sparking Talk Of Treason
  • Treason? Resignation Calls Follow Report of General Milley’s Secret Calls to China
  • Milley Claims Usurping Presidential Power To Give Enemy Advance Notice Just Part Of ‘Regular Communications’
  • CNN:  Milley’s actions stemmed from fears Trump could “go rogue”
  • “Milley reportedly told China he’d warn them if the United States was going to attack!”
  • “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”
  • Chinese Warships Approach Alaska As US Navy Increases Presence In South China Sea

Chinese state-run newspaper claims warships could ‘soon’ near Hawaii

  • Chinese state media vows military ‘will show up at US doorstep’ soon and ‘China will win’
  • China threatens to send warships inside US territorial waters
  • Stanford professors ask DOJ to stop looking for Chinese spies at US universities
  • How Hollywood Sold Out to China
  • Navy SEAL Who Shot Bin Laden: Exploitable internal Division Now Biggest Threat to America
  • Bill Maher Hits NFL Over Divisive Black National Anthem Performance: ‘We Should Have One National Anthem’
  • FBI Funded White Supremacist Publisher say Court Documents
  • Howie Carr: Your sad, corrupt FBI, now and forever

  • How much did Saudis know?
  • How much has FBI kept quiet?
  • Secret 9/11 files show Saudi embassy staffer ‘helped two hijackers in LA and let them stay at his apartment before the attack’
  • Inside the Pentagon’s Secret Post-9/11 Summit With Hollywood A-Listers to dream-up terror ideas



How flight attendant Betty Ong identified her plane’s hijackers
  • Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act was written all over the smoking ruins of 9/11.
  • It weakened visa enforcement and massively increased immigration from parts of the world that were culturally light-years apart from American traditions.
  • Ted Kennedy’s Immigration Legacy —  why did he do it?

How stupid are voters who vote for Democrats?
  • Democrats Must Think (or know) Voters Are Stupid
  • “If you still watch mainstream media and vote Democrat, you’re a special kind of stupid.”
  • San Fran Dems to pay $500 per month to criminals for not shooting others
  • NYC Dems up ante: $1,000 a month to criminals
  • Dem Washington Post: “Lynchings never stopped in the United States. Lynchings in Mississippi never stopped.”
  • Dem NAACP defines lynchings as “the public killing of an individual who has not received” due process under the law.
It’s baaaack!!

  • 2015 conservative claim made anew: Walmarts are Secret Military Bases Linked by Miles of Underground Tunnels !
  • Walmart denies tunnels beneath stores
  • Why conservatives might be more likely to fall for fake news
  • Poll: Most conservatives believe at least one QAnon conspiracy theory
  • Conservatives’ propensity toward conspiracy thinking
  • Right-Wing Embrace Of Conspiracy Is ‘Mass Radicalization

  • Biden’s shameful Afghanistan disaster has made America look weak, spineless, cowardly, and disloyal – it should cost him his presidency
  • Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to Biden, was the primary architect of plan to leave Afghanistan. Like too many others in Washington, he is an overeducated idiot who is sure he is the smartest man in every room, despite being one of the dumbest men in every room.
  • The inexorable rise of Jake Sullivan

  • State Department, Then Taliban, Reportedly Blocking Private Rescue Planes From Departing Afghanistan
  • ‘If one life is lost, the blood is on White House hands’: Fury at State Department for ‘delaying six flights out of Afghanistan carrying more than 100 US citizens’
  • The American Empire In Retreat

If you think Biden is bad, Kamala is no laughing matter
Read ’em and weep: The current line of presidential succession
Word on street: Fix is in for Governor Newsom

Do all lives really matter equally?

When a white cop killed unarmed black man in Ferguson, MO,  riots started
  • Why no outrage when a black cop killed unarmed white woman ?
  • White Lives Don’t Matter,” Academic Freedom, And Freedom Of Speech
  • Insurrection? Federal Judge Limits Police Use Of Force Against Protesters: “Property Damage Is A Small Price To Pay For Constitutional Rights”
  • Jonathan Turley: Statements By Capitol Police Officer Byrd Who Killed Ashli Babbitt “Demolish the Two Official Reviews That Cleared Him … Under Byrd’s interpretation, hundreds of rioters could have [legally] been gunned down on Jan. 6.”
  • Before we knew Byrd shot and killed Ashli Babbitt on January 6:

Senator Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.):  “The public has no right to know  … because the person that [sic] shot her is a police officer shooting a criminal …”

When will this thing be over?

  • Biden checks watch during ceremony for Marines killed in Kabul
  • VP Kamala Harris laughs when asked about tragedy in Afghanistan
  • Would a “President Kamala” have laughed during ceremony?

What happens if Doofus Biden leaves office?

We get laughing Hyena Kamala who hasn’t the sense to avoid propaganda pics like this one before a bust of Ho Chi Min.
  • “The WORST Photo Op For An American In That Country Since Jane Fonda Donned A Helmet There In 1972.”
  • Lest we forget …
  • Ho Chi Minh was a brutal dictator and the founder of the Vietnamese Communist Party.
  • His regime mass murdered over 500,000 when it took over south Vietnam

ISIS-K: Murderous Islamic crazies who claim  Kabul suicide bombs that killed 170 were theirs
  • ISIS-K is not ISIS
  • Known as the Islamic State Khorasan
  • Considers ISIS and Taliban Islamic slackers und wimps
  • Sez Taliban insufficiently devoted to fundamentalist Islam, even though it was notorious for its brutal enforcement of religious law
  • Claims Taliban “in a partnership” with the US military to evacuate “spies” from Afghanistan
  • Democrat House Speaker hypocrite Nancy Pelosi hosts maskless, white Democrat limousine liberals who paid $30,000 per plate to virtue signal against white supremacy and privilege
  • The Privileged Liberal
  • Why White Liberals Are So Unwilling to Recognize Their Own Racism

Putin “gets” what our Doofus Prez don’t

  • He will not accept Afghan “militants showing up here [Russia] under cover of refugees.”
  • “Who are these refugees? How can we tell? There may be thousands, or even millions … The border is a thousand kilometers – they will get on everything, a car, even a donkey, and flee across the steppe.”


  • British Parliament Unloads On Biden: ‘Biden May Have Condemned The World To Chinese Domination In Future’
  • Biden was always unfit to be president but his Left-wing media cheerleaders didn’t dare admit it
  • Goldman: The Dr. Frankensteins of Foreign Policy. PLA Admiral Luo Yuan: “General Petraeus created ISIS in order to destabilize China.”
  • Former British Commander in Afghanistan Calls for Biden’s Court-Martial
  • Tony Blair brands Biden an ‘imbecile’ … Boris Johnson: ‘we would be better off with Trump’
  • Victor Davis Hanson: If Biden were a Republican, Dems in Congress would have impeached him. They should

Doofus in Chief: The [Afganistan disaster] buck stops with me,’

  • Then blames Trump and locaIs who failed to fight the Taliban
  • Ducks questions, flees for Camp David
  • Former Obama Afghan Ambassador: I Question Biden’s ‘Ability to Lead Our Nation’
  • Retired US generals and former WH doc claim Biden not fit to be President
  • Thousands Run At Kabul Airfield Amid Gunfire, Horrifying Scenes Unfolding On Ground
  • “Utter Desperation” – Body Count Rises As Terrified Afghans Mob Tarmac At Kabul Airport, Cling To Departing Planes
  • Taliban terror begins with ‘kill list’ drawn up as women face torture and death
  • ‘Why did my friend get blown up? For what?’: Afghanistan war veterans horrified by Taliban gains

Remember her?

Our turn now …

British last stand during 1842 retreat from Kabul
Of 16,500 British soldiers, men women and children, all but one were slaughtered
War In Afghanistan Cost US Taxpayers Over $2.2 Trillion
“Pentagon spent $88 billion dollars training the Afghan Army for 20 years. It collapsed in 1 month.
“Not one general or politician will face consequences for this.”

Whom Can We Trust?

Father-son national security threat …

‘The Russians have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex!’
Hunter Biden seen in footage telling prostitute Russian drug dealers stole ANOTHER of his laptops
The Bidens Were Always the Real National Security Threat

  • What the world is afraid to admit: Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is a Chinese bio weapon
  • The virus fulfills the criteria of an effective bioweapon as described in 2005 by PLA General Rui-fu Yang
  • China’s Next More Dangerous Bioweapon and How the U.S. is Helping China Build It
  • U.S. virus research laboratories have become functioning subsidiaries of China’s biowarfare program
  • Apple will scan iPhones for what it considers child abuse photos and report user to police
  • Apple’s child safety update a ‘surveillance system’ for guv intrusion
  • Apple’s Plan to “Think Different” About Encryption Opens  Backdoor to Your Private Life
  • Fury at Apple’s plans
  • What will it report next? “Hate speech?” “Unwokeness?” Gunownership? Books read?
  • Guv spyware hacks cellphones of journalists, activists worldwide

  • Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) suggests  FBI knew more about planning for Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol than it has revealed
Cops who knew too much? Mystery Surrounds Latest Police Suicides Linked to January 6: Four Officers Now Dead
  • Fact check: Claims of FBI role in Jan. 6 Capitol attack are false. Ignore Long history of FBI set-ups ….

Seems like 1918 again …

  • ‘Mask Slackers’ and ‘Deadly’ Spit: The Campaigns to Shame People Into Following New Rules
  • As the influenza pandemic swept across the United States in 1918 and 1919, masks took a role in political and cultural wars.

Elite mask hypocrites think they’re entitled to flout rules they impose on YOU

Looking ahead …

  • Pentagon getting serious about prevailing in opening stages of war with China or Russia
  • War with Russia and or China no longer  hypothetical to planners but our lumbering bureaucracy unprepared for it
  • ‘Disturbing’ actions by China signal early stages of a cold war
  • Is a War With China Inevitable?
  • Welcome to Hell: What Would a U.S.-China War Look Like in 2034?
  • Capitol Police Lay Foundation To Become American Political Police ‘Stasi’
  • Could comedians soon be defined as domestic terrorists for ridiculing wokeness and state power?

Disband the FBI!

  • ‘Black national anthem’ to be played before NFL games
  • NFL’s social justice messaging sparks anger in every direction
  • A deep racial divide about NFL by its fan base
  • TV ratings still historically high — for now
  • NFL pledges to halt ‘race-norming,’ review Black claims

California dream fades

  • Theft basically legal
  • California Penal Code doesn’t outline right of self-defense
  • Soros financed District Attorneys won’t prosecute most criminals
  • Highest taxes and home prices beyond reach of average resident
  • Governor invites world homeless to state
  • Pledges to house and feed world homeless population
  • State cracking under  weight of nation’s largest homeless population
  • Middle-class and business owners flee to sane states
Inside the FBI Terrorist Entrapment Strategy

How FBI created a terrorist

The Antifa/FBI Coalition:

  • “The FBI has a history of instigating terrorist plots that they thwart with great fanfare. This is not a conspiracy theory.
  • The New York Times has reported there have been twenty terrorist plots against the U.S.  Three of those plots were real; the other 17 were created — and then stopped — by the FBI.”
  • Whitmer Kidnapping Defendants Claim Entrapment . Say 12 FBI Provocateur -Informants Planned Plot
Attack of the viruses …
COVID’s Delta Variant spreads: ‘This Virus Will Find Everybody Who Is Not Immune’: Mayo Doctor’s Warning
Monkeypox on deck: The new Covid?

More than 200 people in U.S. being monitored for Monkeypox exposure, CDC says
About Monkeypox:
CDC says fatality rate about 10%,  caused by virus related to smallpox, causes less severe illness than smallpox, but still quite dangerous.

Japanese Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama warns of Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack on Hawaii by Russia and China
Russian and Chinese have conducted naval drills within 35 miles of Hawaii, including practicing sinking an aircraft carrier.
Nakayama: “We have to show the deterrence towards China, and not just China but also the Russians, because, as I told you, that they are doing their exercises together.”
‘Sink two aircraft carriers’: Chinese Admiral’s recipe to dominate the South China Sea. “
“We’ll see how frightened America is.”
US Air Force Responds With Large Number Of F-22 Raptors

Covid sequel:  Re-masking  und fascism
Jen Psaki: Biden administration actively flagging what they deem “disinformation” about the pandemic to Facebook for censoring.
Facebook oversight member Helle Thorning Schmidt, former prime minister of Denmark: free speech ‘is not an absolute human right’
Glenn Greenwald: “This is the union of corporate and state power — one of the classic hallmarks of fascism — that the people who spent 5 years babbling about fascism support.”

Crushing American defeat: Afghanistan on brink of collapse as US leaves
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it
Soviet retreat  from Afghanistan
British slaughtered in Afghan retreat
The Navy adrift

“Every officer is up to speed on diversity training. Not so much ship handling”
Scathing Congressional report finds US Navy too woke for war because of risk averse, politically correct, control-freak top brass
  • Response to arson fire on ship in San Diego and two ship collisions in Pacific
  • Disturbing trends in Navy leadership and training noted
  • Found diversity training took precedence over war fighting
  • Combat readiness now a ‘box-checking’ exercise

Boston Review:
Yale Professor and Queer Intellectuals Call On Gays to Perform Sex Acts In Front of Children
Joseph J. Fischel:  Anti-sex, anti-kink complaints are not only wrong but also racist and bad for children …”
And you thought Critical Race Theory was a mind bender
FBI Wants Family Members To Snitch On Each Other To Prevent ‘Homegrown Extremism’
An America of snitches and rats?
FBI Informant Panic Ruining Friendships
It is safe to assume many of us are being monitored by the federal government for as little as an internet search we did?
Facebook Now Sending Messages to Selected Users Asking About Potentially ‘Extremist’ Friends

Dawn of Pelosi’s police state

Nancy Pelosi Directs Capitol Hill Police Units to Open Regional Offices across America
Expanding federal police enforcement of legislative branch so it can investigate and intimidate political opposition with armed legal authority

Do we really want a nationwide federal police force accountable solely to a small number of legislators, not subject to FOIA and other citizen protections applicable to the executive branch?
Nancy Pelosi Und Power
“We have won the war, America has lost”, say Taliban

Talaban murderers back as US sneaks out at night– leaves power vacuum in Afghanistan … leaves billions in military gear and systems

Expect many more atrocities
Truth: US politicians and allies have no stomach to fight this
U.S. officials misled public about war in Afghanistan

July 4th 2021

President Biden mocked gun-rights advocates who say they need assault weapons to fight the government: “The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon”
Politifact: “We rate Biden’s claim False”
Washington Post: “Biden’s false claim that the 2nd Amendment bans cannon ownership”
Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story: “The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers”
Thomas Cooley, Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice:  “The meaning of the provision undoubtedly is, that the people, from whom the militia must be taken, shall have the right to keep and bear arms, and they need no permission or regulation of law for the purpose.”
The 1946 Battle of Athens rebellion by armed citizens in Tennessee against corrupt government

‘I’m embarrassed to be American’: Campus video from Georgetown sees students struggle to articulate pride in the US on July 4 as woke politics rip through schools

Anyone care anymore?

Daily Mail: Los Angeles cop says ultra-secret LAPD file names JFK’s brother Bobby Kennedy as killer of Marilyn Monroe — and actor Peter Lawford said he saw it happen.
EXPLAINER: Why Bill Cosby’s conviction was overturned
Harvey Weinstein’s lawyers say Cosby reversal means he too will be cleared
Hard lessons for lawyers in Cosby case; tougher for victims
Whither #MeToo? Chilling effect of Cosby reversal feared

Bill Cosby Rape Conviction Overturned; D.A Says Release “Irrelevant To The Facts Of The Crime”
Cosby plans comedy tour?
BET billionaire Robert Johnson sez blacks owed $14T in reparations — he wants check too
Black Lives Matter Sues Santa Monica, a Year After Police Let Rioters and Looters Devastate City … Police Too “harsh ” Sez BLM
‘Defund The Police’ So Unpopular Democrats Now Claim Republicans Did It
Enemies of the state!

NSA Monitoring Carlson’s Communications ‘In an Attempt to Take This Show Off the Air’

FBI tears innocent New Yorker’s life into shreds after Jan. 6

FBI arrests Woman for entering US Capitol as Capital Police held door open for her
Yes, the FBI is America’s secret police
Everyone has broken some law:  “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”
Why We Should All Fear the Rot Inside the FBI
How the FBI covered-up its mass murder of the Branch Davidians
When Scandal Preempts the Pursuit of Justice: a Review of MLK/FBI
“The truth is that we have a nation that is disgusted with the FBI

Obama finally responds to Obamacare critics after Supreme Court rejects latest Republican challenge
Reversed appeals court ruling that “U.S. can’t force people to buy stuff”
What else can government now make you buy?
Arts of manipulation

Wikipedia and the Military-Intelligence Complex: How the Free Encyclopedia Feeds the National Security State from Which It Emerged
Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger slams site’s left wing ‘woke’ bias
The ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Charade: How government and media use the phrase to suppress opposition.

Reports indicate Dong Jingwei has defected to the United States with sensitive information about the origins of COVID-19 and all China’s spies
Rumours are flying. Implications enormous
Why won’t China prove he didn’t defect and U.S. won’t prove he did?
It speaks volumes the man who knows all Chinese spies in our country defected to the Defense Intelligence Agency only and that it’s not sharing information with the FBI or CIA.
Possible both are hopelessly compromised?

Military tensions mount all over …

Russian fleet off Hawaii practices to sink American aircraft carriers  as US Navy strike group moves into the area.
China’s Troop Deployment Along Disputed Border Worries India
China Intensifies Provocations Over Taiwan
Comedians start doing what they are supposed to do: Cut through the political narrative crap and tell the truth

Bill Maher: “If you think that America is more racist now than ever, more sexist than before women could vote, and more homophobic than before blow jobs were a felony, you have progressophobia, and should adjust your mask because it is covering your eyes.”

Jon Stewart: Said the “lab leak” theory of COVID origins — previously a mockable  heresy — should not just be seriously considered as plausible, but had in fact become trivially obvious. So obvious that you’re now the dummy if you don’t think so

Joe Rogan to CNN’s Brian Stelter: “Hey motherf—er, you’re supposed to be a journalist …Your show’s f*cking terrible!”

The FBI’s Mafia-Style Justice: To Fight Crime, the FBI Sponsors 15 Crimes a Day

The Profit Incentives Driving The American Police State
Why doesn’t our news media tell us the truth about 1/6, Waco and other events?

Because the FBI, CIA and other agencies have manufactured and directed terror plots and criminal rings for decades. Questioning an official narrative Gets One Mocked Because the FBI and said Others Shape Liberal Corporate Media
“They used to try to do it secretly. They don’t even do it secretly anymore. They don’t need Operation Mockingbird. They literally put John Brennan who works for NBC and James Clapper who works for CNN and tons of FBI agents right on the payroll of these news organizations. They now shape the news openly to manipulate and to deceive the American population.”

Burning truths …
  • The Trump-Russia collusion story was a lie
  • Hydroxychloroquine does increase the survival rate of Covid patients
  • Trump did not order Washington, DC protesters tear gassed so he could pose for photo op
  • Hunter Biden is a drug addicted scammer that may have endangered national security and Joe is at least an accessory to Hunter’s activities
  • Covid 19 is likely a Chinese bio weapon Americans naively helped pay to develop that escaped the Wuhan laboratory
Regime enforcers with badges
“The people most active in planning January 6 [Capital break-in] and encouraging others to act were FBI agents or informants … and were similarly involved in kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchin Whitmer”
FBI was actively recruiting military members to infiltrate and spy on the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys before the Jan. 6 protests
“In other words, it was a set-up”
FBI hunts for “domestic terrorists”  Looked in mirror?
How long has the FBI been in the terror biz?

Promising Hollywood actress robbed of career by FBI smears

New Film Sez Murderous Gangster Whitey Bulger Was FBI Victim

It’s back!

COINTELPRO: Acronym for the FBI’s secret and illegal projects aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations

Revolver News questions that need answers:

  • “In the year leading up to 1/6 and during 1/6 itself, to what extent were the three primary militia groups (the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters) that the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon and network news have labeled most responsible for planning and executing a Capitol attack on 1/6 infiltrated by agencies of the federal government, or informants of said agencies?”

  • “Exactly how many federal undercover agents or confidential informants were present at the Capitol or in the Capitol during the infamous “siege” and what roles did they play (merely passive informants or active instigators)?”

  • “Finally, of all of the unindicted co-conspirators referenced in the charging documents of those indicted for crimes on 1/6, how many worked as a confidential informant or as an undercover”

What to Expect From the Biden-Putin Summit
Putin said he hopes Joe Biden will be less impulsive than his predecessor.
Russian perspective: “US-Russian relations locked in new zero-sum game but with a different dynamic than during the Cold War.”
“Appalling to Watch”: Australian news anchors make fun of Joe Biden and the way American “news” media gushes over him.
Media Caught In Yet Another Massive Anti-Trump Lie; Will Election Fraud Be Next?

The definitive list of media’s anti-Trump lies and misrepresentations compiled by Sharyl Attkisson
What’s the Main Source of Fake News?

As much as half the unemployment benefits paid by the US government over the past year may have been stolen through fraud.
“Up to 70% of the money stolen by impostors ultimately left the country.”
Most went to foreign crime syndicates in China, Nigeria, Russia and elsewhere, according to Axios


We paid NO income taxes!!
Gross unfairness? The push to tax the super-rich
Who leaked secret IRS files?

Fouci buddy Peter Daszak  Sez ‘Chinese Colleagues’ Developing ‘Killer’ Coronaviruses.

‘Damning’ science shows COVID-19 likely engineered in lab: experts
“… a man-made monster, optimized in a lab for maximum infectivity before hitting the outside to catastrophic effect”
Why Did US Department of Defense Fund Bioweapons Research at Wuhan?

Chinese Defector Has ‘Direct Knowledge’ of Several Chinese Special Weapons Programs
FaceBook Fact-Checkers ‘Deceived Public’ About Likely Covid Source In China’s Wuhan Lab … Leading Australian Cultural Commentator and Zuckerberg Critic Banned From FaceBook
Colonel Lawrence Sellin, PhD  targeted for Uncovering Role of China’s Military in COVID-19 Crisis

FBI demands names of all who read USA Today story
Another COINTELPRO? — The FBI’s series of covert and illegal projects aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, disrupting and intimidating domestic American political organizations via false narratives and other means
FBI lies and mass murder of Branch Davidians at Waco
DOJ secretly demanded email logs to identify reporter sources … now sez it won’t do that again

America swiftly “moving into a coup situation, a police state” warns former Clinton advisor Naomi Wolf

Bill Gates kowtows to China … ‘Tank Man’ Photo Blocked by Microsoft On Tiananmen massacre anniversary

China could soon outgun U.S.

“We have met the enemy and he is us!”

America’s wars: Were they worth it?
How stupid are we?
American military buys fake and sabotaged Chinese made gear!
Why Did U.S. Air Force Buy Chinese-Made Drones?
China-sourced fake chips used in US military, says BusinessWeek
Don’t Trust Chinese Microchips for the Military, says WSJ
Military tricked into buying Chinese Trojan Horse microchips for years
How China Used Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S.

Woke purge is coming for the military

American marines landing to fight Japanese at Guadalcanal during War II in August 1942
Now 33% of Americans are NOT sure if sending troops to fight in World War II was the right decision, new poll reveals

The outright naivete and treason of America’s 5th Column elite among academics, politicians, corporations and media
Clinton Administration Invited Chinese Army into Sensitive U.S. Military Biodefense Centers
China’s military has deeply infiltrated U.S. virus research programs and received billions of taxpayer dollars to construct bio weapons intended for use against Americans
China surges into biological warfare … Chinese “unrestricted warfare” thinking extends biological warfare into every part of human existence
The Chinese Virus Lab Theory’s New Credibility
FaceBook Fact-Checkers ‘Deceived Public’ About Likely Covid Source In China’s Wuhan Lab … Leading Australian Cultural Commentator and Zuckerberg Critic Banned From FaceBook
Colonel Lawrence Sellin, PhD  targeted for Uncovering Role of China’s Military in COVID-19 Crisis

COVID and the Noble Lie Told to Scare Public
Fauci backed virus experiments ‘despite pandemic risk

Defeating the US is CCP’s Main Objective
US and China prep for war
China also threatens Australia and Japan
All it’ll take is one mistake

Beijing building whole towns across internationally recognised borders in new and dangerous global power play
Translated speeches from leading Beijing scholar-adviser provide rare guide to Chinese Communist plans for world domination
China’s blunt goal naive Americans don’t “get”…

“We Need To Put the US Under Our Jurisdiction … that is, to become the No. 1 boss”  …        Jin Canrong
The “national teacher” and top strategist of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and former professor at University of Michigan
Canrong’s “Taking down the US” speech

Media Censorship et Suppression “Conspiracy” Slammed After Fauci Admits Possibility Of Wuhan Lab Leak
Senator Tom Cotton: Fauci “Playing Word Games To Cover Tracks” Of His Wuhan Lab Involvement
Res ipsa loquitur
“Yes, COVID-19 Was a Biological Attack by the Chinese Communist Party” – Colonel Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.

Creation of the COVID-19 virus entirely under the command and control of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
House Intel Republicans: “Under the Leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci” US Likely Engaged in Dangerous Research in China benefiting PLA

American educated Communist Chinese Professor Declares US Defeated In “Biological War” With China and has been put “back in its place.”
“The achievement is unprecedented. This is an epoch-making historical record … the Western model has failed, the 500-year maritime civilization is doomed, the CCP has won and ‘will lead the way of the modernization in the new era after the biology revolution”
Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America

Must read book for naive Americans
Who can ya trust? … China’s entrenched 5th columns …

Professor Di Dongsheng: “In plain and simple language, China has managed to influence American policies for decades through a special undercover network of ‘old friends’ who were at the highest levels of the U.S. government and financial institutions.”
MIT Professor Who Got  $19M in Federal Grants Arrested for Concealing Ties to China
Ohio State professor gets 37 Months for Using Federal Grants to Aid China’s Medical Research
Unprecedented:  LinkedIn Censors China Critic
Chinese Military Scientist Suspected of Involvement in COVID-19 Creation Elected to American Academy of Microbiology

Pelosi keeps China sex seduced  Eric Swalwell on House Intel Committee … GOP attempt to boot Swalwell fails

Deadliest war warning yet as China declares it is now ‘ready to defeat’ US
China already ‘engaging in irregular war’ with US in the ‘grey zone’
China Diplomat’s ‘Red Line’ Warning
May use military force to seize Taiwan and its microchip industry
China’s growing firepower casts doubt on whether U.S. could defend Taiwan
America Will Only Win When China’s Regime Fails
Three months of Biden bumbling embolden China

Is Taiwan worth World War III?
Sun Tzu: “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle”
Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing Bat COVID Virus In 2015 ‘To Cause Enemy’s Medical System To Collapse’
Qiao Liang: “If one party is at war with another, and the other party does not realize it is at war, the party who knows it is at war almost always has the advantage and usually wins.”
71% Of Eligible Gen-Zers Don’t Qualify For Military Due To Obesity, Criminal Records And Other Reasons

China pursuing Atlantic naval base
Kissinger: Strains with China are “the biggest problem for America, the biggest problem for the world “
” … the technology of [nuclear] power is beyond what anybody imagined even 70 years ago.”
” … to the nuclear issue is added … artificial intelligence … machines that can develop their own judgement”
An Expert Military Analysis of War with China
China sez it “expelled” US warship from South China Sea Chinese and American Warplanes in Same Defense Zone Off  Taiwan … simulate attacks on US Navy aircraft carrier

“Sink two aircraft carriers”: Chinese Admiral’s recipe to win  … “We’ll see how frightened America is”

Marines’ new attack ships built to land troops in China
… Chinese build amphibious ships to land troops in America … built 83 ships in just 8 years
challenge to America China’s Xi Continues To Urge Troops Toward ‘War Readiness
Huge double standards on Trump, HK riots
Deception And Suppression: A Year Of Beijing’s Virus Coverup
Patrick Byrne: China Is Taking Us Out From Within
China Army Installs Helmet BOMB to Self-Destruct own Troops Who Don’t Follow Orders

“China’s leaders openly admit their previous claims that the virus originated in a Wuhan market are false
China surges into biological warfare … Chinese “unrestricted warfare” thinking extends biological warfare into every part of human existence

How to Keep U.S.-Chinese Confrontation From Ending in Calamity
Calamity  at home …
Total Ideological, Class Und Race War
War Against “Domestic Insurgents?”
Litteral Revolution, Not Just Change
“Pre-Emptive Arrests
Biggest Gun Rights Infringement Bill in History Targets the Poor, Will Make Millions of Felons Overnight

The Thirty American Tyrants

U.S. Navy Patents Mind Bending Technology — Lasers Made of  ‘Spacetime Wave Packets?’
Blue wave becomes blue terrorradical Left weaponizes Bill of Rights … claim its protection as it works to create police state. Armed National Guard patrols Washington with deadly force authority
Mob Threatens Arson During ‘F*ck The Police’ March In DC
Spying Eyes Everywhere 24/7

Former CIA Counterterror Chief  Wants War Against “Domestic Insurgents
Pre-Emptive Arrest”: An Open Invitation to Tyranny
You can’t legislate by executive orders unless you are a dictator.
— Joe Biden

“The party that spent four years calling President Trump a dictator are now applauding Joe Biden for setting the record of week-one executive orders.”  — Congresswoman Lauren Boebert
The Sanctimony of Tyranny:  In Orwellian times, “the narrative” is everything, and all facts must be bent, twisted, or omitted to serve it.

Big Tech, Big Brother and the End of Free Speech
Facebook Played Major Role Coordinating ‘Capitol Riot’
CNN-NPR Photo-Journalist Jade Sacker Embedded with Antifa Leader John Sullivan During Siege of US Capitol – Cheered “We Did It!” After Inciting Riot
Apple’s Tim Cook About Canceling Parler: ‘We Don’t Consider That Free Speech’
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey banned Trump … Plans More Political Censorship
CNN Segment About Shutting Down Conservatives Und Media Outlets Should Concern All
Are You Ready for Total Ideological, Class Und Race War?
Democrat Progressives Want Litteral Revolution, Not Just Change
Former Obama official Robert Reich wants post-election commission to censor and blacklist Trump supporters — Twitter Leftists Luv Idea
Lincoln Project assembling friends of Trump blacklist
PBS Lawyer Wants Trump Supporters’ Children Put in ‘Re-Education Camps
Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo wants non woke shot if progressives get power … conservative business leaders deserve Firing Squad,  he sez

Don Lemon Doubles Down; Says ALL Trump Supporters Complicit With The KKK … “If  You Voted For Trump, You’re With The Klan, The Nazis, & The Rioters”
Dem Congressman Proposes to ‘abolish’ Electoral College
We Need a New Media System
Death of civic nationalism

The Senate’s dangerous 14th Amendment Game

Rich and Hollywood elites take Covid vaccines meant for others
Wealthy couple chartered a plane to the Yukon, took vaccines doses meant for Indigenous elders

Is 2021 a redux of 1641? … 1984 come true: George Orwell’s 1984 is #2 Best-Seller On Amazon
Big Tech’s Gab et Parler Purges Only The Beginning
Hong Kong Trump Fans Change Twitter Icons to Oppose Censorship
FBI: Armed protests planned at all 50 state capitols!
Real threat or pretext for civil liberties suppression?
Censorship unleashed …
Largest talk-radio owner orders conservative hosts to shut up about election fraud or be fired
GOP prepares to battle big tech et corporate censorship
Speech Dems don’t like: Conservative website Parler forced offline by Apple and others
Hacker Archives All Parler Posts, including user location data — Will Give to Police
Censorship overreach
Why Julian Assange, a Non-US Citizen, Operating Outside the US, Is Being Prosecuted Under the US Espionage Act … Any journalist can be prosecuted because it carries universal jurisdiction.

Origins of America’s Secret Police
National secrets possibly stolen from capital … some who breached Capital said to be off duty police and military personnel

Lt. General Thomas McInerney Says Pelosi In Panic-Mode After Special Forces Confiscated Her Laptop During the Breach of the Capitol … fact or senile ramblings?
Police departments across the U.S. open probes into whether their own members took part in the Capitol riot
Army investigates psyops officer role in Capitol rally
Chicago Police Union President Defends Those Who Stormed The U.S. Capitol
Sen. Josh Hawley now public enemy No. 1 on Capitol Hill
Where was the rioting outrage last summer?

Democrats riff Animal Farm double standard mantra …

Democrat mob good, Republican mob bad!
Chris Cuomo on CNN: “Please, show me where it says protests have to be polite and peaceful.”

Only In Your Imagination Was That An Attempted “Coup”

DC rally far larger than public told
Why Republican voters say there’s ‘no way in hell’ Trump lost
Why Trump Voters Don’t Trust the People Who Count the Votes
Parler App On Brink Of Cancellation By Apple In Woke Big Tech Purge

The coming ‘woke’ American Theocracy
Dems hit government control jackpot

Senate Hinges on Georgia Runoff Chaos
Media are lying about Trump’s phone call with Raffensperger
A Week That Will Change America
Bill Gates Funding Plan to Dim Sun’s Rays
We know what you’re thinking – this can’t be real… but it is.

The Top 10 Suppressed News Stories of 2020
The Wokest News Stories Of 2020

Donald Trump: The Festivus president
Stacey Abrams’ Federal Judge Sister Blocks Purge of Inaccurate Voter Rolls in Georgia
Georgia’s Runoff Drama Likely to Drag On for Days Before Results
Free money: Amid the coronavirus, a monthly paycheck from the feds doesn’t seem crazy
Would free money break the bank and accomplish the Cloward-Pivens goal?
Columbia profs Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven proposed  in 1966  collapsing the U.S. economy with a government paid income
When I interviewed them in 1968, they told me their goal was to create a communist American government.
Woman secretely given two free homes by ‘Nashville bomber‘ says she didn’t know about it. Feds believe bomber blew himself up because he feared 5G is spying on Americans
Voter Fraud On Display: Houston Ballots All Have Same Signature and Same Address
Rudy Giuliani:  ” Starting after Christmas this is really going to blow up …”  —
Footage Captures Ominous ‘Evacuation’ Warning Before Nashville Explosion
What If Jesus Had Been Born In The American Police State?
Pentagon Spends Millions Propagandizing Christmas Movies
Why Post-Coronavirus America Will Have Massive Poverty
How Government Paid-Off Super-Rich to Pass Coronavirus-Relief Laws
‘Smart Toilets,’ Afghan Book Clubs, and Lizard Treadmills: Rand Paul Exposes $55 Billion in Government Waste
10 years in prison for illegal streaming? It’s in the Covid-19 relief bill
Got your “Biden Bucks” yet? Vote Democrat in Georgia, get cash! getbidenbucks.com

Biden Buck Top Contributors for 2020
The District Attorney George Soros paid to inflict on Los Angeles
Gascon has ordered hardened criminals released from jail and announced the end of prosecutions for misdemeanors and many criminal acts.
That means more criminals on the street and the effective legalization of prostitution, loitering, driving without a license, trespassing, disturbing the peace, burglary, theft, assault and a host of other former crimes.
He says that will make Los Angeles a safer and more just community.
Can CA guv Newsom beat recall?  Yes— If he can make it about Trump, sez former SF mayor and Kamala Harris bedmate  Willie Brown.
The obvious Precinct 13 ballot box vote fraud that couldn’t be proved that put Lyndon Johnson in Congress
“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.”
Arthur Conan Doyle
Trump “betrayed from within” sez Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne … no military coup or martial law discussed
In Global Hotspots, China and Russia are Stepping Up Coordination
After entanglement with Chinese spy, Eric Swalwell warned of ‘influx of Russians’ in US politics
Leaks Expose Communist China’s Extensive Infiltration Of The West
Lest we forget …
Watch Connie Chung news cast
Joe Biden and ‘The Lie’
Biden lied about China connections
Biden is a pathological liar
Biden Names As “Climate Czar” Former EPA Chief Blamed For Flint Water Crisis
Court Also Struck Down Kansas Law Requiring Identification to Vote … So much for the “conservative” Supreme Court
The Electoral College Vote Is Done And Biden Won …

Sidney Powell claims Serbian election fraud connection run by George Soros, General Petraeus, Joe Biden, the CIA and other players.
Former Serbian Parliament member Srjdan Nogo confirms Powell claim:

“Soros organized the whole corruptive network in Serbia wherein huge amounts of money, including hundreds of millions of dollars which came from American taxpayers, were stolen and laundered through USAID and that money was used to finance political activities in the US and activities of the terrorist organizations Antifa and BLM (Black Lives Matter).” 
Supreme Court Spurns Partisanship in Trump Election Case
Michigan County May Have Key To Election Results … Why did Michigan judge order findings hidden?
Ultimate and Final Assault on Freedom has Arrived
CNN’s April Ryan Outraged At Reporters Disclosing Embarrassing Comments By Joe Biden … Full Hunter Biden and Swalwell scandals still buried by media
CBS Reporter Prompts Biden Anger For Asking Substantive Question
“President In Waiting” Kamala?
There’s a reason media is suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden’s corruption
” … leftists used Biden to attain the White House  and are now ready to get rid of him.”
Barr Worked to Keep Hunter Biden Probes From Public View During Election

Supreme Court Tosses Texas Bid To Overturn Election .. but it’s not over yet
Federalist Destroys Attempted Debunking Of Late-Night Ballot Malarkey In Georgia
The vote fraud question: massive systemic fraud, or sour-grapes conspiracy-mongering?

YouTube To Delete Content That ‘Undermines’ 2020 US Election Results
Biden campaign first to raise $1 billion from donors … wielded a massive financial advantage over Trump
Democrats deride ‘dark’ money, new analysis shows it boosted Biden
‘We’ll see’ if there’s a Biden administration sez Trump intelligence director

Dershowitz Says Supreme Court May Rule to Let Legislators Pick Alternate Electors
Democrat Election ‘Success’… And  ‘Russian Interference’ Disappears
Election Fraud, The Usefulness of COVID, and The Big Picture
Election Fraud, Political Corruption, and its Consequences
Obama: Georgia Will Determine Future of Joe Biden’s Presidency and the World
Deep State and Democratic Party join hands against America
What’s happening in U.S. election matches what happened in Venezuela say experts
The Real Kraken: What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election
The Dems Had No Choice BUT to Rig the Election
GA Sec Of State Announces New Investigations
Georgia Governor orders signature audit after CCTV footage appears to show Atlanta poll workers engaged in ballot fraud.
Dominion Machine from Georgia County  Shows Votes Flipped from Trump to Biden ….  More than Enough For Trump Win
Voting Machines Had Totals Altered Overnight say Nevada Election Witnesses
Is the Democrats’ Election Heist ‘Too Big to Fail’?

Michael Flynn Says Coup Against Trump Still In Progress… “They’ve upped their game,” Flynn said of certain figures in the Democratic Party … Air Force General Thomas G. McInerney Exposes CIA Vote Hacking
Ex-Overstock CE hires ‘Army of Various Odd People’ to Prove Trump Won
FBI Asks Pro-Trump Statistician To Share Findings Into Illegal Ballots… Is FBI Finally Looking Into Voter Fraud?
Attorney General Barr Comments ‘Twisted’ By AP, DoJ Says

Microparticles in microneedles und tracking scanners
Liberal Fascism Sporting A Smiley Shirt And Syringe … we the people duped on a grand scale … British Elite Army Unit To Spy On & Combat ‘Anti-Vax Militants’
America taxpayers made him rich. Now Elon Musk says ‘China rocks’ while U.S. full of ‘complacency and entitlement’ … Plans for Tesla China move?
China’s Xi Continues To Urge Troops Toward ‘War Readiness
Watch: CNN Admits There Are “Legal & Constitutional” Ways For Trump To Stay In Office
Everything You Already Forgot About 2020
Media suppression of key stories likely gave Biden election win, study finds

Pennsylvania State Judge Upholds Halt To Certification  … Pennsylvania State Legislature Disputes Statewide 2020 Election Results
17% of Biden voters said they wouldn’t have voted for him had they known about his record
What the Election Will Come Down To
“Stand Up To Your Racist Family” At Thanksgiving, Sez  UVA Student PaperThanksgiving Amid Toxic Politics  et COVID-19 Lockdowns

Frustrations deeper than Covid lockdown
HypocrisyDoctor Who Demanded Mandatory Mask Law Pictured Partying Maskless with Bikini-Clad Women … “It’s OK when we do it!” 

only chumps believe it’s a fair game … status quo rigged to benefit insiders and elites
Warren Beatty Had It Right: ‘Rules Don’t Apply

When will taxpayers revolt?

Biden’s Gun Control Plan Would Cost Gun Owners $34 Billion In Taxes

Scott Peterson Among Death Row Inmates Who Scammed Over $400,000 In Fraudulent COVID Benefits. Other California Inmates Scammed More Than 140 million tax payer dollars
Twitter Says It Will Make Biden @POTUS, Regardless Of Election Outcome

Pennsylvania Republicans File Emergency Request To Block Vote Certification

Making Sense Of The News About Sidney Powell

Powell Responds To Trump Distancing
The Death Star Strategy: Is Trump Contemplating The Ultimate Constitutional Trick Shot?
Harvard Fencing Coach Accused Of Taking $1.5 Million To Secure Admission For Students
Who should get Kamala’s Senate seat? Far left Democrats and BLM disagree
Black Lives Matter: “We Want Something For Our Vote (or else)”

“Black people won this election (for Democrats) !” 
Rules For Rulers and Rules For Ruled: Animal Farm Watch

Fox News’ Viewer Exodus So Bad MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Just beat ‘Fox & Friends’ … fury at FOX et Chris Wallace

Trump’s Next Foe Fox News?
WaPo: Time to End Electoral College Protection of  Rural America From Urban Liberals

New Rule: Questioning Voting Results  Now Tantamount to Holocaust Denial
Byron York: How do Republicans see Trump refusal to concede? … It’s all over but the lawsuits

Georgia recount may be as corrupt as the election itself  … Attorney Lin Wood sues to block certification of Georgia election results … Everybody Knows the Fight was Fixed
Unraveling the Latest Deep State Coup
Kraken releaser? Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: ‘We’re Getting Ready to Overturn Election Results in Multiple States’
FEC Chair: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, “I Believe Her”
California Men Charged With Voter Fraud – Submitted Thousands Applications For Homeless People

How Democrats Weaponized Pandemic to Beat Trump

Biden’s Cancer Charity Paid Millions on Salaries,  Nothing on Research
Democrats Resurrect ‘Russia Bogeyman’ Ruse to Cover Joe and Hunter Biden’s Corruption … forget those DOJ probes

Lies et half truths … Biden To U-Turn On Immigration et Fracking say insiders … Biden COVID Advisor Sez Distribute Vaccine Globally Before Americans Get It …“Fair Priority Model” vs “Vaccine Nationalism”
Dueling docs …  Dr. Fauci: Coronavirus “Won’t Be A Pandemic For Much Longer” … Dr. Atlas: Fauci a “political animal”
Did Pfizer wait until after election to announce Coronavirus vaccine?  “Pharmaceutical industry has political incentive to throw Trump out of office”
Memory sticks to program Philly’s voting machines stolen
Giuliani: 650,000 Votes Counted Unlawfully In Philadelphia And Pittsburgh
Look Closely: Trump Still Has A Shot At Winning Reelection

Why Dilbert creator Scott Adams says Trump is a 60% favorite to win

Smell the sulpher
Devil goes down to Georgia, lookin’ for votes to steal

Computer wiz Andrew Yang moves there to “help” Democrats in runoff elections … Computer vote software “glitches” galore found — all moved Repub votes to Dems … Coincidence or conspiracy?

Schumer: “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world
Liberal journalists want Democrats to move to red states to manipulate elections

Et Tu Fox News? Drudge? Fox to Dump Trump say staffers … Cavuto Cuts Off McEnany Presser

Democrat civil war begins: Olbermann Calls For Immediate Coup Against Trump

Obama’s disgraced CIA Chief, John Brennan,  Wants Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn’t “Declassify Everything”
“Comedian” Kathy Griffin retweets pic of ‘decapitated’ Trump head — Twitter allows

Progressives Want litteral Revolution, Not Just Change
Former Obama official Robert Reich wants post-election commission to censor and blacklist Trump supporters — leftists on Twitter salivate over idea
Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo wants non woke shot if his people get power

“Democrats have been thinking about this for a long time…” —Tucker Carlson, November 5, 2020

Did Biden Boast Democrats Had Most Extensive ‘Voter Fraud Organization’ In History to perpetrate fraud or fight it?

The election coup plot, explained …
Election fraud reports pile up,  strangle count

Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?
People pissed-off, and rightfully so
“Overlooked” Democrat ballots keep being found like those in “lost” ballot box 13 for Lyndon “Landslide” Johnson

Classic Democrat pattern won elections for Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy each had lost
Mafia Helped JFK Win
Trump Says He’ll Go To Supreme Court To Stop Election Steal

Cops clash with BLM and Antifa outside White House

Reminder: Democrats threaten riots if they lose
Portland BLMers run riot with Molotov cocktails
I legally voted twice in NYC!
“The steal is on” in Pennsylvania … Thousands ballots missing

Scarborough: We Won’t Air Any Trump Victory Speech Tuesday Night

What To Remember While Holding Your Breath Today

NBC Finally Responds To Hunter Biden Story

Michael Moore: “Don’t Believe These Polls” Showing Big Biden Lead … Trump Predicts GOP Will Take the House, Senate ‘More Complex’

Candidate Kim Klacik Says Liberals Ruined Baltimore .. “black people don’t have to vote Democrat!”
Minority students condemn white liberal narrative they are “traitors” to their race
CNN’s Lemon Says Trump Supporters Like Drug Addicts

New claim: Fake persona laid groundwork for Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge
MSM Totally Ignores Bobulinski Bombshells On Bidens

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Tony Bobulinski is must-see TV

‘Joe Biden Corruption’ Trends on Google – But Google Whitewashes … lets small group of politically-motivated users dictate what is truth and what is fake news Twitter: … sounds like a pretty fair system to us. 

Where is Hunter Biden’s money?
Our corrupted news media: Newsweek Stumps For Biden With Misleading Poll Headline … magazine admitted to fraud in 2018

How long can Biden corruption be kept quiet?

QUOTE TO NOTE: “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” — Joe Biden
Texas Ballot Snafu Latest Example Of Possible Election Crisis 
‘Massive’ Voter Fraud To Elect BidenFound

Early voter remorse: “Can you change your vote?” surges in searches

Biden run a bait and switch scam
‘I’m married to next President of the United States!!!’ blurts Kamala’s spouse …

Dems count chickens …

and talk censorship … “Biden’s First War Would Have to Be Against [FOX News] Propaganda

A Solution To Big Tech Censorship – But No Politician Will Touch it

Biden sticks to Russophrenia script …

Big Debate Night: Primo e Secondo ready Biden’s brain

Biased Democrat “moderator” set to skew … pressure builds to address Biden scandals

Trump rips “extraordinaily unfair” moderator with deep Dem ties, Kristen Welker
George Soros gave over 100 million to Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA fronts

Trump supporters threatened : “You have been identified as a Trump Supporter …You have been warned!”

Facebook Has Chinese Nationals Censoring “Hate-Speech”  of Americans

Google whistle blower sez search engine skewing polling et news to benefit Democrats

Debate commission to mute mics … will Trump go along? … Time to ditch debate “moderators”
Price of free speech if Democrats win

ANTIFA et Black Lives Matter thugs attack San Francisco free speech rally attendees protesting big tech censorship

Cops attacked too

“Lock Up the Bidens,” Trump Now Says

Astounding level of corruption covered-up by media, FBI and others
New evidence makes Hunter Biden’s ‘business’ deals reek worse than ever … TV News Networks Bury Story
Twitter blocks damaging Biden news … dangerous double standard …
DOUBLES DOWN: Refuses To Unlock NYPost Account Unless Paper Deletes Tweets About Hunter Biden … Biden campaign lashes out at New York Post

Bidens received favors from Ukraine, rival state China and others to influence American elections and policy …
Joe’s Boosters Wrote Hunter’s Resume … found “employment” to list

Email details Hunter Chinese communist ties
Trump: We’re Not Just Running Against Biden, We’re Running Against The Corrupt Media
Dueling Townhalls Post Mortem: Snarling Savannah vs Gentle George & Not A Single Question About Hunter Bide

Conservative anger
ABC silent after Biden town hall attendees identified as ex-Obama speechwriter, wife of prominent Democrat
NBC screws-up. Replaces white Trump hater it positioned behind Trump for negative reaction with black Trump lover it presumed was hater based on her race. She gives positive reactions. Dems melt down.

Behind the social-media blackout of Biden family corruption

“Moderator” Savannah Guthrie becomes  Debate Opponent
No end to media bias against Trump and his followers.

‘Unmasking’ probe commissioned by AG Barr finds no wrongdoing

FBI refuses Senate document demand showing it leaked Russia hoax claims to media allies.

FBI docs show Team Obama invented Russia Gate scandal: Big circle of planting and laundering same false material with complicit news orgs to saturate and mislead public opinion — a PSYOPS wrap up smear.
Was Hillary’s idea

Biden now sez: “I’m Going to Accept the Outcome
of the Election Without Any Questions”

Keith Olbermann: ‘Trump and his supporters must be prosecuted, convicted and removed from our society’

Democrats eye forced gun confiscation if win. Think moderate voters will like idea

Deadline [Hollywood] Posts False Story that Pence Tested Positive For COVID-19
Gallup: Majority Say They’re Better Off Under Trump Than Obama/Biden

Can America stay together without its luv/hate focus on Trump?

Claim: Talk Radio Is Turning Millions of Americans Into Conservatives

Record number of Americans are expected to vote by mail in 2020; reaction from Vince Coglianese, WMAU, Washington, DC radio host and editor at The Daily Caller.
Mail in ballots mean lottsa problems. How long before we know who won?

What if Democrats win? Evidence all around Gingrich’s prediction correct.

What Obama Knew about Hillary’s Russia-Trump hoax and When He Knew It

Tension Mounts Over ‘Russiagate’ Inaction

Press Gave “Russiagate” Front-Page Coverage For Years… Now Refuses To Cover FBI Agent’s Quotes that Bureau knew it was a fraud
Harvard CNN Analyst Juliette Kayyem Claims “Russian Agents” Inside Walter Reed Hospital With Trump

Declassified documents: Former CIA Director Brennan told Obama Hillary’s “plan” to tie then-candidate Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” ahead of the 2016 presidential election

CIA Director Haspel an active, knowledgeable party to targeting Trump with contrived foreign counterintelligence investigation. John Solomon: Haspel Now Blocking Declassification Of Russiagate Documents To Protect CIA’s Reputation

Amazon and Big Tech cozy up to Biden camp with cash and connections … Trying To Bribe Biden To Drop Trump’s Anti-Trust Push? Democrats may betray and bite Big Tech hand that feeds them.

NBC-WSJ Poll Gives Biden 14 Point Lead… By Massively Oversampling Democrats

DOJ, FBI Prepare For Election Night Violence, Voting Disruptions

A DC swamp commission to decide who can run for president?

Former Obama FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi said on MSNBC he wants “bipartisan commission” to vet presidential candidates so people like President Trump can never be elected. “We got this wrong, and this can’t happen again.”
Trump infected

Americans Increasingly Believe Violence is Justified if the Other Side Wins

Growing numbers of US Jews fear violence if Trump wins — consider leaving

Proud Boys Founder Suing Biden, CNN and ‘Reporters Who Call Multiracial Patriotic Group White Supremacists and Nazis’
Record voter turnout in PA with mail-in ballots bodes well for Biden

Chinese state media backs Black Lives Matter and posts cartoon

Whence the poison comes:
Ibram X. Kendi, director of Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research: “White parents [like Amy Barrett] of kids of color are inherently racist.”

 Blacks supporting Trump are like Jews supporting Hitler sez Northwestern journalism prof

Truth according to postmodern social justice theory means no dissent tolerated and all who disagree are muzzled — unless they’re rich

Absentee ballots in Wisconsin ditch. Pro-Trump ballots trashed in Pennsylvania

AP: Trump won’t commit to peaceful power transfer if not reelected

Sez Supreme Court will decide election

Trump understands UN selling America down river to global totalitarian government… And he’s not having  it.

Many Americans still believe in disproven “Russiagate” conspiracy. Yet they have little fear of China. It’s Spying on Millions. And They Aren’t just in China
Bloomberg steps in it. Federal and Florida law say it’s illegal to pay for or receive money for voting. Meanwhile, basketball biggie Lebron James also plans to pay convicted felons’ fines so they can vote for Joe Biden.

Voting by mail? Special mailboxes now in place …

What Twitter doesn’t censor…

Biden’s new race test …



Democrat’s debate dilemma

Dr. Fauci sez Woodward’s coordinated claims against Trump Untrue.
Woodward’s own history of truth stretching.

The Nov. 3 Presidential Election Has Begun

BLM ‘activists’ celebrated as Trump supporter was killed.

Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse charged with double murder … but was it really murder?

Rittenhouse was allegedly being chased by this man with a pistol as well as another.

‘Fire Tucker Carlson’: Fox News Host Condemned for Comments on Deadly Shooting of Kenosha Protesters

Will it work?

Why Does the Post Office “Lose Money”?

Spies everywhere:  Former Green Beret charged with spying for Russia … former CIA officer charged with spying for China

Facebook readies for Trump to cast doubt on election results

Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested on charges of defrauding donors in fundraising scheme

“Don’t fire first shot” Beijing tells its military. Are we now waging “Unrestricted Warfare with China?

The defund police movement isn’t just about politics. It’s about corrupt cops.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff department is paying millions to victims of secret deputy gangs. It’s not alone.

An LAPD whistleblower alleges ‘SWAT mafia.’ Accuses elite unit of glorifying needless deadly force
During my 50 years of investigating and reporting on police and other official corruption all over the country, I found corrupt cops and their gangs are in virtually every department. They prey on citizens and even fellow cops via violence, extortion, framing of the innocent and other crimes. How do we rid cop shops of their thugs and gangs without abolishing police entirely?

No police? Second Amendment becomes first resort

Minneapolis police: “Citizens should listen to criminals and do as they say.”

Seattle To Replace ‘Racist’ Police With ‘Trauma-Informed, Gender-Affirming, Anti-Racist’ Organizations. Others may follow.

Man plants mystery seeds from China — here’s what happened

Federal agents blinded by rioter lasers in Portland

St. Louis Prosecutor office Faked evidence so it could prosecute couple defending home

An Ominous Prediction About the Durham Investigation into FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration abuses of power

What did Comey know, and when did he know it?

When did the FBI know that the whole Trump investigation was baloney?

Whom can ya trust? Weissmann and Mueller Op-Eds Contradict Own Reports and Evidence

US Defense Concern: COVID Cases Top 20,000.  China boasts its Troops Virus -free

Is America Up for a Naval War with China? That’s what Mike Pompeo appeared to threaten.

Real Russian collusion …
Never-Trump Project Lincoln Co-Founder Paid By Russian Putin-founded, government owned Rosatom – of ‘Uranium One‘ – Clinton Foundation fame.

NBA Bans Custom Jerseys With ‘FreeHongKong,’ But Allows ‘Burn Jews’ And ‘KillCops’
“Redskins” is history … new name soon. But does it matter? 64% say they’ll boycott NFL games

U.S. – China tensions build in Pacific

“What the United States fears the most is taking casualties. We’ll see how frightened America is.” – Rear Adm. Luo Yuan

Latest Tesla auto pilot crash — into Arizona cop car

Where violent crime spiking

The problem we dare not mention

Chris Rock agrees

Police protection? Fuhgettabout it: No obligation to protect sez Supreme Court

The fuze is lit …
Black, armed “Not Fucking Around Coalition” (NFAC) militia challenges white militias and America …

…Wants to build “black ethno state inside the United States.”

Red coats to red flag laws to bloody red revolt

The way it oughta be: Every home

Boston Globe slimes Trump as racist by implication

Retro: When Did Donald Trump become a Racist?

Black Lives Matter leader sez Rice Krispies are racist

Unreported: “F**k the police and kill the Jews.”  The LA Black Lives Matter Rally That Became a Pogrom.  Rabbi Shimon Raichik: It’s Kristallnacht all over again.”

As its charter makes clear, Black Lives Matter itself is structurally anti-Semitic. Why are Jews silent about that?

Black Lives Matter hijacked by anti-Semitism

Sacha Baron Cohen punks pro gun rally as racist singer. Anti-gunners too smart to let it happen at theirs.

Black Lives Matter Storms Beverly Hills Residential Area

‘We Were Facing An Angry Mob’ says armed St. Louis Couple

It’s 1917 again!

Minneapolis council members hire private armed security at $4,500 tax payer dollars per day after Defunding police!

California legislature votes to allow racial discrimination

Why election results may not be trusted

Conservatives speculate chaos and violence meant to keep Trump from winning second term — Ya think?

The Week It Went South for Trump …

WSJ editorial board buries Trump

John Kerry: Trump victory could provoke revolution

Trump campaign hits skids

Scarborough: Trump Tanking on Purpose?

James Carville: no chance Trump re-elected

The Woke Taliban’s ‘Noose’ Hoaxes

Race war ahead: California legislature votes to repeal 1996 ban against affirmative action

What is ANTIFA?

Brief history I

Brief history II

Civil War Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns sez Remove Confederate statues ‘They’re an Attempt to Rewrite History’ by White Supremacists

Tear down white Jesus statues and images sez Black Lives Matter leader

Trump Tulsa rally sabotaged by Tik Tok teens

Solution: Put teen Tik Tok users on Trump staff!

Tik Tok rewrites the world

Black Lives Matter co-founder admits organizers “trained Marxists” and goal is to “get Trump out”
Berkeley Law professor: Trump saving Constitution
Private security grabs Seattle CHOP arsonist. Cops won’t arrest.
Mob demands he be let go. He is.
“Chaz” aka “Chop” zone in Seattle passing out rifles to ‘protect’ territory.

Who is supplying the rifles and military gear?

Weapons cache found

Scale and coordination suggests deep state involved.

Arrested: Minneapolis cop shop arson suspect

New Coronavirus outbreak in China

Conservatives massacred by ‘conservative’ Court

NY: American flag used to mop filthy restroom floor — on Flag Day


Another one …

Black man shot in back by white cops in Atlanta

Hell to pay.


Seattle police chief says rapes, robberies occurring inside “autonomous zone” and they cannot respond

“I’ve been scared every day!”

CHAZ and the reality of revolutionary communes

Santa Monica restaurant manager caught buying looted TV

“Like a block party” says Seattle Mayor of armed occupation

2020: Black man found hanging from California tree

1933: Two white men lynched in San Jose

Christianity Today calls for reparations

If your African ancestors came here as slaves, you have your reparation:  YOU ARE HERE INSTEAD OF AFRICA!

Black Lives Matter forces whites to march in back of line

Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative

“The message is clear: Black lives only matter when whites take them.”

Black Lives Matter plans armed paramilitary …

Given the spineless opposition of Americans and their leaders during the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, riots and lootings , a scenario is developing in which armed, BLM paramilitary groups could be exempt from the gun control law restrictions on other gun owners.
In an exclusive Daily Mail interview, Black Lives Matter leader Hawk Newsome, Chairman of BLM’s Greater New York chapter, declared war on the police and plans to have Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring the behavior of officers on the streets, DailyMailTV can reveal.
That statement will likely infuriate those who have become angry with days of BLM protests that have sparked violence and destruction across America.
BLM’s Greater New York chapter has emerged at the forefront of the movement and he says the black rights group is “mobilizing’  its base and aims to develop a highly-trained military arm to challenge police brutality head on which could lead to a reprise of events like the 1967 Black Panther invasion of California’s capital building.
At a Los Angeles conference, Newsome said the group hammered out details of the ‘Black Opts’ blueprint. BLM, he said, has tens of thousands of activists that could be quickly armed.

If that happens, BLM paramilitary groups would likely be exempt from the gun laws that others must follow because Americans and their leaders would be too afraid to stop them.

A trend?

Armed Jews confront rioters

Hispanic gangs protect neighborhood from looters

High priests of Congressional Virtue Signal Cult arrive …

New cult: Democrats kneel before Black Lives Matter Marxism

RealClearPolitics: When you saw white people taking a knee to prostrate themselves before looters and to renounce their “white privilege” to Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters, you also saw parallels to Mao’s Cultural Revolution and Hitler’s Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass.

The Cultural Revolution began with an attack on the old order, the old “privilege” represented by shop owners and college professors. To avoid the mob’s rage, the victims were forced to humiliate themselves publicly and to utter self-denunciations, to confess their “crimes” against the mob’s ideology. But there was no escaping the demented wrath of the self-anointed protectors of virtue. Eventually millions of those intellectuals and entrepreneurs were put to death — sometimes buried up to their necks so that they could continue to abase themselves until their final breath.

Kristallnacht is the name given to a pogrom carried out against Jewish shops, homes, cemeteries and synagogues in November 1938 by Nazi paramilitaries known as Brownshirts. They were an exact parallel of the black-garbed stormtroopers that ravaged neighborhoods in dozens of U.S. cities the last 10 days or so. Don’t let the name Antifa fool you. These “anti-fascists” have adopted the tactics of the fascists as their own (and even the uniform of the Italian Blackshirts). Just as Kristallnacht was intended to send a message to Jews, so too were the riots last week intended to send a signal to law-abiding whites. The words that journalist Hugh Greene wrote about Kristallnacht in 1938 could just as easily have been written today about the riots that followed the murder of George Floyd:

“Mob law ruled … throughout this afternoon and evening, and hordes of hooligans indulged in an orgy of destruction. … Racial hatred and hysteria seemed to have taken complete hold of otherwise decent people.”

Meanwhile, can Stupid Party leadership get more stupid?

Ohhhh, Yeah!

Five Texas GOP county leaders share racist Facebook posts, including one juxtaposing an MLK quote with a banana

Furor in Texas GOP after leaders post racist memes that suggest Floyd’s death is a hoax

Stupid party leaders strut their stuff!

What I Saw from the Midst of the Looting in Santa Monica

Who is funding rioters and looters?

Millions on millions needed for what has happened!

London and beyond protests turn violent too

Why US protests resonate in the UK

Black Lives Matter now wants own armed police force to fight police

Hollywood celebs  push to abolish all police

Media Lied; Police Confirm No Tear-Gas, Flash-Bangs Used Ahead Of Trump’s Church Visit

Cops take knee before protesters

Solidarity or tactical ruse to defuse violence?

If protesters can march, why can’t businesses open?
Were the past four months of media hysteria and panic really about virus? Or part of a larger planned means to a desired end?

Democrats Using Antifa to Foment Revolution

Mega church preacher Joel Osteen marches with Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA in Houston

Out of his mind!

BET founder Robert Johnson wants $14 trillion for slavery reparations.
Why we shouldn’t make deal with devil!

Riot reminder: Police don’t & won’t protect you or your property.

But they will arrest you for doing either.


Looting and arson have followed what were peaceful protests about the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin.
But it ain’t about that no more!
ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorist inspired rioters are organized, well funded. BLM gets major funding from billionaire George Soros. Both ANTIFA and BLM appear to be quietly supported by many Democrat officials.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison tacitly endorsed violence against political opponents when he showed off the ANTIFA handbook.

ANTIFA is a domestic terror group.

How many other public officials tacitly support ANTIFA terrorism?

How many have quiet connections to the funders of street terrorists?

The protests — not the riots and looting — are not just about the police murder of George Floyd, they’re about  the Louisville police murder of EMT Breonna Taylor while she slept in her own bed and they’re about the NYPD choke death of Eric Garner for selling untaxed single cigarettes and about a Houston husband and wife murdered in their home after two dirty cops lied that they were dealing drugs and about the thousands of others abused likewise by police. But they’re also about years of police planted evidence and speed traps and predatory confiscations of cash and property and beatings and perjury while enforcing the many stupid laws grandstanding politicians pass. That’s not all, by any means. But that ought to be enough to, at the very least, think hard about what you’re being told by officialdom the next time you are called to jury service.

CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC et al: No Minneapolis Police or National Guard as rioters loot, burn and raise hell.

Riots spread across country …

White House on lockdown as mob howls outside gates

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot to Trump: “Fuck you!!”

“Heavily armed rednecks” face down Minneapolis looters and thugs

But as Los Angeles’ Korea Town merchants discovered during the 1992 Rodney King riots, police won’t tolerate the shooting of looters or attackers unless they do it …
Minneapolis pawn shop owner arrested for murder

Laws need to change!

“I can’t breath!”

Cop above now arrested for murder

Accused killer cop and George Floyd were bouncers at same club!

Cops protect killer cop’s home

New video ‘shows MULTIPLE cops pinning George Floyd down’ as he begged for air

Autopsy sez strangulation not cause of George Floyd’s death
Maxine Waters blames Trump for ‘cops killing black people’ and says cop who knelt on George Floyd ‘enjoyed doing it’

2020: White Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin chokes “Gentle Giant” George Foster to death on a counterfeit money arrest. Riots follow.

2017: Minneapolis cop Mohammed Noor shoots and kills Australian tourist Justine Damond as she tried to report a rape. No riots follow.

Why the difference?

Floyd had started new life in Minneapolis

Resistance by Citizens: Is there a right of self defense against police?

Twitter exec in charge of effort to fact-check Trump has history of anti-Trump posts

Virginia’s creeping authoritarianism

Virginia Democrats threaten prosecution and National Guard against police who won’t enforce proposed gun control statutes
Democrats’ Bill in Virginia Would Outlaw Martial Arts Training

Republican Marco Rubio Pushing Major Gun Confiscation Bill Through Congress

California Gun Law Blocks Legal Gun Owners From Buying Ammo

Houston police chief goes on 2nd Amendment tirade and blames NRA when FBI arrests two of his killer cops.

“White Genocide will be good for you,” New Hampshire tells its white citizens

Kansas Prosecutors Drop False Accusation Charges, Claims Real Victims Would Be Hurt

Not so straight shooter. Inspector General Michael Horowitz soft on big shots

Wikipedia Fraud EXPOSED: Troll farms and the CIA have hijacked the once open platform

Book claims Mueller investigation a taxpayer-funded political hit on Donald Trump and not a true investigation into Russia’s election interference. 

First Look At Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell And Very Young Girls On ‘Pedo Island’
British TV Network Bans Word “Uppity” As Racist After A Single Complaint
Al Pacino stars in New Amazon Show where White People Wearing Red MAGA-Style Hats are Hunted as ‘Nazis’
FISA alterations Could Pose Significant Trouble For FBI
A dozen document troves that could change the Ukraine scandal if Trump released them

Rutgers prof: Fox News and the GOP are ‘existential threats’ to the country

Ivy League students push to ABOLISH prisons
Giving Government Vast Snooping Authority Is One Thing Democrats and Republicans Both Like
Barr Ends All Conspiracy Theories Forever By Saying Epstein Died Via A Series Of Coincidences
So there you have it. The US government says that an intelligence asset with damning information on many powerful individuals did in fact kill himself due to an admittedly bizarre and wildly unlikely series of strange coincidences. I for one have no more questions. Checkmate, conspiracy theorists.
CA Guv Newsom Releases Illegal Alien—Murderer From Prison—Hides Him From ICE
Hunter Biden’s Company Got $130 Million in Bailout Funds
Can We Just Make It Illegal to Arrest Blacks?
“Journalists are increasingly reluctant to report negative news about minorities or women’s causes….The upshot of this is soft and caring coverage of favored [liberal] groups [and their causes], with certain stories mostly ruled out of bounds [i.e., censored]
Absurdity Update: British Academic Union Rules Members Can ‘Identify’ As “Black” And “Disabled”
John Stossel Exposes The “Climate Myths”
JFK: What the CIA Hides
California police  convicted of illegal gun sales to criminals
‘Coup’ concerns suddenly don’t seem so far-fetched
Former FBI Attorney Under Criminal Investigation For Fabricating Evidence In Russiagate Probe
Trump’s Defenders Have No Defense
Ukraine: 10 Talking Points For Rational People
Did Clint Eastwood Troll Pro-Impeachment Democrats With ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Line in ‘Richard Jewell’?

Not fitting the narrative: Why you’re not hearing more about that mass shooting in Fresno
Unable to take Tulsi Gabbard down, the NYT turns to attacking her white pantsuit
A thing of value? Dems finally got something they can use for impeachment
How President Trump Loses in 2020
Misplaced Patriotism Is Damaging to Our Constitutional Order
Editorial: What should California do with all its convicted cops?
California’s Criminal Cops: Who they are, what they did, why some are still working
Joe Biden: “Why should we allow people to have military-style weapons including pistols with 9-mm bullets and can hold 10 or more rounds?”
Baltimore records 300 homicides for fifth consecutive year …
Forensic Investigator: Jeffrey Epstein’s Autopsy Consistent with Homicide
Who wanted Jeffrey Epstein dead?
Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein “Belonged To Intelligence.” ( Acosta is the former U.S. attorney in Miami who cut Epstein a non-prosecution plea deal back in 2007 .)
  • They’ll try to kill him again
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  • Biden’s #3 Man at DOJ Resigned to Join Alvin Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team on November 18,2022
  • ISIS-Linked Terrorists Arrested
    In 3 U.S. Cities After Illegally Crossing Borde
  • Pelosi Takes Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol on Jan. 6 – After She Called Off National Guard
  • COVER-UP: ‘Journalist’ Caught Holding Hostages
  • A ‘Jew Exclusion Zone’ at UCLA
  • Why Isn’t the MSM Talking About the Hostages?
  • Stanford student protestor sez President Joe Biden should be killed. “I’m not calling for a civilian to do it, but I think a military should”
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  • Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and America’s Aging Politics
  • Appeals Court Overturns Jan. 6 Defendant’s Sentence, Potentially Impacting Dozens of Cases
  • Charles Murray, Dubbed The Most Dangerous Conservative after he wrote the book, “The Bell Curve,” which argued that different ethnic groups have, on average, different IQs. As Murray puts it in my video this week, “Blacks on average have a lower IQ than whites. However, whites are not at the top. East Asians, on average, have a higher IQ than whites. Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs.”
  • Jon Stewart to return to ‘The Daily Show’
  • More Ivy League Fakery: Top Harvard Cancer Researchers Accused of Scientific Fraud Affecting 37 Studies
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  • Haley Campaign Manager Says Haley  to Use “Open Primaries” and Democrats
  • Trump Rips into ‘Impostor’ Nikki Haley for Insisting on Staying in Race
  • RAY EPPS Sentencing Hearing Today Changed to a SECRETIVE Zoom Hearing
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  • Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda
  • US Terror List Hit 2 Million People, Nearly Doubling In 6 Years
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  • 400,000 Ukrainians Killed In Action Explains A Whole Lot
  • Ex-FBI Intel Chief Who ‘Investigated’ Trump-Russia Collusion Gets 4 Years In Prison For Colluding With Russia
  • Israel and Gun Control
  • All Four “Pillars Of Civilization” Under Attack By An “Anti-Human Death-Cult” Of Global Elites
  • For the West to Live, Immigration(ism) Must Die
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  • Kennedy Secret Service Agent Counters JFK Assassination Conspiracies: ‘One Man, One Gun, Three Shots’
  • Russia’s War in Ukraine. Understanding the conflict one year on
  • Time to End Magical Thinking About Ukraine and Russia’s Defeat
  • David Horowitz Freedom Center’s Censorship Talk Gets Censored
  • JFK’s Parkland Doctors: Oswald Didn’t Act Alone
  • Lawmakers Almost Came to Physical Blows at the Capitol. Twice
  • WaPo, New York Times Make Dumb Fake News Out Of Very Perfect, Very True Trump Quote
  • America’s Immigration Daydream Is Coming to an End … Our rapidly browning youth is sympathetic to Hamas
  • New report provides fresh evidence that infamous January 6 provocateur Ray Epps may have been an FBI plant
  • Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty … convicted of committing one of the biggest frauds in US history. Nicknamed the “The King of Crypto”, the 31-year-old cheated customers and investors of at least $10 billion.
  • Bring back the draft? A divisive home-front battle will loom over any major war
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  • European Commission Announces Triple Funding for Palestinian/Hamas
  • Leaker of Trump Taxes Worked for Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won a Big New IRS Contract
  • “The Guest”: Palestinian mastermind behind it all
  • Black Lives Matter … White lives, Not So Much
  • Fauci ‘Smuggled’ Into CIA Headquarters To “Influence” Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee
  • “A CIA Front Organization”: Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci ‘Influence’ Campaign Bombshell
  • The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings
  • “It’s None of Your Business!” – FBI Refused to Tell Mother of Disabled Veteran Why They Stormed Her Home – and Killed her unarmed. Disabled Veteran Son in Pre-Dawn Raid – No New Details Released
  • CIA Sued for working with the Biden campaign to produce ‘Dirty 51’ intel letter calling Hunter’s laptop disinformation
  • FBI: Jamming Stacks of Selected  Ballots Through Voting Machines Is Now Legal in the USA!
  • Ignored warnings, hubris, slow response fueled America’s deadliest wildfire in a century
  • Bradley Cooper, ‘Maestro’ and Hollywood’s ‘Jewface’ problem
  • House Oversight Committee Releases Bank  Records Showing Foreign Payments to Biden Family From Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
  • The Intercept Publishes Diplomatic Cable Highlighting U.S. Pressure on Pakistan to Remove President Imran Khan
  • You’ll Never Guess Where the Headquarters of the Multimillion Dollar GBI Strategies LLC Is Located?
  • Bernie Sanders funneled $200K in campaign cash to wife and stepson’s nonprofit institute, records reveal
  • Treason: House Oversight Committee Releases Bank Records on Hunter Biden Payments from Russia and Kazakh Officials – $20 Million In Payments
  • Investigation Finds $400 Billion Was Stolen Or Wasted In Covid Fraudsters’ ‘Great Grift’
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  • Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: the Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball
  • WAYNE ROOT: Everyone Has Missed Real Revelation of the Durham Report: Obama is the REAL ‘Big Guy.’ Obama is the Criminal Mastermind. Obama Committed Treason
  • US arrests two for setting up Chinese ‘secret police station‘ in New York
  • Biden Removed Trump’s Executive Privilege to Raid Mar-a-Lago and Cover-Up His Own Illegal Possession of Classified Docs
  • Joe Biden Knew Everything – The Regime Worked with the FBI Prior to the Raid of President Trump’s Home
  • House Democrats use a hearing to attack free speech and a free press
  • Fraudulent Studies Withdrawn as Professor Caught Faking the Racism Narrative Against Trump
  • Mother Whose Son Was Murdered in New York Unloads on Soros-Backed DA Bragg
  • Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6
  • Judge Juan Merchan, the judge in charge of President Donald Trump’s criminal case in Manhattan, donated money to Biden and Democrats to remove Trump from office
  • Picture from Jan 6 Resurfaces – Three Men with “Civil War” Shirts Suspected of Being Deep State Plants
  • Iran and Saudi Arabia: a Chinese win-win
  • FBI agents mistakenly cuff, interrogate Delta pilot in Boston hotel
  • DOJ ‘inadvertently’ hid evidence from defense attorneys
  • Leonardo DiCaprio Testifies In Trial Against Fugees Rapper Accused Of Illegally Funneling $30M To Obama Campaign
  • Seize property to build wind and solar farms, says JP Morgan chief Jamie Dimon
  • NPR labeled ‘state-affiliated media’ on Twitter, same as Russia’s RT and China’s Xinhua
  • Prosecutor unveils smoking gun FBI text message, ‘joint venture’ to smear Trump
  • Exclusive: Is this the smoking gun? Letter from Michael Cohen claiming Donald Trump did NOT reimburse him for hush money paid to Stormy Daniels appears to fly in the face of the star witness’s grand jury testimony
  • Think Tank Executive Provided ‘Explosive’ Info to FBI About Hunter Biden’s Chinese Deals, Lawyer Claims
  • How the Media Doubles Down on Falsehood
  • A ‘resistance’ coup just defeated Israeli democracy
  • This Supreme Court ruling could upend everything about climate change lawsuits
  • Credit Suisse whistleblowers say Swiss bank has been helping wealthy Americans
    dodge U.S. taxes for years
  • ‘No Regrets’: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s Stunning Testimony Regarding  Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal
  • NPR now stands for Not Popular Radio
  • College Bound? Beware of Indoctrinate U
  • Barney Frank, architect of Dodd-Frank Act, pushes back on Democrats blaming Trump for bank collapses
  • The bank failures, explained
  • Class action suit filed against Silicon Valley Bank parent
  • Stanford’s liberal Klan shouts down invited speaker
  • Left-wing groups push Biden admin to get migrants to vote ahead of 2024 elections
  • Giving Middle Finger a ‘God-Given’ Right, Quebec Judge Says
  • FBI Bought Mobile-Phone Data for Warrantless Tracking. Other Agencies Still Do
  • Sinaloa Cartel Uses Bribes, Money Laundering, Election Fraud to Control Elected Officials and Traffic Drugs, Humans, Ballots in Arizona
  • Malcolm X’s family to sue CIA, FBI, NYPD over assassination
  • Federal Court Asked to Unseal Undercover Police Video Allegedly Showing Officer Inciting Capitol Protesters on Jan. 6
  • China Research to Use Mosquitos as a Bioweapon Delivery Platform
  • Was Obama the architect of the illegal government and Big Tech censoring machine?
  • The naked truth on the Hunter Biden laptop coverup
  • Secret Backchannel Between White House and FTX Operative Revealed, Raises SeriousQuestions About Biden Involvement
  • FBI agent Elvis Chan gave Twitter execs top secret clearance in advance of 2020 election
  • China Expert: Communist China Using TikTok To Promote Drug Use, Violence In America In Attempt To Ruin Country
  • Putin arrests his own military chief
  • Fauci Agency Knew Chinese Authorities Were Withholding COVID-19 Data in January 2020, Documents Show
  • Russia Involved in Plot To Help Iran Bust US Oil Sanctions
  • US Faces Nuclear Threats From China, Russia as Never Before: US Admiral
  • US Should Formally Recognize Taiwan as a Free Country: Pompeo
  • After Abstaining In UN Vote, China Blames US & NATO For Ukraine War
  • Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws
  • The metaverse will steal your identity:  Individuality will dissolve into mindless conformity
  • War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless
  • Russians Scramble To Pull Money From ATMs As Bank Runs Begin
  • Turkey Readies Closure Of Straits To Russian Navy
  • Former White House Physician Says Biden Is Not Cognitively Fit To Deal With Russia Crisis
  • Dems cite Fourteenth Amendment Disqualification Clause to keep Republicans from office
  • White House moves to fight climate ‘denialism’ amid calls to end fossil-fuel crackdown
  • Pentagon Promotes Socialism to Combat China
  • More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab
  • Prosecutors Leading Manhattan DA’s Probe Into Trump Abruptly Resign Over ‘Serious Doubts’
  • Federal officials warn billions stolen from COVID unemployment benefits through fraud
  • ‘The brand is so toxic’: Dems fear extinction in rural US
  • The Mind Control Police: The Government’s War On Thought-Crimes & Truth-Tellers
  • How a Secret Assault Allegation Against Chris Cuomo Upended CNN and Jeff Zucker
  • Still No Answers On CIA’s Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance Of Americans
  • Forbes Contributor Fired Over Investigative Stories On Fauci … “Dr. Anthony Fauci controls the organs of state authority. If you are an independent voice, you are in jeopardy”
  • Poll: Two Thirds Of DEMOCRATS Want Hillary Spying, Fake Russia Charges Investigated … “Right now she is a certified political criminal.”
  • Most Americans Can’t Find One Good Thing About Biden Presidency
  • Prime Minister Trudeau To Unleash Never-Before-Used ‘Emergency Powers Act’ To Counter Trucker Protests
  • Trudeau’s State Media Labels ‘Freedom’ A “Far Right” Concept …  CBC piece claims freedom is now a “malleable term” and is “open to interpretation”
  • Free Speech Becomes Roadkill in Crackdown on Canadian Truckers
  • Feds oppose immediate release of voting-machines security report
  • China’s Digital Currency A Surveillance Tool Threatening US
  • San Jose leads the way for state und federal gun confiscation mit forced registration, liabiity insurance and taxation
  • 8 Problems With San Jose’s Gun Insurance Mandate and Gun Ownership Tax
  • “Slash The Tires, Arrest The Drivers”: Harvard Professor And CNN Analyst Calls For Violence Against Freedom Convoy
  • Cop Beats Unconscious, Dying, Female Trump Supporter; Probe Deems It ‘Objectively Reasonable’
  • Court Freezes $8 Million for Freedom Convoy Raised on GiveSendGo
  • Pelosi caves and moves to BAN stock trading in Congress
  • Lawless DOJ Caught Opening Rep. Louie Gohmert’s House Mail Before It Reaches His Office
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) Spent $Billions Supporting Research in China Including Its Biowarfare Program
  • Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance ‘Racial Equity’
  • Pelosi Spent $500,000 on Private Jets in the Last Two Years While Lecturing Commoners on ‘Moral Obligation’ to Reduce Emissions
  • Biden’s False Gun Claims Are a Lousy Basis for Law
  • Our Elite is No Elite At All
  • CNN’s Collapse Now Complete
  • Russia Might Invade Ukraine “As Soon As Tomorrow”: White House
  • “This Is A Nationwide Insurrection” – Ottawa Mayor Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ Amid Trucker Convoy ‘Occupation’
  • War on the Horizon, Joe Rogan, and Much More
  • The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg
  • The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (for Biden)
  • How Klaus Schwab Built a Billionaire Circus at Davos
  • Lab made Covid a conspiracy theory until it wasn’t
  • Is Population Control the Next Conspiracy “Theory” to Become a Reality?
  • AOC: Capitalism is ‘not a redeemable system for us’
  • Man who tried to burn Minnesota school during BLM riots gets probation
  • Elon Musk slams GoFundMe for bowing to Trudeau and CANCELING Freedom Truckers – while – while allowing BLM donations: Site refuses to return $9M
  • Black NYC Mayor Eric Adams apologizes for calling white police officers ‘crackers’
  • New York Times sues for access to State Department correspondence on Hunter Biden and Romania
  • SUNY Professor: “It’s a Mistake” to Think Pedophilia is Wrong
  • Susan Sarandon Tweets Graphic Comparing NYPD Funeral To Fascism
  • Special counsel John Durham sez Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz concealed crucial information from Durham in connection with the ongoing prosecution of Michael Sussmann, a former attorney to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign
  • Progressive Dems Distance Themselves As Biden Turns Radioactive. Not Left enough?
  • American woman arrested and charged with organising and leading all-female battalion of Islamic State group
  • Why Putin Has Not Been Deterred
  • ATF Raids Property of Amish Farmer
  • Nancy Pelosi’s son is embroiled in SIXTH FBI probe
  • House anti-China Bill Encourages Hiring of Chinese Scientists
  • Schweizer: Pelosi Family ‘Has Done a Lot of Business in China Since the COVID Outbreak’ — Won’t Allow Hearings on COVID Origins
  • Dershowitz: Jan. 6 Committee similar to McCarthyism witch-hunt
  • “Stupid Son Of A Bitch” – Biden Busted On Hot Mic After Being Asked About Americans’ Biggest Worry
  • FAA Warns Boeing 747S,777S Prone To 5G Interference
  • “Select Committee on January 6th” Is Above the Law and Beyond Review
  • China Launches Biggest Raid On Taiwanese Airspace Since October As CCP’s Pacific Perimeter Expands
  • Noncitizen Voting Push Is Part of Agenda to Rid America of Citizenship
  • China’s Censors Ban Hollywood Films As Beijing Builds Its Own “Movie Empire”
  • US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats’ Family Members From Ukraine
  • Saudi Bombings Kill Scores of Civilians—Including Children—in Yemen
  • The Three Types of US ‘Regime Change’
  • Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?
  • The Snoot Party Goes to War.  The most important domestic political development of the 21st century so far is the class-reversal of the Republican and Democratic parties. Democrats, once the party of poor farmers and working-class “white ethnics,” as we used to call them, have become the party of affluent, educated, metropolitan and suburban professionals who favor central authority
  • Fraudsters cash in as Dems shovel out billions and billions in COVID relief … Marilyn Mosby, the state’s attorney in Baltimore, is charged with allegedly falsely claiming COVID hardship to make an early withdrawal of $90,000 from her retirement fund to make down payments on two vacation homes in Florida. Mosby earns $248,000 a year
  • MIT-educated anti-vaxxer doctor who treated COVID patients with Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine has her license suspended and must undergo psychiatric evaluation ‘for spreading misinformation’
  • Mueller witness pleads guilty in illegal scheme to funnel UAE money to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign
  • FBI Claims Motive of Synagogue Hostage Taker Was ‘Not Specifically Related to Jewish Community’
  • Why Media bout to Run Away From the Texas Synagogue Hostage Story
  • Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic
  • Former Obama adviser pleads guilty to stealing $218,000
  • Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals
  • GOP Senator Demands DoD Investigate Leaked DARPA Bombshell Over Covid-19 Origins. “It is apparent that Dr. Fauci has not been forthright with the American people regarding his involvement in funding dangerous research,” Sen. Johnson told the Daily Caller.
  • ‘Be ready to kill’: Open calls for genocide against Indian religious minorities ramp up
  • Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Suggests Second Amendment As Defense Against Democrats
  • Biden’s Education Secretary Solicited Infamous Letter Likening Angry Parents to Domestic Terrorists
  • McConnell vows retaliation if Democrats change filibuster
  • “Explosion of woke” destroys Hollywood white, male power structures
  • Prof argues U.S. Constitution is  enemy of democracy
  • Black LA residents lack access to guns as wealthy rush to buy firearms amid crime wave
  • NATO Prepared For “New Armed Conflict In Europe” With Russia If Talks Fail, sez alliance chief
  • Kazakh Leader Says Order Restored: “Coup” Thwarted & 164 Killed – 8,000 Arrests
  • Kazakhstan denies U.S. funded ‘military biological laboratory‘ seized by rioters
  • CDC Website sez Police Power Will be Used at Quarantine Stations for the “Benefit of Society”
  • Tale of Two Authoritarians in the House of Representatives
  • New York GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik sez Pelosi shared blame for Jan 6th Capital riot
  • “Shoot To Kill [protesters] Without Warning” Orders Kazakh prez
  • Meet Jed Rakoff, the Judge Who Exposed “Rigged Game” scam between Citigroup and the Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Big Left-Wing ‘Dark Money’ Groups Fund Schumer’s Secretive Anti-Filibuster Ally
  • “Aggressively Individualistic”: Miami Law Professor Proposes a “Redo” of the First and Second Amendments
  • Manhattan’s Soros backed DA to stop seeking prison sentences in slew of violent criminal cases
  • Preliminary Injunction Against Military Mandatory Vaccination Policy
  • Democrat Cori Bush files resolution under 14th Amendment to expel more than 100 Republicans who voted against certifying results of the Nov. 3 election.
  • Senate Playing Dangerous Game With 14th Amendment
  • China mining social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter, to harvest data on foreign targets to be used by its military, police and other agencies
  • L.A.’s Arms Race of the Affluent
  • An Attack on the Nondelegation Doctrine
  • Retired Gen. Says Military Has ‘Threat Within’ for 2024
  • BIDEN’S TROJAN HORSE: Bringing Unvetted Military Age Men from Around the Globe Into the US
  • 34 percent of Americans say violence against government justified: poll
  • Fears of political schism, pandemic
  • Democrats launching ‘hostile takeover’ sez resigning FDIC Chair
  • Ocasio-Cortez: Conservatives ‘projecting their sexual frustrations’ at her … ‘Republicans are mad they can’t date me’
  • Former Clinton adviser Dick Morris sees former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) vying for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination
  • Terrified Beverly Hills residents flock to buy guns
  • Missiles on the Doorstep and Impending Nuclear Winter
  • UN Fails To Agree On ‘Killer Robot‘ Ban
  • US & Taiwan Blast China’s Crackdown On Hong Kong Free Media
  • Judge Rules Ousting Illegal Aliens Who Reenter the Country ‘Racist’ and ‘Unconstitutional’
  • Hollywood Elites Panic-Buy Armored-Cars And Safe-Rooms Amid Rising Violent Crime
  • How Defund the Police backfired
  • MSNBC Host Claims Phrase ‘Lets Go Brandon‘ Is Part Of A “Slow-Moving Insurrection”
  • The Constitution isn’t working
  • Prominent Dem Lawyer Predicts 14th Amendment Lawsuits To Remove GOP Members From Congress Next Year
  • Do Democrats Want a Coup?
  • San Francisco: ‘The bullshit that has destroyed our city’ is bad government
  • Dwindling public interest in news in 2021
  • Elite Work To Transform Society Into Dystopian “Big Brother” Hellhole
  • What Do We Do with the FBI Now that it’s merely a political tool?
  • Aliens may have VISITED Earth sez NASA

The American via dolorosa

CNN Cans Chris Cuomo “Immediately” … lied to Viewers

How CBS and CNN went from reporting the news to distorting it

LA County Sheriff Boots China-Linked Covid Testing Firm After FBI Warns Over DNA Data –China Building World’s Largest DNA Database
Russia Ready To Unveil New Hypersonic Missile

‘Don’t go’ to Mexico right now” warns drug cartel expert. Tourists killed in gang crossfire
Can the FBI Be Salvaged?
FBI Raids Project Veritas Staffer

War threats everywhere …

What happened during the 2020 election must be investigated and discussed

Former CIA and State Department Analyst: CIA “Continued the Effort to Try to Destroy Trump and They Realized the Only Way They Could Do It Was They Had to Steal the Election

… 2020 Election not stolen, it was bought by Mark Zuckerberg
  • 911 System In Jeopardy As First Responders Reject Jab
  • Next big cyberthreat isn’t ransomware. It’s killware. And it’s just as bad as it sounds.
  • Media teams with politicians to sell ads

Feds Secretly Ordered Google To Identify Anyone Searching Certain Information …“This never-before-possible technique threatens First Amendment…” 
The Importance of Dune … it shows where we are in the cycle of empires when concentrations of power become toxic
Democrats try to abolish U.S. Space Force while China et Russia expand theirs
Greenwald: Axis of CIA, Big Tech and the DNC-allied wing of corporate media spread lies before 2020 election.
Can Taliban really use discarded American battle gear? …  Afghanistan Debacle Major Wake Up Call For NATO
AOC, Omar Spread Fake News Claims Border Patrol Whipping Migrants
Milley: Calls to China were ‘perfectly’ within scope of job
Gangs Of LA Sheriff’s Deputies Running Amok, Bullying Other Cops
Conservative Temperament Dooming America … measured response is no match for the in-your-face tone of wokeism
AOC wears ‘Tax the Rich’ dress to Met Gala
The full Versailles: Met Gala ruling class pour on the hypocrisy
Ex-Obama CIA Head: Biden Actions ‘Inspired Jihadists All Over World,’ Taliban ‘Harboring Al-Qaeda’ Now
Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

How The FBI’s War On Drugs Helped 9/11 Happen

Biden scapegoates ‘unvaccinated’ Americans … Non-conformists must be punished, “the science” says. “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers against unvaccinated workers.”

Flashback …

Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, & Newsom All Objected To Mandatory Vaccines
Fauci does not foresee a Covid-19 vaccine mandate in the United States

Senator Paul wants “Five Years In Jail” For Fauci Lying To Congress

Why No Talk About Natural Immunity?
Should minimum wage really be $26 an hour?
Plans for $400-billion new city in American desert unveiled
Progressives Eliminate conservative Judges Across Country
Man Who Shot At Cops ‘Acquitted’ After Claiming ‘Self Defense’
CNN Scrambles To Flip Biden Afghanistan Narrative Back To Domestic ‘White Supremacists’ Threat

‘This Ends The Debate’ – Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta …”Scientific Process Is Short-Circuited By Politics”

Elon Musk’s Great Plan Revealed

Why The National Archives Secrecy Over The JFK Records?

Top general: gird for renewed terror in America!

DHS List of Terror ‘Threats‘ Should Raise All Kinds of Eyebrows

Andrew McCabe Says Asking Who Shot Ashli Babbitt now a Terrorist Threat

Florida tax collector Joel Greenberg searched IRS confidential data base for dirt on celebrities and political rivals

Robin comes out as bisexual. Will Batman “out?” Homosexuality in the Batman franchise
New Floyd Case Exhibit Confirms Witness Coercion…Will Derek Chauvin Receive Due Process? Alan Dershowitz: Chauvin verdict ‘should be reversed’
New York Times quashed COVID origins inquiry say NYT sources … suppressed any questioning of  now-discredited official narrative as conspiracist and ‘racist’.
How artists lost their courage … “Playing to the gallery”, rather than “Sucking up to an academic elite”
Craig Murray’s jailing latest move to snuff out independent journalism
People recovering from Covid may have ‘substantial’ intelligence drop
Fourth Capitol riot cop confirmed dead by suicide
Capitol Hill Cop who said he was more scared of Trump supporters than Iraqi insurgents is Anti-Trump, Defended Kenosha Riots et BLM. Long history of comments
Chi mayor Lori Lightfoot Defends Granting Solo Interviews Only to Black, Brown Journalists: ‘Long Overdue Conversation’
Result of Democrat policies on crime?
It ain’t the guns.

Biden lies, Guns Factor in Only a Small Percentage of Violent Crimes. Contrary claims are academic and political frauds
Biden and the Democratic-controlled Senate install more federal judges first six months of presidency than any administration since Richard Nixon’s
What are they hiding? House Democrats Block COVID Origins Declassification Bill
China refuses to cooperate with Covid origin probe

How Democrats could steal the midterms

Biden doubles down: 2020 fraud a preview of what’s coming

Hollywood’s Elitist Socialism Boom
The Propaganda War (And How to Fight It)
Capitol ‘Rioter’ Gets 8 Months, Not Accused Of Assaulting Anyone Or Damaging Property … Judge: “contributed to the collective threat to democracy,” according to prosecutors … Meanwhile, hundreds of Antifa and BLM rioters, looters and vandals have all  charges dropped across the country.
Snowdon sez Israeli Spyware Used To Hack Hundreds Of Journalists, Activists

2 More Texas Democrats Who Flew To Washington Test Positive For COVID-19, Bringing Total To 5. But Kamala Harris will NOT quarantine after meeting with them
Black Lives Matter  Issues Statement Supporting Marxist Cuban Tyranny

Bernie Sanders blames US sanctions for Cuban protests
South Africa slides toward anarchy and civil war. Cops now also looting
Why Isn’t The US Preparing For EMP War Like The Rest Of The World? Attack could kill 90% Americans within year
Dershowitz Predicts Charges Against Trump Organization’s CFO Will Be Tossed
Howard University Dean Under Fire For Defending Cosby [Updated]

Another liberal experiment blows up that every rational thinking human saw coming”… Womens’ Rights Group wants End of Prison Transgender-Mixing After Numerous Attacks, Rapes
Justice Gorsuch thinks Court should revisit libel laws over online misinformation

FBI Ridiculed For Seizing Man’s Lego Set Of U.S. Capitol. Agents Confirmed Among Jan 6th “Rioters”
From Russia with truth: “War is a racket” … How to Forget U.S. interference in Foreign Elections
What The Pentagon Papers 50th Anniversary Means
‘You Were Wrong About A Lot Of Sh*t’: Maher Blasts Big Tech, CDC Over Lab-Leak Censorship
New Alliances Forming In US…Civil War On The Table
Bovard: The Deep State Defeat of Donald Trump
Emails Show Biden Campaign Pressured Facebook to Censor Trump Before Election

Federal Judge Rules Rachel Maddow’s Show Isn’t News … she can’t be sued for false claims
New York Times Journalists Hit New Low By Betraying Source
Democrats Turning ‘Homeland Security’ Into A Political Weapon
Stanford University professor of medicine Jay Bhattacharya says in years to come lockdowns will be looked back upon as the most catastrophically harmful policy in “all of history”.
Evidence now overwhelming Wuhan  lab was origin point of the pandemic

Photos Of Macron Scolding Joe Biden Behind Closed Doors Receive No Media Attention

The real inflation sources:  Scarcities that cannot be filled by substitution or globalization few dare discuss

California ban on assault weapons ruled unconstitutional by federal judge — but stay keeps it in effect

If UFOs really are non human technology even if gov says no evidence they are
If proof of aliens on Earth established
If Corona virus proven to be Chinese developed bio weapon
If China invades Taiwan
If China actually uses nuclear weapons as it threatens
If hackers shut down American power grid and defense system
If proof of 2020 vote fraud established
Biden exec order bans investment in 59 Chinese companies

Unanimous Supreme Court rulings freak liberals:  A “Ginsburg” Message Against Packing Court?
“If anything would make the court look partisan, it would be that—one side saying, ‘When we’re in power, we’re going to enlarge the number of judges, so we would have more people who would vote the way we want them to.’”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Armed Black Supremacists in Tulsa: ‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’
Did you fall for the Black Lives Matter scam?

BLM raised $90M last year, but where does the money go?
BLM Leader Says He Quit After Learning “Ugly Truth” About Marxist Organization’s Priorities:  “they had little concern for rebuilding black families.”
Did Zuck bucks hijack prez election?

Zuck buck Millions Paid to Influence 2020 Vote Officials Nationwide
Zuck Buck Millions Let Democrat Activists  Infiltrate And Likely Skew Presidential Vote Counts In Wisconsin, Michigan And Other States … Investigations Expand

Zuck Buck  Heist Will Happen Again Sez Michelle Malkin
CNN Loses Almost 70% Of Its Viewers Since Trump Left Office
How Corporate Media Launders Opinion To Attack Inconvenient People And Facts
Running gun battles in NYC. 30 shot last weekend
Post cover nails it!

Why Does Left Seemingly Hate Israel? … Anti-Semitic violence explodes across US … gets little media coverage
Wokeness coming soon to your town or one nearby?

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Talking “Only To Black Or Brown Journalists” … Daily Caller Sues Racist Mayor

Joe Rogan: ‘woke’ cancel culture may prevent straight white men from talking or even leaving their own houses.

Fauci Sez Pandemic Has Highlighted How RACIST America Is
Wifely rage at Epstein-Gates bromance
Liz Cheney Lied About Her Role in Spreading the Discredited CIA “Russian Bounty” Story

Cash windfall helps Newsom shake California recall election
A new level of stupid …

 Federal Government Warns Against Hoarding Gasoline in Plastic Bags
‘Why is MSNBC ok with Leftist hosts using overt racial slurs?’

Chelsea Clinton Calls For Global Censorship Crackdown On Conservative Social Media

No Vote Fraud? Then Why Are Democrats Freaking Out About Arizona Audit?

“Summer 2021 is going to be abnormally violent,” sez John Roman, a senior fellow at the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center [NORC]. “It is the new normal.”
A possible preview …
Guns Drawn During Black Lives Matter March in Portland. No Police On Scene

“This is, against Rudy Giuliani, a political persecution masquerading as a potential criminal prosecution”
Corruption at FBI threatens everyone
What Really Happened At Waco And The FBI/Establishment Collusion to Cover It Up

Will he walk?

Guilty verdict could be overturned on due process grounds warn legal experts
Chauvin Juror seen wearing BLM T shirt before trial

Chauvin’s attorney files motion for a new trail, doesn’t include BLM-shirt-wearing juror as a reason
Dershowitz: Chauvin ‘Beneath Contempt’ …

… but Trial and Verdict Unfair
Does Minnesota AG Keith Ellison really want American police prosecuted in international court?
Meet the Unknown President

Washington insiders say Chief of Staff Ron Klain is the real Casa Blanca power
NYT, Washington Post, NBC Retract Incorrect Reporting On Giuliani’s Contact With FBI
“Wokeness is a problem and we all know it:” James Carville on the state of Democratic politics
The Battery Is Ready to Power the World
The war on Jordan Peterson

Gird for class warfare …
GM Unveils Cadillac Flying Car For Rich People
Zuckerberg has too much power sez actress Emily Ratajkowski
Denmark launches children’s TV show about man with giant uncontrollable penis
C-SPAN Reinstates Journalist Steve Scully After He Was Caught Lying
Pelosi wants all gender references like mother, father, sister, aunt, uncle, etc stripped from House of Representatives rules

Nancy Pelosi home vandalized with pig’s head …
Joe Biden’s 12 worst gaffes
Rose Bowl Game last played outside CA 1942 because Jap attack feared … State citizen militias activated … Citizens supplied own arms and ammo … No need for citizens to have “weapons of war?”

Will Newsom decision send Rose Bowl, the Daddy of all Bowl games, to Texas for good?
California Accelerates Plan To Chase Away Wealthy

Et tu, Barr? AG says no need for special counsel on Biden and China
New England Journal of Medicine Goes fully woke
UPenn Ethicist Dr. Harald Schmidt: Old People Shouldn’t Get Vaxx First Since They’re ‘Too White’
Covid vax: HALF states prioritize black and Hispanic residents over whites

Whom to believe?

Cost Of Living Increases Are Decimating The Middle And Lower Class
UBS Chief Economist: There Is No Inflation, Consumers Are Just Imagining It
Antifa Erects “Big, Beautiful Border Wall” Around Latest Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone’
Former Goldman CFO Calls For Universal Basic Income “To Stave Off Revolution”
Navy’s Shipbuilding Plan Wants To “Achieve Maritime Supremacy” Amid Rising China
No Privacy, No Property: The World Of 2030 According to World Economic Forum Elites

Joe Biden officially gets 270 Electoral College votes to win White House
But before he goes …
Trump should pardon Edward Snowden: The real criminals are those he exposed
Trump should pardon Julian Assange: The real criminals are those he exposed
Aussie MP George Christensen: ” irritate the Democratic establishment”  … “poke the deep state in the eye.”
“F*ck Antifa!” – Proud Boys Brawl with Antifa Goons Near BLM Plaza in DC

Will China Win The Nuclear Fusion Race?
What Happens When a Communist Regime Penetrates Our Government?

Why is Eric Swalwell still on House Intel Committee after Chinese spy “honey trap” revelations? Swalwell scandal: Not just about getting laid.

The outright naivete and treason of America’s elite … “Their goal is to fundamentally change the country.”
Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean? Checkmate being positioned
Trudeau admits winter warfare training of Chinese military … Canada’s naive response to China

America Surrenders To China?
Covid? We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet …War That’s Plausibly Deniable As War.
China collecting massive DNA database to make ethnic and racial specific bio weapons, warns Stanford prof Gordon Chang
How did China make its astounding financial and military gains so fast?
The outright naivete and treason of America’s elite …

Professor Di Dongsheng: “In plain and simple language, during the last three to four decades, we used the core circle inside America’s real power.  Wall Street had a very profound influence over America’s domestic and foreign affairs since the 1970s. We used to heavily rely on them.”

Who are China’s “people” at America’s top?

China honeytrap spy targeted CA Dem Congressman Eric Swalwell as her useful fool … CA Dem Senator Diane Feinstein had Chinese chauffer spy for years … who else?

China’s 5 Steps for Recruiting Spies


Rich People & Journalists Made Exempt From COVID Quarantine

Police Drones Now Think for Themselves
Mayor Garcetti Bans Walking As Latest LA Lockdown Begins

Mike Flynn: Act As Lincoln Did, Suspend Constitution, Declare Martial Law, order military to re-run election – claims alternative is ‘CIVIL WAR
Daily Beast Editor Rick Wilson Calls For “Humiliation” And “Incarceration” Of  Trump Supporters

Clinton gang insider spills sleazy secrets, savages Chelsea

Abolish FBI?

Sidney Powell Calls For The FBI and DOJ to be “Hosed Out With Clorox and Firehoses” … Poll watcher witness says feds showed up at door, made her feel like a criminal after fraud testimony … Powell claims election fraud witnesses being threatened and beaten up
Powell: Dominion Server Removed From Fulton County While Lawyers Sought Restraining Order … Dems Face New Vote Fraud Allegations After NY Judge Wipes Out 28,000-Vote GOP Win … Understanding the head-spinning  court orders in Georgia
How spineless and traitorous are most of the GOP?

Biden Appointee Neera Tanden Spread Conspiracy notion Russian Hackers Changed Hillary’s 2016 Votes To Trump

Sex, covid 19 style …
Wear mask while having sex, Sez Canada’s top doctor
The COVID Case Con Continues … CDC Admits Their Numbers on COVID off by a Huge Amount

Jordan Peterson: how the left manufactured a folk devil
“The [Vote] Fraud Was Executed By Many Means”: Sidney Powell “Releases Kraken” … Files Multiple Vote Fraud Lawsuts
Google manipulation ‘Strongly biased in favor of liberals’ Sez Psychologist … Eric Coomer, Dominion security engineer, reportedly heard in video call with Antifa, saying that he would make sure Trump didn’t win.
Axios: Israeli Military Prepares For Possible Trump Preemptive Attack On Iran

News fraud: New “Woke” Times Demands Silicon Valley Suppress “Hyper-Partisan Sites” in Favor of “Mainstream News … US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

Who Really Runs The Drudge Report Now?

What Trump Will Leave in Biden’s Inbox

Fighting words …

Glenn Greenwald Levels MSM Journo Who Claims He’s ‘Endangering’ CIA-Mouthpiece Media … “NBC News is a huge corporate conglomerate that has always existed to disseminate US Govt, CIA and corporate propaganda”

CIA HAS GLOBAL MEDIA MACHINE, EX-AIDES SAY … A main source of fake news
Facebook Promotes COVID Vaccines To Curry Favor With Biden White House

Facebook Bans Ads Questioning Safety Of COVID-19 Vaccines
“Pandemic is Over” Sez Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer  … “Second Wave” Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests

Harvard students want Trump officials banned from school… Word Press suppressing site speech … Hollywood cancel culturists want Star Wars actress fired for election views

New York Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Cuomo’s Thanksgiving COVID Edict

Portland’s Black Activists “Want Nothing To Do” With Anarchists
Biden Taps Slavery Reparations Advocate for Treasury Transition … Should US Taxpayers Pay Reparations?

Columbia prof: Amend the Constitution to Prevent Another Trump
American’s don’t understand damage election drama has done to global perceptions of the USA

WHAT THE HELL? Report Claims Durham Dropping Spygate Investigation … Stern Look Notwithstanding
Trump Lawyers wimp out in PA, internal, social and media “pressures” cited
Race, race and more race as Biden taps race theory eggheads for posts
‘I Am White, Therefore a Racist’ sez UCal-Santa Barbara professor

In Georgia, Dem Senate candidate Ralph Warnock’s mentor taught white Christians ‘satanic’ and wanted “destruction of everything white” in society.
Trump on Warpath Against Fox News … start competitor? … Fox stock down 12% since its “Biden elected” announcement
Bait and switch scam … Democrats planned all along to drop Biden for Harris
So, who’s the boss … Joe, Kamala, BLM, Soros or … ?

Kamala’s slip: “A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States”
Is Kamala Harris a Marxist or just incoherent? … blasted for peddling ‘communist propaganda

“Defund the police” and other progressives slogans cost Democrats seats in the House and Senate.
 Democrats Livid : “Don’t ever say ‘socialism’ again!!” “We’ll Get Fu*king Torn Apart Again In 2022”:

“Intellectual conservatives” see Biden win as a plus for 2024 POTUS race.
Charlie Hebdo Mocks Terrorists, runs Beheaded Can-Can Dancer Cartoon

All that plywood being pu up sez real fear is pro-Biden rioting
Antifa Goons Plan false flag violence disguised as Trump-supporters
Radical left groups plotting a coup if Trump wins … Antifa plans false flag violence disguised as Trump-supporters
How Trump Survives a Coup
Biden Pledges to Gut 1st Amendment Religious Freedom Protections, Sez They Give ‘Hate’ a ‘Safe Harbor’ … Pledges same with Second Amendment too
‘We Cannot Allow an 18th Century Understanding of the Constitution to Dictate What Happens in 21st Century America’ — Democrat Senator Dick Durban, Illinois

An Autocratic Future for America?
JPMorgan sez Economic Disaster And Lockdowns Great for Stocks … No Longer Matters Who Wins The Election
Politics pit neighbor against neighbor … Beverly Hills street fights between Biden et Trump backers. Cops declare unlawful assembly

Disaster for New York City you knew: High earners leave, spread politics that ruined city
Biden-Harris Win would restore many known and some new ghouls to the corridors of foreign policy-making power

Walmart Reverses: Puts Guns/Ammo Back On Shelves

Orwellian: UK Police Chief: “Civic Duty” To Snitch On Neighbors Violating COVID Restrictions … or knife restrictions … or parking restrictions … or book restrictions … or ….
“Violence Works”: Danish Paper That Published Mohammad Cartoons In 2005 Refuses To Publish Prophet Pics Now

Censorship the New Normal — But Not Here …

Je suis Charlie!

Twitter’s Censorship ‘Endangers National Security’: DHS Acting Secretary
Facebook censorship board Mostly foreign nationals with ties to George Soros
Mailchimp now has auto censor

Twitter Suspends US Border Chief
Glenn Greenwald resigns in anger over censorship!

Why did USSR collapse? Former Soviet Mikhail Gorbachev blames TV show Dallas … It Opened Russian Eyes About Freedom

Anarchy Being Loosed Upon the Nation

“We’re Going To Make Sure Trump Leaves” (Even if He Wins): Leftists Plan To Storm DC After Election

Accurate market prognosticator: Trump Will Win And By 2027 “There Will Be Some Sort Of Revolution

Major Chinese spook operation busted byFBI
Forget the Hunter Biden sex tapes. Real news much bigger: Communist China owns Joe Biden; (b) Joe Biden sold out CIA assets in China who were then executed or imprisoned and MORE …

Report Reveals How Biden Family Compromised By China

Harris, Schumer, Cuomo And Feinstein Listed As ‘Key Contacts’ For Biden-China Joint Venture … Chinese Gave $5 Million Non-Secured, Forgivable Loan to Biden ‘Family’

NPR refuses to report growing Biden scandals

Hunter Biden biz partner sez New York Post corruption exposé true … confirms “Big Guy” in email is Joe Biden … says Joe lying when said he and Hunter never discussed business dealings.
Do the Chinese Own Joe Biden? Mounting evidence sez yes…

Your FBI Will Entrap You! Is the nation’s top law enforcement agency protecting society from sociopaths or is the bureau itself sociopathic? Evidence and experience suggest the latter
Former Obama official Robert Reich wants post-election commission to censor and blacklist Trump supporters — and leftists on Twitter salivate over the idea
Biden was endorsed in August by Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, “because electing him is necessary for the overthrow of this system.”

Dems angry at Feinstein for not excoriating Barrett and for hugging Graham

Et tu, C-SPAN?
C-Span’s Scully lied … The fix was in … Next Debate Moderator, CSPAN’s Steve Scully,  a “Never Trumper” Tweeter and former Biden intern made false hacking claims

FBI scared … Refuses Answers about Biden

Hunter Biden secret emails show corrupt connections.
Latest Cache Detail How Hunter Earned Millions In China “For Introductions”

The election media spin …

Delusional Pelosi to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “You’re Always An Apologist For Republicans

L’arrogance de Biden: Americans Don’t ‘Deserve To Know’ If He’ll Pack the Court

About those “arrows in our quiver” Pelosi mentioned. If not stack, limit Court to its original Constitutional jurisdiction?

“We’re not going to have another Watergate in our lifetime. I’m sure.”  — Bob Woodward
Righhhhht …
The fix is in … Next Debate Moderator, CSPAN’s Steve Scully,  a “Never Trumper” Tweeter and former Biden intern.

FBI Refuses Answers to Congress’ Questions about Hunter Biden’s Criminal Activities
In Oregon:

In Wisconsin: BLM mobs smash windows in residential homes
In St Louis: Soros funded DA gets couple  indicted for defending home against BLM mob

70% Portland rioters not charged by Soros backed DA!
Why corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden’s corruption that implicates Joe?
SOCOM AI computer plan to detect disinformation
Liberals Weigh Jurisdiction Stripping to Rein in Supreme Court
States Overpaid COVID Claims, Now Want The Money Back
Why have so many important Republicans simultaneously got the Covid virus? Deliberate Infection?

14 worst comments celebrities made about Trump’s Covid diagnosis

COVID Whistleblower’s Mother Reportedly Arrested by The Chinese Communist Party

Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes:  There’s an ongoing political coup inside the United States. Time to talk about completely defunding elements of the U.S. intelligence apparatus
Media Willfully Ignore Hunter Biden Scandals

An event to miss …

Here’s What Happens Every Minute on the Internet in 2020

L.A. Ordered to Pay NRA’s Six Figure Lawyer Fees After Losing First Amendment Case.  City ordinance punished who did biz with NRA
Who got PPP loans in Hollywood?
Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo on the price of woke culture non – compliance if his people get power

California first state to officially consider reparations for slavery

Biden: “I am the Democratic Party right now.”

‘Do not do anymore debates’ MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough urges Biden:

Debate Recap: Trump Wins, Biden Doesn’t Faint, Chris Wallace seemed to push left-wing talking points to help Biden and hurt Trump

Media call for upcoming debates to be ‘canceled,’ urge Biden to back out.

Will Biden ‘Corruption’ Be Off-Limits in First Debate?

Does Joe receive answers through an ear prompter disguised as a hearing aide?
New: The Trump campaign has asked the Commission on Presidential Debates to check the ears of both candidates before the debate to prevent the use of listening devices … Biden campaign agreed, but then backed out.

No Remedy for Government Censorship: The Perils of Murthy Decision
How Persecution of Pirates Gave Us Procedural Manipulation

The Answer Is Better Gangs
Anti white propaganda tearing country apart
Marcuse: The Man Who Made Cultural Marxism

Buckley Revisited, Again

Kinkade Konservatism Reacts to Royal Portraits
Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Protestant Christianity
Leftists Argue That Hijacking Planes Is A Legitimate Form Of Protest
The Administrative State is Destroying our Country
America’s Oil Power Might Be Near Its Peak
Conservatives have failed to see that arguments do not matter. In other words, the left is a political wing that has abandoned any care for the truth
The Rapid Rise of the $100 Million Trophy Home. Nine-figure sales have skyrocketed since the luxury market saw its first megadeal back in 2007. ‘Soon $100 million will be $200 million.’
89% Ivy League grads support ‘strict’ rationing of gas, meat, electricity to fight climate change:  Nearly six in 10 ‘elites’ say there is too much individual freedom in America
Deepfake education must be added to school curricula as world faces ‘profound societal threat’
So Long, Einstein? Astrophysicist Develops New Theory Of Gravity
Republican Party May Be Trying to Throw the 2024 Election in Key States
‘Authoritarianism’ Is the Least of Our Problems
Fake News Has Always Been a Thing
What the framers said about the 14th Amendment’s disqualification clause: Analysis

Guardrails That Once Prevented Wars Are Failing

Make the guillotine the preferred method of capital punishment for public corruption, enshrined in law.

Is a Burkean world possible?

Civilization Versus the New Nihilists

Increasingly “Nothing In The Life Of Our Nation Is Real”

Mind-Controlled Devices May Be Common By 2040s

The Jew Haters in Power Were Very Carefully Taught

FBI and Justice Department Are Greatest Threat to Constitution

Sanctuary Delusion Crumbles in Chicago

American Jews Can’t Have It Both Ways

Why Do Young Americans Support Hamas? Look at TikTok

Sam Bankman-Fried and the effective altruism delusion. Will the idealist philosophy survive the conviction of its crypto king?

Katie Couric: Obama Owes Me a ‘Big-Ass Bouquet’ for 2008 Palin Attack Interview  … Helen Thomas: Couric “saved the country” with that interview
Chevy Chase: I wanted Carter to win … Chevy Chase says his SNL mockery of President Ford was deliberate

Artificial General Intelligence Is Possible and Deadly

Lutherism purges unwoke … others to follow?

Meet Scott Weiner, The Dem Lawmaker At The Center Of California’s War On Parental Rights
Rich Texas bubba branded ‘treacherous’ for selling 130,000 acres farmland to billionaire former Chinese army captain

How Rage Against the Machine Used Capitalism To Sell Communism

Tucker Warns Of Trump Assassination, Hot War With Russia
“Permanent Washington and both parties, have decided there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it”

How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

  • 79 Arsonists Arrested Amid Deadly Greek Wildfires
  • Democrat Global Warming Activist Arrested for Starting Massive 2022 Yosemite National Park Fire Democrats Blamed on Climate Change
  • “We are restricting freedom … for the common good” -Irish Green Party et al
As Elizabeth Holmes heads to prison for fraud, many puzzle over her motives
Inside the Italian Mafia’s Encrypted Phone of Choice
60 Minutes Steps Up to Defend Ray Epps, Who Is Absolutely Not a Fed, Oh No

Will Dominion lawsuit hurt other journalism?
Twitter Files reveal how federal censors made mail-in ballots sacred — boosting Biden
Democrat Virginia Senator Tim Kaine: It’s OK For The FBI To Put Informants In Churches. Will FBI listen to confessions?
Antisemitism festers in current US political and social climate, report says
New York Times fabricates a history of the transgenderist culture war
Social Media Reacts To Morgan Freeman Saying He’s Insulted By The Term African American & Black History Month
Why wokeism isn’t Marxism
What Is the Difference Between Hispanic and Latino?
Eminent Oxford Scientist Says Wind Power “Fails On Every Count”
White Fragility Author Says People of Color Need To Say Bye To White People
Whistleblower: FBI Targeted Innocent Gun Owners Via Bank Of America Records

America’s Black Male Problem

Domestic extremism bill would criminalize free speech, create ‘Ministry of Truth,’ advocacy group warns

Auf Wiedersehen, America

‘Woke’ Killed England. We Are Next in Line

Update On California Homelessness

Scientists can now read your MIND with 80% accuracy
kILLER ROBOT : Three times artificial intelligence turned ‘evil’ – including AI microwave that tried to kill its creator
AI machines could ‘control humans’ and make decisions for us if we don’t act now, experts warn
Pentagon’s UFO Office: No Aliens But Many Threat Concerns
New York Times mocked for naming Fetterman among year’s ‘most stylish’ people

Deep State Is What Disables Democracy
The Mortal Struggle for Western Culture
Nullius in verba or Crede in scientia?
As the collapse of Rome illustrates, we are only a bad decision or two from from the  sort of calamity that killed that sophisticated civilization. “Go through a day and see how many things we rely on that we couldn’t replace if a disaster occurred.”
The Supreme Court hears a challenge to affirmative action this week
How a Tycoon Linked to Chinese Intelligence Became a Darling of Trump Republicans
There’s an increasing tendency for politics to divide voters along educational lines , but not the ones we have had

Our elites want to live forever. The rest of us will make for rich compost
How the Second Civil War Could Start
Yuval Harari‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ in Today’s World” … useless people will need to be kept pacified by drugs and entertainment
Silencing the Lambs — How Propaganda Works
Glenn Grrenwald: “Haley was probably the most pro-war, pro-imperialist high-ranking Trump official, and therefore the most beloved Trump official by the war-loving U.S. media. She held every conventional foreign policy view that has generated so much destruction”

Are “Elites Are Making Things Worse On Purpose” … “It only makes sense if the goal is to completely destroy the west.”
Reflections of a Special Forces Officer in The Ukraine
The Big Oil Conspiracy That Isn’t And Wasn’t

Are the New Double Standard Progressive Rules Reciprocal?

They Can’t Let Him Back In

Overcoming the Rhetoric of Jacobinism

Deborah Birx, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator under former President Donald Trump: “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines”

Exploding the Watergate Myth. New book shows that Woodward and Bernstein lied. And lied. And lied

A Trendy Taste for Cannibalism?
What a Good Night’s Sleep Can Do for Your Heart
Christian churches in the West don’t attract males — and are failing their mission

How Science Stopped Backing Atheists and Started Pointing Back to God

Putin put nuclear war on everyone’s mind. So How would nuclear war between Russia and the US play out?

Astonishing New Theory Claims Past, Present And Future Exist Simultaneously

Crime prediction is controversial, but University Chicago researchers argue their new AI model could monitor the police themselves

Military Researching “Anti-Gravity” For Nearly 70 Years

Objective Reality May Not Exist, Quantum Physicists Say

Was Burgher Court’s 1973 “Abortion Right” Just A Big Legal Lie?

Julian Assange and freedom of speech … Case against the journalist a sham motivated by U.S. intelligence community

As War Looms, U.S. Sailors Being Trained in ‘Gender Pronoun

Uvalde Massacre Shows the Uselessness of Gun Control and Police Protection

How Democracies Spy on Their Citizens

Many Think Kevin McCarthy Is Dumb. Why Can’t They Say So?

Putin ‘lining up daughter to take control when he dies’

Stunning Shift: WaPo Admits Catastrophic-Conditions, Collapsing-Morale Of Ukraine Front-Line Force

Bill Maher Refuses To Follow Democrats Into The Woke Abyss

Dave Chappelle’s attack a result of Will Smith smacking Chris Rock at 2022 Oscars, comedy club owners claim

Google Feature Will Correct What You Write With Woke ‘Inclusive’ Language

Censorship And Propaganda Threatens Our Freedom

“Humans” May Be All Over Universe, Scientists Say
Harvard Astrophysicist Says Alien Technology Crashed Into The Pacific Ocean … wants to get it
‘Too Stupid’ to Be Speaker: Critics’ Trash Kevin McCarthy Over Taped Lie
N.Y. House Districts Illegally Favor Democrats, Appeals Court Rules

Types of Media Bias

Embracing the Permanent: William F. Buckley and Populism

The Nihilism of the Left
The Secret Police: A new era of law enforcement
How to Control the Citizenry Through Reality TV Distractions
Leftists Angry About Florida Anti-Grooming Law Because They Want Your Children

Media is Number One Cause of War Since 1898
The Necro-Neologism of Lethal Legal Experts
How Neocons Turn “Democracy” Into Grotesque Ideological Imperialism
Joe Rogan Slams ‘Mentally Ill Woke Activists’ In  Silicon Valle
Leaked video of woke Disney exec shows you how INSANE company has become

The Decline and Fall of Capitalism – with a whimper…

Biden DOJ Kills Trump-Era Program To Catch Chinese Spies

Why Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay‘ bill has caused a nationwide uproar
Google billionaire Eric Schmidt’s fingerprints all over Biden’s science policy
Jonathan Turley Nukes the Dems’ Rabid Impeachment Effort Against Clarence Thomas
University’s ‘Antiracism’ Posters Teach Students to View Each Other by Race
MSNBC Claims ‘Health & Fitness’ New Gateway Drug to Far-Right … amplifies “neo-Nazi and white supremacist extremist ideologies.”

The Multipolar World Dies in Ukraine

Alan Dershowitz: Some Democrats channeling Soviet secret police minister  Lavrentiy Beria’s  ‘Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime’ maxim

Wokeism a Cruel and Dangerous Cult
How the Letter Z Became a Russian Pro-War Symbol

The history of conservatism is one of toothless opposition to whatever form of anti-civilizational insanity the left happens to be promoting
As Bitcoin removes their means of creating money out of nothing, nation states will cease to be sovereigns in this crucial area of life
Russian attack on Ukraine a demand for new world order of higher prices for fossil fuels centered on Russia and China … a struggle to reduce American power and make world safe for autocrats
Will there be a 2024 presidential election?

Why the number 137 is one of the greatest mysteries in physics

‘Their Slaver’s Organizing Document Is Trash’: NPR Reporter Says We Should Throw Out Constitution For Something ‘More Inclusive
Lesbian Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: “I have the biggest dick  in Chicago” …. Mayor Lightfoot Insults Italians in Epic, Obscene Rant
Patricians vs. Plebeians: The Realignment
Biden’s New Energy Department Pick Most Outrageous and Appalling Yet
Joe Rogan Steamrolls CNN – Slams Brian Stelter And Don Lemon Over Misinformation
MSM slams Rogan use of “nigger” … UFC fighter Israel Adesanya : “Joe Rogan is one of the nicest, coolest, humble motherf***ers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Understand that.” “F*** the noise,” “You know what they’re trying to do. You can’t control the man. That’s my n**** Joe Rogan.”
Nebraska Joins Call For Convention Of States To Amend US Constitution
CCP ‘Terminally Ill’: Author Says China’s Domestic Troubles Could Trigger Leadership Coup … Viral Anti-Xi Article Reveals CCP Infighting That May Derail His Bid for 3rd Term, Analysts Say
GoFundMe and How the Left Came to Despise the Working Class
Liberal Education Is Applied History
COVID-19, China’s bioweapon warfare strategy and global security

What Happens When America Experiences Real War With A Superpower?

WhoopiGate Just Got Worse with her Jewish American Princess Fried Chicken recipe
Hypocrisy! Dangerous stuff from Joe Rogan on Spotify sez Stephen Stills.  Yeah, Stills composed a song in honor of Fidel Castro, who holds the distinction of being the only dictator in modern history to jail and torture people for the crime of listening to music by Stephen Stills! 
The secretive DC manipulator you’ve not heard of  … a key member of group that got Biden elected, according to Time Magazine
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
Wokeism: Playing with fire

Crime puts Biden, Psaki on defense
Will Looters Be Shot If Unrest Soars?
Hollywood big shots bail from dystopian socialist world they helped create
The Slippery Slope from Lockdowns to Concentration Camps

“…but the hearts of men are easily corrupted — and the Ring of Power has a will of its own…”
Calculating The Full Costs Of Electrifying Everything
Metaphorical? MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross urges liberals to ‘pick up a weapon and get involved’ in ‘war’ for democracy
“That is f*cking nonsense.”  Joe Rogan Details How Anyone Who Doesn’t Identify As Far Left Is Now Labelled ‘Alt Right’ …

Andrew Yang Says Biden Won’t Run Again … large DNC donors uneasy … may “sit out” next election

San Francisco mayor touts illegal Government Illicit Drug Use Site
Two more cops shot in NYC, one dead
Americans Form Tenant Unions In Backlash Against Corporate Landlords
FBI sicced on Democrat who opposes Biden’s border policies. Cross Biden and the FBI shows up

Jordan Peterson Blasts Academia, Resigns As Tenured Professor At University of Toronto … ‘A Stunningly Corrupt Enterprise’

Schumer Suffers Crushing Defeat on Filibuster, as Manchin and Sinema Stand Firm
What Putin truly fears is what Navalny’s movement seeks—a change of power in Russia, followed by cashiering its corrupt clan of oligarchs and spies
Media blackout on Fauci’s damning emails … They suggest something nefarious was up on the lab leak theory yet the press has refused to notice
Man who may have betrayed Anne Frank to Nazis named
Sen. Cruz: Democrats Engaged in a Double Power-Grab with a Twist …

Rogue street art appears overnight in D.C., mocks Biden & Fauci’s COVID regime
Quantifying The World’s Most Powerful Militaries
Risking War With Russia Over Ukraine
CNN Tanking: Six Reasons For Its Failures
Senate Democrats Use the Jim Crow Filibuster to Protect the Kremlin … A Short History of the Filibuster
Biden administration using Orwellian tracking scheme to collect names and “personal religious information” of federal employees who make “religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement,” according to the Daily Signal

FBI Repeatedly Refuses to Say If FBI Agents/Informants Encouraged Violent, Criminal Behavior on January. Did any FBI agents or FBI informants actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on January 6? “I can’t answer that,” the FBI’s Jill Sanborn said repeatedly in response to questions put to her by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) at a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

Gird for gossipers, malicious snitchers und entrapment:  Department of Injustice starts anti-terror unit  … Careful what you read, what you say, who you know and beware of snitches. Is  “suspicious activity” in the eye of the beholder?
Yale, Georgetown, Other Top Schools Illegally Collude to Limit Student Financial Aid, Lawsuit Alleges
U.S. Army trains for guerilla war against American “patriot freedom fighters”
“Redneck Revolt,” a radical left-wing terrorist organization recruiting starry eyed youth to wage Marxist war against the government
China on course to Conquer Moon Military High Ground in 2026 While America Makes Gender-Neutral Space Suits … who controls Moon above controls Earth below
Will Artificial Intelligence Create A Socialist Paradise?

Maxwell May Get Second Trial, But What About Rest Of Epstein’s “Significant Others”?
Gravity of Sun and Moon impact behavior of all organisms — even humans
Prince Andrew to sell £17m Swiss chalet with Queen NOT paying costs of sex abuse case

Liberal panic: Warn midterm GOP win could spell end of democracy in America

UFOs, the Channel Islands and the Navy’s ‘drone swarm‘ mystery … “V” shaped UFO videoed from Airbus cockpit
When Government Uses The Private Sector As Agents Of Censorship

TikTok a Chinese Weapon Pointed at American Kids
Liz Cheney says Trump Should Never Be Allowed to Run For President Again
Supreme Court readies an explosive docket
ABC Doesn’t Have Backbone To Put Ann Coulter On ‘The View’
A convicted felon sold himself as a “militia” leader to lure people  into an FBI trap
CNN’s Brian Stelter urges Associated Press to attack Republicans

America’s Late Ruling Class

Democracy for the Elites
“Democratic mob rule supplanted the limited government of a republic with the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913.  This amendment established direct election of Senators by popular vote. In short, the Seventeenth Amendment allows the Senate to buy votes from their constituents in exchange for delivering federal money back to their districts.”
How the Energy Crisis Turns Into Hunger and Then… War?

China Panic-Hoards Half Of World’s Grain Supply Amid Threats Of Collapse
Republican Judas? The Senator Who Could Rescue Biden’s Agenda
Victor Davis Hanson: California a Confederate Society with ‘Sick Fixation’ on Race
Edward Snowden’s Message from Moscow

Goldman Says $100 Oil Possible

Bay Area car break-ins are on rise, prompting auto owners to leave their trunks open
Oswald met KGB before JFK assassination, delayed records dump shows … but New JFK murder file release still omits much

Who decides if science is right or wrong?

‘Never Seen Anything Like It’: Los Angeles Residents Stunned As Violent Crimes Creep Into Wealthier Communities
Epstein’s Pilot Sez Clinton, Trump, Spacey, Prince Andrew and Other Big Names flew on “Lolita Express”
Media Buries Another Hunter Biden Scandal On Foreign Deals
Biden’s Handlers Activate Hideout Plan for Reason That Should Concern Everyone
Biden Moves to Destroy Religious-Based Childcare

Kamala asks if NASA “can measure trees” as part of “environmental justice.”

Rachel Maddow’s Shocking New Low
Trump effect gathering steam: Wasn’t perfect, but compared to what followed … oy!

Not inclusive enough …

DC Comics sez Superman No Longer Protects ‘The American Way

US Arrests Navy Nuclear Engineer And Wife For Trying To Sell Submarine Secrets

The Problem Is Not Just Xi Jinping; It Is Communism

Poll: More Whites Than Blacks Want Police Abolished In Minneapolis

Deepfakes have disturbing implications for porn … swaps women into porn videos with a click
Speech freedom? Australia Police Goes Door to Door: “Are You Aware Of Any Planned Protests Or Events Coming Up?”
Cops Buy Personal Cell Phone Data Without Warrants

Elizabeth Warren Demands Amazon Censor Best-Selling Books

Britain: Journalists could face 14 years in prison for embarrassing Government
Australia: New law allows government to modify social media posts
Canada:  books some felt offensive toward Canada’s Indigenous peoples burned … 4,700 others delisted

French firm Lafarge charged with ‘crimes against humanity’ for paying-off ISIS
Biden Forces Out Trump Appointees From Military Academy Advisory Boards
Biden’s handpicked banker declares war on digital freedom
Biden Looks to Stuff Government Funding Bill with Leftist Goodies
Dems blamed Trump for COVID deaths but now won’t blame Biden
Biden’s big Afghan lies

Heavy Fighting Between Taliban and Anti-Taliban Group

Ann Coulter Effusively Praises Biden’s Afghanistan Speech: Unlike Trump He ‘Had the Balls’ to Withdraw

CDC Fraud overstates Florida “record” Covid count by 50%. Forced To “Adjust”
China’s fake people made by computer to spread anti-vaxx lies and fake news about Covid.
China Caught Fabricating Non-Existant Swiss Biologist To Refute COVID Origin Story
Delta variant throws the world back into Orwellian autocracy
China’s top “bat lady” virologist sez Corona can mutate forever and world must live with it
UK Transport Minister Says Vaccines Will be Needed For Travel “Forevermore … You won’t be able to leave the country” … 5 shots may be necessary

Covid Booster Shots Coming “Soon” Fauci Tells CNN
Wealth, class and remote work reshape California’s new boomtowns as people flee big cities
The Great Reset: The Global Elite’s Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives. “You will rent everything, own nothing and you will be happy!”
Doc filmmaker Ken Burns calls Mark Zuckerberg ‘enemy of the state’— says he should be JAILED
Coming soon: America’s own social credit system
It can’t happen here? It is happening here!
Still true: Andrew Cuomo blamed The Post — but HE was the liar and a fraud
Ron Paul:  Jan. 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us
Biden DOJ Drops Charges Against China Military Members Accused of Lying to Get Jobs at U.S. Universities
America Has Lost The Trade War With China: Real Pain To Begin
Dems weaponize Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) against Repubs in way law never intended
Average Unemployed Illinois Parent Gets $51,000+ per year For Sitting On butt!
Woke epidemic claims Cleveland
Indians now the Guardians?
NFL Will Play Black National Anthem Before Every Game … TV ratings still high
Facebook oversight member says free speech ‘is not an absolute human right’.
Prince Harry agrees. First Amendment “bonkers”.
Fear Free Speech: Biden Denounces Big Tech as “Killing People” By Not Censoring Speech
WHO Chief: ‘Premature’ to Rule Out COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory

US media shamefully justified a string of Canadian church burnings

Demise of limousine liberalism?
Andrew Sullivan:
“We all know it’s happened. The elites, increasingly sequestered within one political party and one media monoculture, educated by colleges and private schools that have become hermetically sealed against any non-left dissent, have had a “social justice reckoning” these past few years. And they have been ideologically transformed, with countless cascading consequences.”
Polling Shows Sharp Rise In Support For Socialism Among The Young
The Chinese Miracle, Revisited … As America Recedes, China Rises
Berkshire’s Charlie Munger Applauds Communist China For Totalitarian Tactics
How Much Taxes Should Billionaires Pay? Income tax? Wealth tax? Both?
History rewritten: Canada’s National Archive cancels country’s first Prime Minister for not being “inclusive enough”
Justice Or Just Desserts? Trump, Cosby, & Georgia Cases Show Rising Cost Of Political Litigation

‘Wikipedia Is More One-Sided Than Ever’ Writes Co-Founder Larry Sanger
Bloomberg: Tesla Reportedly Asked Chinese Government To Censor Social Media Posts Critical Of The Company
California Begs For More Electricity As Shift To Renewable Power Leaves State In The Dark
America’s First Black Billionaire Wants His Reparations Check, Now
Why Giuliani’s Suspension Should Worry All Lawyers
Black Portland Police Chief Reassure Antifa Man Shot By Police Was White To Avoid Riot

Face of Democrat hypocrisy: Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse rails against systemic racism, but defends belonging to all white club

“I’ll have them niggers voting Democrat for 200 years!’

Scene of Batman Performing Oral Sex on Catwoman Cut …Internet reacts

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters calls Mark Zuckerberg a “little prick,” says “fuck you! No fucking way!” to big money offer to use “The Wall”

Inside the underground kink scene dominating the U.S. capital

Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association: being white is “a malignant, parasitic-like condition,” as well as a deranged and dangerous mental condition.
Woke Taliban deems Apple pie “racist” … gingham cloth a “cultural appropriation”
George Soros Gets a COVID Loan
2020 Destroyed Myth That Left Wingers Love the Poor
‘SpongeBob’ and ‘Transformers’ Cost U.S. Taxpayers $4 Billion, Study Says
UFOs Repeatedly ‘Took Offline‘ US Nuclear Capabilities, Ex-Chief of Pentagon Secret Unit Says
How UFO sightings went from joke to national security worry in Washington
Ex-Sen. Harry Reid: What We Believe About U.F.O.s … UFO Fragments Likely In Lockheed Martin’s Possession, Says Reid
Space Force officer demoted after denouncing Marxist ideology and critical race theory in military


Biden wants former U.S. Marine extradited to Spain where CIA officials say he’ll likely be murdered
“Our government failed us”
Lesson: Don’t trust FBI or its masters

State Department Memo Gives Official Support for BLM Agenda
BLM rallies feature high degree of anti-Semitism

BLM banner now displayed with American flag

Woke Racism Is a Systemic Problem in America
Bill Maher: Why White People Should Stop Using The Term ‘Woke’…Immediately
Preference or Prejudice? Federal Court Finds Biden Administration Engaged In Racial and Gender Discrimination
Backlash on Prince Harry: “I’ve got so much I want to say about the First Amendment. I still don’t understand it, but it is bonkers.”

Biden Agrees mit Harry: Revokes Trump’s order protecting free speech.
Opens Door For MORE Censorship
The DNC playbook is very simple: control the language, define the opposition before they define themselves. If Republicans were smart they would take this challenge head-on. But they belong to the Stupid Party.
The Hidden Ties Between Private Spies and Journalists
A Graduation Message for Terrifying Times
Is there any hope to check the growth of the state?

Self inflicted wounds …  NRA and LaPierre’s Fate Lies in Hands of Texas Bankruptcy Judge
The NRA Needs a New Face

Northwestern student journalist says the way White people walk on sidewalks is too racist!

French polls show widespread military coup support to rid murderous Muslim “hordes” and manufactured leftist social unrest that calls itself “anti-racism.”
No warrant? No problem!

Biden hires private spooks to spy  on So-Called “Domestic Terrorists”

Joe Biden may not be a radical socialist, but he is doing a great imitation of one


Biden Proposes Communist Style Crippling Taxes, Strangling Regulations, and Unsecure Elections in Prime-Time Speech

Gonna Tax Rich For ‘Socialist Dream‘ Say Republicans

‘Cult of Fauci’ is damaging America
How scientists at Wuhan lab
helped Chinese army in secret project to
find animal viruses

On racism, Democrats should take a hard look at themselves

Kerry faces calls to step down over leaked Iran tapes

ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC all ignore New York Times report on Kerry allegedly leaking Israeli intel to Iran

Docs Reveal How China’s ‘ Paid Internet Trolls‘ Helped Censor COVID-19
Trump’s Martial-Law Talk Has Military on Red Alert
Global Outrage Follows Trump Pardons Of Blackwater Mercenaries Who Killed 17 Iraqis
Navy’s Advanced Aerospace Tech Boss Claims Key ‘UFO’ Patent Is Operable … latest in series of patents
Seen in Georgia … getbidenbucks.com
Vote reparations? Washington & Lee law prof sez black votes should count twice
Former Wisconsin Judge: ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’

Seattle May Pass “Duress Legislation” to Give Criminals “Poverty Defense”
“I’m Depraved on Account of I’m Deprived:” Psychopathy and Accountability
Gun Rights Delayed Can Be Gun Rights Denied : University of Illinois Law Review

Why the efforts to disarm Americans of “weapons of war?”
No place to hide … Satellite Can Peer Inside Buildings, Day or Night

China Engaged in ‘Mass Surveillance’ on Americans’ Mobile Phones

An Expert Military Analysis of War with China

Cluster Zuck …

… How Facebook grew into trouble

Has America’s Suez Moment Come?

Sleep well America …

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell accuses Fox News of trying to ‘overthrow the Trump administration’ and says network staff should go to prison
How media covered up the Hunter Biden story — until after the election
Corrupt FBI Finally Admits it has Seth Rich’s “Lost” Laptop
Sexual misconduct shakes FBI’s senior ranks: “They’re sweeping it under the rug,”
Eric Swalwell, a Chinese ‘honeytrap’ and FBI double standards
States, feds file antitrust suits against Facebook
San Francisco Puts Another Nail in Own Coffin With “Wealth Tax”

“Don’t be a sheep,” Lewis County(WA) Sheriff Robert Snaza … Riverside County, CA Sheriff Chad Bianco sez he won’t enforce Gov Newsom’s “ridiculous Covid-19 rules
As face masks are required in more states, sheriffs refuse to enforce rules
What if sheriffs and police also refused to enforce other “ridiculous” laws or those against fundamental human or constitutional rights?
What happens if Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce State Gun-Control Laws?
A Running Compendium of Fraud Charges in Election 2020
Amazon’s Alexa accused of sharing anti-Semitic conspiracies, Holocaust denial

Feds sue NY town for alleged anti-Semitic zoning laws
Black Lives Matter movement imploding over internal power struggle, money grabs
Far-Left Democrats Unleash On Obama

CNN Analyst Calls For Sweeping Speech Regulation On Web
Students At UK University Demand The Word “Black” Be Banned
Face of leftist hypocrisy

LA County Supervisor Eats At Restaurant Hours After Voting To Ban Outdoor Dining … outdoor dining is “a most dangerous situation,”
Black Lives Matter sez  LA Mayor Eric Garcetti is a White Supremacist who oversees a police state
Reservation hypocrisy …

Indian tribes “reclaiming” land from present owners their ancestors stole from other Indian tribes … Who colonized who first? … Who owned land first?
Air Runs Thin for World’s Populists
DISINFORMATION ALERT: World Economic Forum starting The Great Reset initiative to further global elitist control … Biden’s elitist backers say news of that a right wing conspiracy theory
Second Amendment Under Threat After New Decision
Trump Pardons General Michael Flynn
County Undersheriff,  Captain, Businessman, and Apple’s Chief Security Officer Charged with Bribery for Concealed Gun Carry Licenses
Why White Women Keep Getting Caught Pretending to Be Black
Elites und MSM Say Parler Free Speech Policy “Threat To Democracy” … Google’s YouTube demonetizes One America News Network

ACLU And College Profs Encourage Book-Burnings …
‘Orwellian’: Parler CEO Eviscerates Facebook’s ‘Secret Internal Algorithm’
Oxford academics slam Big Tech censorship of scientific study over mask-wearing
Senators Durbin and Duckworth Among Book Burners Happy With Big Tech Censorship
John Kerry Says ‘Great Reset’ Is Needed To Stop Rise Of Populism
Orwell alert: Leftists Already Trying To Erase Trump & Change History

Is “Orgasmic Meditation” Company Really Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Cult?

The Killing of Osama bin Laden: Background most have never heard
CIA: Russians use ‘secret microwave weapon’ to target American spies across the globe… including on US SOIL
China Used ‘Secret Microwave Pulse Weapon‘ Against Indian Troops
FEAR OF WAR … Kissinger Warns Biden of U.S.-China Catastrophe on Scale of WWI

James Woods exposes dozens of local news shows reading from the same (Biden) script
Justice Alito: pandemic caused ‘unimaginable’ curbs on liberty

Alito speech signals where conservative Supreme Court headed
Covid pandemic pushes Universal Basic Income support and diminished freedom
Guess who’ll control redistricting in swing states next year?

China surges into biological warfare … Chinese “unrestricted warfare” thinking intends to extend biological warfare into every part of human existence

Must read book for naive Americans

Hypocrites, liars and thieves … Biden Already Talking With Foreign Leaders; A Breach Of The Logan Act — same Act General Flynn framed for violating

Biden Aide Signals Push For Greater Internet Censorship

CNN still for sale … Bezos drops offer

Your Historical Analogy Menu: Rome, The USSR, Or Revolutionary France … The core dynamic is loss of social cohesion within the ruling elites and the social order at large.
Johnny Rotten Slams Arrogant News Anchor; ‘We’re Bored Of Your Left-wing Twaddle’

Bernie nails it: Democrat Party “now a party of coastal elites.”

Lady Gaga Mocks Swing State Voters As Rednecks

Un Autre French paradox: “We are at War” with Islam sez one official … France is a Muslim country sez another
Anti-Lockdown Protests Erupt All Over Europe: Poland to Spain to France to Britain, etc

Columbia Prof Says American Flag A “Symbol Of Genocide” Another sez  Beer And Beethoven Examples of White Supremacy

MIT’s Noam Chomsky: Trump “the Worst Criminal in Human History”

Meghan Markle for Prez? Inside Her  Political Ambitions

Conservatives luv her now, but will they tomorrow?

Supreme Court justices become more liberal as they age, statistics blog says

Not over Justice BarrettDems still outraged
Megyn Kelly: Media coverage of Trump is ‘DISGUSTING’

Twitter to ‘pre-bunk’ what its Democrat censors say are falsehoods

Stupid party setup: Rudy Giuliani’s Compromising Appearance in New ‘Borat’ Film Raises Questions Ahead of Election … Don’t Republicans vette anyone?

Gov Newsom plays both sides on forest fires. Complains most on federal land but files lawsuits to prevent clearance
CIA operatives still “getting hit”

Election erection: Jeffrey Toobin masturbates on Zoom … O.J. Simpson likens Toobin to Pee Wee Herman

Media Now Openly Pushing Secession As The Election Nears

How media misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America — Manufacturing covid consent

Denver Trump Supporter Shot and Killed By Local Channel 9 News ANTIFA Bodyguard. Charged with 1st degree murder.

Scientists urge ban on AI designed to predict crime

Video Shows Wisconsin Police Allegedly Beating Daily Caller Reporters

How rich liberals use IRS code loopholes to funnel taxpayer money to Black Lives Matter

BLM Co-Founder Abdulla Sez Joe Biden Part Of “Violent White Supremacist” System

21 Scholars Demand ‘1619 Project’ Writer Lose Pulitzer For Fabricating History

MIT Scientists: Nuclear Fusion Energy Could Be Closer Than Thought

Police Requesting Data From People’s Smart-Speakers At Alarming Rate

The Pope: ‘Christendom No Longer Exists’

Are other Nations ‘Disrupting The Public Conversation’ On US Politics?

MSNBC producer Ariana Pekary quits. Sez network a “cancer dividing nation”

NPR’s KNKX radio’s Cliff Mass sez Seattle station backs rioters, muzzles speech.

Ponzi scammer Paul A. Rinfret gets 5 years . Stole $20 million. Spent money on self.

Flynn frame charges show system corruption. Need to be dismissed

Yet another of around 50 white on black hate crime found to be hoax. “Crime” widely reported nationally. Not retracted. No consequences for hoaxster

CIA Director Haspel Personally Blocking Declassification Of Documents That Will Reveal Truth About Russiagate

FBI Releases Movie to Alert Americans of Foreign Spy Computer Threats

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both involved in originating the Russia hoax and former CIA director John Brennan pushed the investigation sez John Ratcliffe, director of National Intelligence

FBI Mueller team whistleblower: “Get Trump” real reason for General Flynn prosecution and other DOJ corruption … an FBI orchestrated attempted coup of a sitting US President. Pure treason !!

DC scuttlebutt: Another Coup Against Trump Planned if reelected
Time to Dismantle the FBI?

Clinton Foundation now under criminal investigation … Will “the Washington Swamp” indict its own?

CIA contractor hired to spy on Julian Assange also spied on American mainstream reporters

Massive Syria propaganda operation waged by Western govt contractors and media. Planted false stories.

Did deliberate Chinese “Unrestricted Warfare” propaganda campaign scare countries into lockdowns to ruin their economies?

‘The Russia Lie’ Was a Washington Political Hit on an Outsider

No Durham report before election say sources

Silicon Valley’s psychopaths — suicide rate 4 times national average

Speaking of psychopaths

Romney Took Big Money from Soros Orgs — So  Did Obama, Schumer, Hillary, Kerry and other Democrats Soros records show

Amy Barrett a Christian totalitarian? Newsweek and Others Corrected but would not retract Its false stories Claiming Barrett’s People of Praise Catholic sect  Inspired the dystopian “Handmaid’s Tale”
Straight talk in NY: ‘F–k Cuomo and de Blasio’ mural painted on Brooklyn street

Top HHS spokesman accuses CDC staffers of ‘sedition’ and plotting coup. Buy ammo, he sez

Democrats Talk Coup If Trump Wins In November

Twitter bans Chinese professor with evidence Covid virus created in lab for Chinese military.

Melinda Gates  would agree. Told AXIOS we need more censorship to protect official narratives from truth tellers and whistle blowers.

La Nina and arson, , not global warming, making fires and storms worse. Four people arrested for INTENTIONALLY starting blazes on West Coast
CDC announces less scary Covid 19 death figures. CNN, Twitter et others bloc to maintain fear narrative
New docs show Russian dossier conspiracy between Obama officials and author

Liberal’s delusion: Dump Trump and all reverts to past “normalcy?” Not gonna happen. Marxism is back. And the Marxists who have seized control of the means of producing and disseminating ideas in America will not let that happen — especially when funded by so many big buck useful fools.

Corporations Funding The Marxist Black Lives Matter ‘Defund The Police’ Movement. So did these Fortune 500 companies

Fired former counterterrorism chief: Trump defeat may prompt right-wing terror attacks

Is this the “Russia Gate” designated fall guy?

More LaPierre NRA fraud details leak. Not pretty.

Left-Wing Prosecutors Backed By Soros Cash: ‘We Will Not Prosecute’ criminals

But they will prosecute crime victims. Soros gave this District Attorney $500,000

Shades of the government’s mass murder Branch Davidian raid: Texas Cops In Military-Style Raid On Man’s Home For Benefit Of Reality TV Show

Mike Ditka Rips Kneeling Players

NBA’s Jonathan Isaac First To Stand For National Anthem And Refuse To Wear A “Black Lives Matter” T-Shirt

Every opening game NBA Player and Coach Takes Knee During National Anthem. Warrior Coach Steve Kerr: those who oppose protests during the national anthem are “race-baiting.”

Contrast: Every NHL player stands for national anthem

Pentagon Reportedly Found ‘Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth’.  Explosive UFO Report

Gun buys set record. Liberals and other statists not pleased

BLM not an equal rights movement

Cato survey: 62% Americans afraid to express political views. Only “strong liberals” feel free to say what they want.

The Black Lives Matter addition to NBA courts

The story behind the photos of Portland protester ‘Naked Athena’

Trump-loving actor Antonio Sabato Jr. wants to start conservative film studio.  Would it spread effective conservative propaganda?

This motorcycle rider death classified a Coronavirus death . How many more like this? Counts inflated. By how much and for what purpose?

NO NATIONAL HEADLINES: Black Mass Shooter Gunned Down by white CCW Holder (VIDEO)
Apres Ashville, le deluge?

North Carolina town approves slavery reparations

Res ipsa loquitur

Oprah joins plot to define America as racist

Schools to train children in Marxist Black Lives Matter  curriculum

Where things not as they seem …

New Rule: Only minorities can be rape victims
“Most influential song of the 20th century” written by CIA?
Left’s Goya “Boycott”  Backfires
‘Never-Trump’ Neocons Target Trump Allies For Cancellation
American Collusion: Weaponizing Media, Big-Tech, & Government aginst Trump
New York City paints giant Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower
Trump responds …

Seattle to White Employees: ‘Your Skin Color Is a Crime
Hollywood reverse racism now for white males

Self defense now a crime? Warrants served on couple defending home against BLM mob shouting  deadly threats. Police seize their guns!

Trending: Armed angry blacks

I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”
Survey: 64% ready to boycott NFL

Wikipedia editor war erases Kamala Harris’ unflattering history. Effort to pass Biden VP sniff test?

Pew Research: Majority BLM protesters white Democrats mit college degrees

BLM Leader mulled How whites could be ‘wiped out”

The Jewish Confederates

Abe Lincoln “A Single-Handed Symbol Of White Supremacy” say Wisconsin students.  Are they correct?  Should his statue go?

Change of tune: Seattle Mayor now sez CHOP Protesters Dangerous After They March to Her Doorstep

Obama: Riots “tailor made” to elect Biden
New York and Seattle DAs refuse rioter prosecution — to get “counseling” instead
How China Turned the Pandemic and Protests Into Propaganda Opportunities
Nearly 65 percent of Biden Cancer Initiative money went into the pockets of staffers

Joe’s’ family fortune closely tracked political career.

Calls for slavery reparations gain steam
MSM “Angry” It Lost Gun Control Narrative
Schlicter: Ruling class waging political and cultural war to retake power lost in 2016

Statues Coming Down Is Where Revolutions Start

NBC and Google try to censor conservative websites

Conservative Cowards To Blame For Falling Statues

Statues of FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter et Obama untouched. But …

Statues of Washington, Jefferson, Grant and Francis Scott Key  pulled down

Burning American flag wrapped around Washington’s head

Jefferson statue down at namesake Portland high school

Popular Mechanics: How to topple statues


Solution for Black Lives Matter strife?

Re-settle in Africa sez Ghana minister

5th Column ‘Black Swans’

The Enemy Within: How the Henry Kissinger crew purged CIA  of decency and reshaped government structure into the Deep State 

Still think riots and looting spontaneous?

“Revolutions are often seen as spontaneous. But it’s the result of months or years of preparation.”

The scale and coordination alone suggests elements in the deep state are probably involved.

We know from evidence uncovered during the Russiagate probe, that the media works hand-in-glove with the Intel agencies and FBI while – at the same time – serving as a mouthpiece for elites.

Lee opposed Confederate monuments

Memory lane

A Brief History of Antifa: Part I

Marxist -Liberal thought orthodoxy rules!

Howard Stern slammed for past comments et N-word use

Dictionary definition of racism to say only white people can be racist

“Repentance not good enough” sez Christianity Today

Lenin’s Seattle statue OK …

But Winston Churchill statue at risk

The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
— George Orwell

Nigel Farage off radio show

Pelosi wants 11 Confederate statues removed from Capitol

FOX’ Tucker Carlson loses advertisers

HBO Max removes “racist” Gone With The Wind … Other shows dumped world wide.

Journalism Dean Out After Microaggression Complaints
NASCAR bans Confederate battle flag
Progressive orthodoxy dumps two liberal editors for thought violations 
Everyone Who’s Lost Their Job During the Marxist Thought Racism Purge of 2020
George W. Bush admin Republicans start Super PAC to back Biden!

Senate RINOs Mitt Romney and Rob Portman are protecting the deep state crooks who spied on President Trump, his family, his campaign, his Transition Team and his administration

Former Obama intelligence analyst goes bail for bomb-throwing lawyer best friend
George Floyd had ‘violent criminal history’: Minneapolis police union chief
Supreme Court could end cop Qualified Immunity — the doctrine that shields rotten cops from civil rights lawsuits.

Naked man attacks Bronx pedestrians
Two New York Attorneys Arrested For Throwing Molotov Cocktail At Police

Two sisters arrested for tossing Molotov cocktail into occupied police van

7 shot in Louisville during protest of police shooting EMT Breonna Taylor while sleeping in own bed

‘It is not a riot. It is a revolt’: Councilwoman responds to Breonna Taylor protest

Johns Hopkins study sez medical errors third-leading cause of death in U.S.

Kathy Griffin Sez Kill President Trump With a Syringe: “F— Trump”

Washington state Inflates COVID-19 Numbers, Includes Gunshot Victims Among Deaths

Monkeys Steal Coronavirus Samples After Attacking Lab Assistant

Bigger dangers developing …

China moving military ships near Taiwan may spark US confrontation

News media silent  …

“People think news organizations flat-out fabricate stories. That isn’t often the case. Fake news is a problem that pops up here and there, but the much more systematic and deeply entrenched attack on truth is the casual, everyday bias of reporters.”
” … as syndicated columnist George Will once noted, about 90 percent of news reporters, editors, and producers vote for Democrats not Republicans.”
“The profound leftward ideological bias of the Big Media is the main reason why America now seems saturated with “fake news.” Journalists, besotted with their own ideology, are no longer able to recognize their own bias.”

Russian Sub That Caught Fire Possibly Sent to Cut Internet Cables

or maybe not …

Media already resurrecting Russia is cutting globe’s underwater internet cables! story again.

AOC and Media staged her border cry


Second Amendment: The most maligned and misrepresented of all Rights and the violation of which has made easier the violation of others.  You may hate guns, but if the Second Amendment means nothing, neither do the others.

Baltimore County Announces SAFE Act To Stop Burglaries In Gun Stores, Shows

Presbyterians respond to gun violence
Democrats to demonstrate that they’re not against gun ownership’
City council votes to appeal judge’s ruling invalidating part of Edmonds’ (WA) gun storage law
County declares itself Second Amendment sanctuary
Pending Ban on Flavored E-Cigarettes in Massachusetts Authorizes Forfeiture of Vapers’ Cars
‘Disgrace’: Schumer fumes as Senate confirms pro Second Amendment White House lawyer as appeals court judge
Arguments Concluded in Two Second Amendment Cases
Florida gun activists rally amid California school shooting

What Will Gun Controllers Do When Americans Ignore an ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban?


Democrats call for criminal investigation of NRA
Drivers With DUIs Shouldn’t Be Armed
NICS Checks Reveal Americans’ Changing Gun Purchasing Preferences